AC Chat: 2017-09-06 NARALO ALS and Individual Orientation
Evin Erdogdu:Welcome to the NARALO ALS and Individual Orientation Call on Wednesday, 06 September 2017 from 20:00 UTC to 21:30 UTC.
Evin Erdogdu:Agenda:
Sunish Gupta:I cannot hear on my end.
Evin Erdogdu:Hello Sunish! We have not yet started the call.
Eve Edelson:hello all
Evin Erdogdu:Hello Eve! Welcome.
Monique Chartrand:Hello !
Evin Erdogdu:Hello Monique! Welcome.
Glenn McKnight:Hi all, we will be starting in a few minutes. Thanks for coming early.
Glenn McKnight:Hi
Glenn McKnight:Please have the operator call me since i am not going to use Adobe Connect for Audio , you would hear me tapping away.
Glenn McKnight:Hi Eve
Evin Erdogdu:Will do Glenn
Evin Erdogdu:Dialing now
Evin Erdogdu:We are re-dialing you Glenn. Please let us know if you have a preferred back-up number.
Glenn McKnight:noisy phone
Alan Greenberg:Hum - loud
Glenn McKnight:calling in from Adobe and my headset
Evin Erdogdu:Sounds good Glenn
Glenn 2:muted
Glenn McKnight:i am typing on a second computer
Matthew Rantanen:I'm on Adobe Connect only. Don't have audio, can turn it on or call in if needed.
Glenn McKnight:Hi Judith, Kristian, Jonathan, Howard, Dustin, Alan. Leah, Tom, Matt, Heidi, Silvia, Yesim, Gisella, Silvia. Translators
Monique Chartrand:Hi Glenn
Evin Erdogdu:Welcome all!
Destiny:Hello Everybody !
Glenn McKnight:Bonjour Destiny
judith hellerstein:HI everyone
Heidi Ullrich:HI All! Welcome! Looking forward to getting to know all of you better!
Glenn McKnight:Destiny is one of the fellows for ICANN 60 and a ISOC Chapter member
Glenn McKnight:Destiny please provide a linked in for all , Also Thomas if you wish
Glenn 2:proceed
judith hellerstein:@eduardo how are things in Puerto Rico
Glenn McKnight:noise
Susannah Gray (SF-Bay ISOC Chapter):Glad to 'see you' online Eduardo
Silvia Vivanco:Welcome all!
Evin Erdogdu:Welcome all, glad you are here Eduardo!
Glenn McKnight:muted
Glenn McKnight:yes
Eve Edelson:yes Eduardo
Heidi Ullrich:Great to hear you, Eduardo! During Irma!!
Eve Edelson:Congratulations, Eduardo!
Glenn McKnight:Ed doesn't let a bit of wind stop him
Evin Erdogdu::)
Dustin Phillips:Can't hear anything... Tried restarting a few time. Might have to drop off again to try a full reboot
Eve Edelson:hi Leah
Evin Erdogdu:Thank you Dustin - please let me know if you would prefer a dial out!
Eduardo Diaz:I am still enjoying the Internet connection that is active in my house.
Eduardo Diaz:Evn with the storm comming
Susannah Gray (SF-Bay ISOC Chapter):Hi all!
Eduardo Diaz:evn = even
Glenn McKnight:John Laprise is the AIU not on the call
Glenn McKnight:noise on line
judith hellerstein:noise on the call
Joly MacFie (2):echo from Howard
Glenn McKnight:John is based in Chicago
Leah Symekher:Hello All & Eve :-)
Glenn McKnight:Telecommunities Canada is Marika Moll and she is the incoming ccNSO person with ICANN
Glenn McKnight:yes
Heidi Ullrich:Congratulations, Marita on appointment to the ccNSO!
judith hellerstein:Yes congrats Marita
Monique Chartrand:Bravo Marita !
Matthew Rantanen:If I'll need to speak, can someone please provide a dial out? Thanks +1 760-742-0582 x 130
Evin Erdogdu:Thank you Matthew!
judith hellerstein:Howard please mute when you are not talking. thanks
Glenn McKnight:Matthew is another Fellow for ICANN 60 and is with NATIVE Media
Glenn McKnight:howard
Glenn McKnight:hi Dana Perry
Evin Erdogdu:Welcome, Dana! We will note you, thank you.
Heidi Ullrich:Great to hear all of you!
Matthew Rantanen:ICANN60 Fellow, With Native Public Media, former Chairman of the Board of Directors, (2 terms) , current Treasurer on that Board.
Glenn McKnight:Excellent Howard
Glenn McKnight:thanks matt
Heidi Ullrich:@Howard, the consumer rights brings me back to my days at Consumers International :) Nice to have you in At-Large.
Glenn McKnight:clap clap clap
Evin Erdogdu:Welcome, Thomas! Our newest NARALO Individual Member. :)
Heidi Ullrich:Welcome, Thomas!
Glenn McKnight:welcome
Evin Erdogdu:Welcome, Kristian!
Heidi Ullrich:Welcome, All!
Seth Reiss:stepping away, sorry
judith hellerstein:welcome Kristian
Glenn McKnight:Jon has a radio voice
Heidi Ullrich:+1 Glenn!
Evin Erdogdu:Welcome Jonathan! I remember you joining during ICANN58 :)
Glenn McKnight:Evin i see Destiny hand is up
judith hellerstein:I cannot hear her
Destiny:Do you hear me ?
Evin Erdogdu:No, would you like a dial out?
judith hellerstein:@dustin can you hear everyone now
Destiny:I hear everyone !
judith hellerstein:great
Dustin Phillips:Yes, my audio is working now, thanks
Evin Erdogdu:Great
Destiny:I have some troubles with my microphone. I will introduce myself later in the conversation.
Glenn 2:he is
Joly MacFie (2):Never knew Gisella was in Bath. I went to Bath University :)
Heidi Ullrich:beautiful city, Bath
Seth Reiss:Stepping back in
Glenn McKnight:noise perhaps from Mario?
judith hellerstein:yes. it is
Heidi Ullrich:Multitasking ;)
Glenn McKnight:stopped
Ariel Liang:Working Groups list:
Eve Edelson:can these slides be made downloadable?
Glenn 2:I think howard is interested in the revitalized gTLD WG
judith hellerstein:they are and can be found linked to the agenda page
Evin Erdogdu:@Eve, yes indeed! The slides are attached to the agenda: We can also circulate post-call.
Heidi Ullrich:There are many sources for more information on At-Large. Please see the Beginner's Guides:
Glenn McKnight:Also the RALO meet face to face during the ICANN meetings as well
Glenn McKnight:We share best practices with the other RALO's
Eve Edelson:cheers all
Heidi Ullrich:Also ICANN Learn has many courses on ICANN and At-Large:
Ariel Liang:
Heidi Ullrich:The Capacity Building Webinars of At-Large are very useful for getting to know more about At-Large policies, Working Groups and ICANN Policy Topics:
Ariel Liang:
Heidi Ullrich:The NARALO Portal (main wiki space) is:
Ariel Liang:
Ariel Liang:
Heidi Ullrich:You can find information related to meetings, policiesm outreach and engagement activities and other announcements. Please bookmark it!
Gisella Gruber:ICANN Pubic Meetings:
Gisella Gruber:ICANN60 Abu Dhabi:
Gisella Gruber:ICANN60 At-Large wiki page:
Heidi Ullrich:The CROP trips need to fit within the RALO Outreach Strategy
Heidi Ullrich:RALO Discretionary Funding:
Alan Greenberg:GSE = Global Stakeholder Engagement
Heidi Ullrich:The activities could include networking activities and even ALS Read out sessions after each ICANN meeting.
Leah Symekher:yes.
Heidi Ullrich:Please work with the Regional Leadership and Silvia and I before submitting a request for RALO Discretionary funds.
Susannah Gray (SF-Bay ISOC Chapter):The SF-Bay Area ISOC chapter ICANN59 Readout:
Susannah Gray (SF-Bay ISOC Chapter):Disregard the previous link: here is the report from this event:
Heidi Ullrich:Global Indigenous Program -
Glenn McKnight:Sorry a smoke alarm was ringing just a few minutes ago in my kitchen
Glenn McKnight:Traditional German Plum Cake (Zwetschgenkuchen) was burning
Glenn McKnight:40 persons
Glenn McKnight:3 days in advance for the ICANN 61 in March 2018
Matthew Rantanen:I would love to apply if I get selected as a fellow for ICANN 61
judith hellerstein:me too as well. I have applied for fellowship as well
Jonathan Zuck:Happy to help with the IG academy in PR
judith hellerstein:Yes and I do as well
Glenn McKnight:he is a fellow for ICANN 60
Susannah Gray (SF-Bay ISOC Chapter):I believe Destiny's question was what are the expections from NARALO for the Fellows
Susannah Gray (SF-Bay ISOC Chapter):<which Eduardo is now answering ;)>
Glenn McKnight:argentina
Dustin Phillips:Buenos Aires
Glenn McKnight:We are reaching out to all the North American Fellows in advance of the ICANN 60 . All are members of ALS and welcome to the NARALO calls. Note call next Monday
Glenn McKnight:Please note Ed. Johnathan Zuck offered his help on the NASIG
Susannah Gray (SF-Bay ISOC Chapter):Glenn: I don't recall receiving an invite for this call?
Glenn McKnight 2:evin?
Glenn McKnight 2:i will send it again
Susannah Gray (SF-Bay ISOC Chapter):checked my filters: don't see anything.
Glenn McKnight 2:Susannah i will look after the call
Evin Erdogdu:The next NARALO Monthly Call is scheduled for Monday, 11 September 2017 at 19:00 UTC.
Glenn McKnight 2:i will share the links to hot topics, survey, ebooks etc
Silvia Vivanco:NARALO monthly meeting is scheduled for next Monday 11 :
judith hellerstein:yes I also remember discussing a time for this call but do not remember a time being selected
Susannah Gray (SF-Bay ISOC Chapter):yes: I thought Glenn was talking about a separate calls for Fellows? I have received the invite for Monday's monthly NARALO call.
Glenn McKnight 2:did you hear me
Susannah Gray (SF-Bay ISOC Chapter):yes
Glenn McKnight 2:one sec
Evin Erdogdu:
Glenn McKnight:Here is the GA report
Glenn McKnight:
Glenn McKnight:It has the list of Hot Topics
judith hellerstein:Technology Task Force working groups is always looking for new programs
Glenn McKnight:Here is the Semi Annual Report for NARALO
Glenn McKnight:
Glenn McKnight:Here is the ICANN and other Ebooks in Ebook format to download or view on a KINDLE
Glenn McKnight:
Glenn McKnight:Also the POlicy Tracking tool in TTF
Heidi Ullrich:@Joly - Mail list:
Heidi Ullrich:Thanks, Joly!
Evin Erdogdu:Chart - NARALO General Assembly 2017 Action Items:
Evin Erdogdu:Thank you, Joly!
Susannah Gray (SF-Bay ISOC Chapter):When you say 'they' Jidith, who do you mean?
Glenn McKnight:Thanks Evin
Susannah Gray (SF-Bay ISOC Chapter):"They have taken away captioning"
Susannah Gray (SF-Bay ISOC Chapter):*Judith
Susannah Gray (SF-Bay ISOC Chapter):OK thanks for the clarification: that seems very counterintuative.
Glenn McKnight:Susannah, Matt, Destiny and Alfredo i will be reaching out to a separate call. We will setup a doodle for the call in advance of ICANN 60
Susannah Gray (SF-Bay ISOC Chapter):OK thanks Glenn.
Glenn McKnight:welcome
Susannah Gray (SF-Bay ISOC Chapter):Just wanted to confirm I hadn't missed an invite.
Eduardo Diaz:I am running out of batteries. I hear you soon . Need to leave now. Thnaks everyone
Ariel Liang:Thanks Heidi and Judith, yes you have captured the gist re captioning so nothing else to add from my end
Evin Erdogdu:Thank you, Eduardo! Stay safe and well.
Silvia Vivanco:Thank you for joining Eduardo! stay safe
Evin Erdogdu:@All, this is a great opportunity to ask questions and provide feedback with the NARALO community. Please feel free to raise your hand or type a question in the chat!
Susannah Gray (SF-Bay ISOC Chapter):lots of background noise
judith hellerstein:glenn please mute
Susannah Gray (SF-Bay ISOC Chapter):mute glenn
Susannah Gray (SF-Bay ISOC Chapter):better thansk!
Glenn McKnight:muted
Evin Erdogdu:@Leah, please speak closer to your mic / bridge if possible
Glenn McKnight:Two computers. I am typing on the desktop but i guess its' too loud
Glenn McKnight:both are muted
Glenn McKnight:Nothing else from me
judith hellerstein:Also the email address for naralo leaders chair and secretary is
Susannah Gray (SF-Bay ISOC Chapter):Is that an alternative to the existing NARALO chat?
Heidi Ullrich:Thanks, All. Thank you for your questions, Please ask if you have ANY questions.
Heidi Ullrich:@Susannah, no, it is a newcomers chat
Susannah Gray (SF-Bay ISOC Chapter):Ah OK got it.
Heidi Ullrich:mostly to ask questions to staff
Glenn McKnight:thanks all. thanks Evin and All
Leah Symekher:sorry Evin..did not realize my speaker was low..:-(
Jonathan Zuck:signed up for a working group!
Heidi Ullrich:Stay safe, Eduardo!
Silvia Vivanco:Thank you all, please reach out to us if you have questions and need guidance on how to better engage!
Matthew Rantanen:Thank you.
Glenn McKnight:Our thougths are with Ed, Alfredo, Javier and Yubelyks
Joly MacFie (2):Thanks everyone.
Glenn McKnight:bye all
Susannah Gray (SF-Bay ISOC Chapter):thank you all!
Silvia Vivanco:Stay safe in Puerto Rico
Ariel Liang:Thanks all
Eve Edelson:bye all
Jonathan Zuck:Thanks!
Destiny:thanks all !
Gisella Gruber:Than you all!
Evin Erdogdu:Thank you all!
Heidi Ullrich:Bye, All!