AC Chat: 2017.01.09 NARALO Teleconference
Yesim Nazlar:Welcome to the NARALO Monthly Call on Monday, 09 January 2017 at 20:00 UTC.
Yesim Nazlar:Agenda:
Glenn McKnight:Hi Wes
Glenn McKnight:Here is a link to some ICANN and ATLARGE Ebooks
Glenn McKnight:no audio yet. will be calling in via Adigo
Wesley Boudville:Hi Glenn and happy 2017 to everyone out there.
Glenn McKnight:Thanks Wes and you too.
Alfredo Calderon:Hi to all.
Murray McKercher:Hello Everyone
Glenn McKnight:We have a very busy schedule
Herb Waye Ombuds:Greetings everyone
Herb Waye Ombuds:Bonjour tout le monde
Wesley Boudville:yes I can hear you
Silvia Vivanco:Hello all
Silvia Vivanco:Welcome
Silvia Vivanco:we are still gathering
Allan Skuce:Greetings
Allan Skuce:We have snow
Allan Skuce:No phone or mic
Murray McKercher:Sounds good Glenn
Louis Houle:Hello everyone Happy New Year
Javier Rua-Jovet:Hi all!
Murray McKercher:Welcome Howard, glas to see you here
Eve Edelson:Hello all
Glenn McKnight:i am muted
Eve Edelson:gesundheit!
Howard Deane:Thanks Murray, its good to get more involved
Joly MacFie:Joly MacFie
Evin Erdogdu:Hello everyone! Bless you to whomever sneezed ;)
Louis Houle:I'm on the French channel Glenn
Javier Rua-Jovet:Hi again Evin!
judith hellerstein:Welcome Evin
Gordon Chillcott:Welcome, Evin!
Eve Edelson:Welcome Evin!
Javier Rua-Jovet:I went to Boston College, closeby!
Alfredo Calderon:@Evin, Great to have you onboard!
Louis Houle:Bienvenue Evin Welcome
Glenn McKnight:Evin please provide your details for your background
Javier Rua-Jovet:Any Spanish, Herb?
William Michael Cunningham:Link to the role of the Ombsbudsman?
Wesley Boudville:Herb's audio is cutting out
Joly MacFie:Ok here
judith hellerstein:It is fine with me. are you on the phone or adobe connect
Wesley Boudville:i'm using adobe connect
judith hellerstein:if adobe, it may be your bandwidth
Glenn McKnight:Folks please put your hands up if you have a question or if on adigo just interupt
judith hellerstein:try listen only mode if you have low bandwidth
Heidi Ullrich:@William, please see:
Garth Bruen:Hello all.
judith hellerstein:welcome garth
Garth Bruen:I want to acknowledge John Laprise for stepping in for me at the last meeting
Evan Leibovitch:I might have contact info for Darlene.
judith hellerstein:@joly you have a lot of noise where you are
judith hellerstein:i had darlene's gmail but i think she is not answering that
Marita Moll:I will be in touch with Glenn on this
Herb Waye Ombuds:Thanks everyone, merci beaucoup. Happy New Years et bonne année... I will leave you to your work, je vous laisse à vos travaux.
judith hellerstein:Can you unlock the page
Glenn McKnight:@Marita yes please do
Glenn McKnight:As to Darlene email she isn't responding
judith hellerstein:@staff can you unlock the page
Glenn McKnight:I am muted
Glenn McKnight:@Silvia please post links to BCEC etc
Marita Moll:I know. I will try to get a message to her through a 3rd party to let her know we are trying to do this. See what happens. It is all I can do.
Joly MacFie:On Darlene, might her old phine numbers lead to info? They are on her Skype profile.
Glenn McKnight:Is April or Valerie on the line?
Glenn McKnight:@Joly I have tried perhaps other NARALO members can also try
Loris Taylor:No. Was an invitation sent to them?
Glenn McKnight:@Loris yes a few times
Loris Taylor:I can email them.
Glenn McKnight:@Loris can you speak on for them
Louis Houle:I have 2 emails addresses for Darlene. Don't know if it's good.
judith hellerstein:The email I had for darlene was
judith hellerstein:i last heard from her in September
Glenn McKnight:Yes the emails are not bouncing
William Michael Cunningham:Possible RALO Petition Process
Marita Moll:I could be wrong, but she may reasons not to want to be involved - so we should proceed with caution
Loris Taylor:How about Maureen?
judith hellerstein:In september she said she had to drop our for health reasons
Seth Reiss:I have for Darlene
Glenn McKnight:@loris Maureen is not on the call
Glenn McKnight:Seth the email you have isn't valid
judith hellerstein:@loris yes an email was sent to them and at least one of them said they were comng on the call
Glenn McKnight:@William we want to make sure you understand the Petition Process please ask Tijani any questions
Glenn McKnight:PLease provide a link to the Petition process page
Glenn McKnight:Due date January 19th, 2017 deadline
Alan Greenberg:Note decision to do so requires a formal vote of RALO membership.
William Michael Cunningham:Please make sure you explain the process for RALO to add. As I have noted, I am not satisfied with this process and wish to be added to the slate.
Matthew Rantanen:Sorry for being late... conflicting calls
Javier Rua-Jovet:h
Javier Rua-Jovet:yes
William Michael Cunningham:I can hear you.
Matthew Rantanen:Are you on mute?
William Michael Cunningham:]I will try to connect audio
William Michael Cunningham:Hang on
William Michael Cunningham:I can hear
Javier Rua-Jovet:yes
Glenn McKnight:One second Heidi
William Michael Cunningham:OK.
Seth Reiss:@glenn that's all I have
Silvia Vivanco:please be so kind to say your name for transcript
Silvia Vivanco:when you take the floor
Alan Greenberg:Selection Committee members list at
Glenn McKnight:Yes, I agree Silvia, I will try to emphasize
Garth Bruen:Civil rights movent started by religious people of several backgrounds
avri doria:Global diversity seems wider than the USAn race perspective.
Evan Leibovitch:That was kind-of the point I was getting at
judith hellerstein:@evan is that a new hand?
avri doria:I know, just anted to repreat it.
Evan Leibovitch:both my hands are old
judith hellerstein:@avri thanks so much for your comments
Eve Edelson:@avri Yes
avri doria:Well you could have put out a wider call that people might have heard about.
Garth Bruen:@William, please reach out to any under-represented groups in NARALO and we will help them apply as At-Large Structures. Would love to have this representation in our structure.
William Michael Cunningham:OK. Thanks for that comment.
Julie Hammer:Bye now, thanks to everyone.
Eve Edelson:Hello both
Matthew Rantanen:And I'm listening in from Native Public Media, This is Matt
Javier Rúa-Jovet:I can attest that NomCom was highly concerned with diversity and I think that helped me come into the Community.
Evan Leibovitch:Julie makes a good point. It is the duty of the NomCom to identify deficiencies on the board -- diversity of perspectives, skills and representation.
John Laprise:Yay for Tribal representation April & Valerie!
Silvia Vivanco:on the Tribal Ambassador wiki page
Glenn McKnight:@Valerie any progress on your GAC meetings?
Heidi Ullrich:The Tribal Ambassadorship program was a FY17 Additional Request which Loris Taylor led.
Heidi Ullrich:The Tribal Ambassadors were part of the ICANN Fellowship Program and attended At-Large meetings whenever possible
judith hellerstein:Since they were in the fellowship I hope they can be classified as alumnae and be allowed to apply for the next fellowship
Glenn McKnight:@Judith you are next
Loris Taylor:That's a great idea Judith.
Heidi Ullrich:@Judith, we can look into that. Let me correct myself - they were incorporated into the Fellowship program.
Glenn McKnight:yes they are
Loris Taylor:Excellent!
Loris Taylor:Hi Matthew! So glad you are on the call.
William Michael Cunningham:Thanks. I am due at the US Ct of Appeals in 30 mins. Will look to followup.
Silvia Vivanco:Thank you for your report Valerie and April
Glenn McKnight:i have a frog in my throat
Loris Taylor:Thank you Heidi. It's an important step in the engagement of First Nations with ICANN
Glenn McKnight:not sure why the frog is in my throat
Heidi Ullrich:@All, Siranush is looking into the possiblity of April and Valerie can apply for the South Africa meeting in June (Copenhagen is closed).
Loris Taylor:Great support for the Tribal Ambassadors from Glenn, Judith and fellow NARALOs. Thank you!
Heidi Ullrich:They can certainly apply for the AGM in Abu Dhabi.
judith hellerstein:Thanks heidi and hope you can check in with Siranush to make sure they can apply if they want
Loris Taylor:Thank you also to the Selection Committee.
Matthew Rantanen:Checking to see if I have been added to the list, attending in New Orleans
Heidi Ullrich:Siranush is looking into the details now
Heidi Ullrich:Will get back to us shortly
judith hellerstein:he is online
John Laprise:Whew! For a moment I thought I had forgotten to prepare something!
Silvia Vivanco:next NARALO Rules of Procedures Working Committee Call is scheduled for Monday, 16 January 2017 at 20:00 UTC
Silvia Vivanco:calendar invite has been sent
John More:I tried to connect. But microphone not working. You summed it up.
judith hellerstein:ok thanks
Joly MacFie:Sorry I have to leave for another meeting.
Yesim Nazlar:Thank you for your participation Joly!
Glenn McKnight:Thanks John
judith hellerstein:They will be changing the emails since they are incorrect
judith hellerstein:it is
judith hellerstein:Silvia is working with them to change it
Heidi Ullrich:@GA Organizing committee, would discussing a Stratigic plan -or at least a plan of activities related to outreach - be a topic for the GA?
Wesley Boudville:the brochure looks very clear for giving an overview ! good work
Silvia Vivanco:correct Judith
Heidi Ullrich:Chris and Joe will be at the GA
Silvia Vivanco:business cards will be provided
judith hellerstein:@silvia please post the address for the wiki
judith hellerstein:so that all can see it
Glenn McKnight:Folks submit your suggestions.
Murray McKercher:Apologies, must leave the call for another meeting. Thanks to all .. a very good update.
Glenn McKnight:Heidi also invites your drafts to be submitted for comments
Glenn McKnight:Bye Murray
Silvia Vivanco:Flyer and mailcard are posted here:
Loris Taylor:Do you have a timeline for budget suggestions Glenn?
Heidi Ullrich:FY18 Additional Budget -
Glenn McKnight:January 16th
Loris Taylor:Thank you
Glenn McKnight:Captioning, Communication, Tribal Ambassadorship and GA was funded
Loris Taylor:Is that something I have to resubmit or is it already in the hopper?
Louis Houle:Bye eveyone. Must leave for another meeting
Matthew Rantanen:What about those of us that are advising, but are not alumni that have been funded to travel?
judith hellerstein:@heidi please let Loris know if she needs to re-submit it
judith hellerstein:@heidi please let Loris know if she needs to re-submit it
Heidi Ullrich:@Loris, if you wish to have another Tribal Ambassadorship program, it would be useful to submit another request
Loris Taylor:Thank you Heidi.
Heidi Ullrich:You might wish to add more elements - such as post meeting webinars for tribal nations, etc.
judith hellerstein:@matthew, stay tuned. You can apply for the October meeting. The fellowship application will be open in March
Glenn McKnight:@silvia the action item is to organize a call with Joe on the Stakeholder document with interested parties
Heidi Ullrich:Excellent idea, Eduard and Javier!
Loris Taylor:Heidi is there a new template or can I use the one from last year.
Glenn McKnight:Marita you will be next
Eve Edelson:It is indeed exciting - well done!
Heidi Ullrich:Also, please consider any activities you would like at the PR meeting in March 2018
John Laprise:NASSIG has always been a more difficult proposition because of the relative density of IG expertise in NARALO as well as the density of higher education relative to the other RALOs
Matthew Rantanen:Thanks Judith
Eve Edelson:Glenn do you mean a proposal for the Jan. 16 deadline?
Eve Edelson:Or are you talking about the IG school?
Eduardo Diaz:@John: still there are many people that know nothing about Internet Governace issues
John Laprise:My apologies but I have another meeting and must depart.
Silvia Vivanco:Thank you John
Heidi Ullrich:@Louris, Siranush thinks another request would be a good idea
John More:Thanks Glenn
Glenn McKnight:Thanks all
Loris Taylor:Ok. I just downloaded the template. Thanks
Allan Skuce:Thanks. Bye
Silvia Vivanco:Thank you all!
Javier Rúa-Jovet:bye!!
Loris Taylor:Thank you Valerie and April for your report.
Eve Edelson:so long!
Loris Taylor:Bye
Gordon Chillcott:Thanks and bye for now
Silvia Vivanco:Thank you all
John More:Thanks Judith