AC Chat 2016-08-16 NARALO Tribal Ambassadorship SC call
Yesim Nazlar:Welcome to the NARALO Tribal Ambassadorship SC Call held on Tuesday, 16 August 2016 at 14:00 UTC
Yesim Nazlar:Agenda:
Glenn McKnight:|Morning
Glenn McKnight:the attendee list isn't right
Glenn McKnight:it looks like the NARALO list
Yesim Nazlar:Hi Glenn, will be updating it
Glenn McKnight:sending link to Ed now
Janice Lange:Hi everyone - I am going to get on my other call with my global stakeholder team but my choices are: April Tinhorn and Delofon Akohin: I think they best match and exemplify future volunteers for At Large and ICANN
Silvia Vivanco:Hello everyone
Silvia Vivanco:We will start shortly
Glenn McKnight:loris is here
Heidi Ullrich:Hi All
Loris Taylor:Good morning. My staff Melissa Begay will also be joining.
Loris Taylor:Here
Silvia Vivanco:Welcome all
Glenn McKnight:Also associated with a NARALO ALS
Silvia Vivanco:and I am noting this as as AI
Heidi Ullrich:we can hear typing
Glenn McKnight:My two choices i s April Tinhorn and Nonabah Lane.
Glenn McKnight:my mic is muted
Loris Taylor:All 4 remaining candidates are from US federally recognized Tribes
Heidi Ullrich:Janice has said Valerie Fast Horse is her second next applicant
judith hellerstein:I am told that should not be a problem
judith hellerstein:she could get a passport
Glenn McKnight:@heidi i put my choice in the chat
Loris Taylor:I concur with Eduardo. Valorie Fasthorse and April Tinhorn.
Glenn McKnight:yes
Glenn McKnight:Valerie was very close to my choice too
Glenn McKnight:\looks like Valerie and April and Nonabah as a backup person
Heidi Ullrich:+1 Glenn
Loris Taylor:How will the passport process work? Via Reimbursement?
Glenn McKnight:@Loris the visa process is different
Loris Taylor:Good point Glenn. i am not familiar with the visa process.
Heidi Ullrich:Processing time - 6 weeks:
Heidi Ullrich:Expedited 3 weeks
Loris Taylor:Yes, a post office will work.
Glenn McKnight:VISA costs should be covered
Glenn McKnight:Yes
Loris Taylor:Do we need to set up a call with the candidates to go over the requirements of the program?
Glenn McKnight:Yes, Loris we can do an orientation session
Eduardo Diaz (ALAC):I am re-connecting
Glenn McKnight:Another question from me
Heidi Ullrich:E-Visa for India -
Heidi Ullrich:Good suggestion, Eduardo
Heidi Ullrich:Perhaps we could contact her today
Glenn McKnight:@ed we need their bio and their pictures for the newsletter
Loris Taylor:Yes
Heidi Ullrich:Who and how will they be informed?
Heidi Ullrich:When?
Eduardo Diaz (ALAC):@Judith: remeber is not my news letter is NARALO
Glenn McKnight:Juditha can we do a formal announcement after their acceptance?
Eduardo Diaz (ALAC):I need to go.. Let me know by email if there is anything else I need to do. Thanks all!
Glenn McKnight:Bye ed
Loris Taylor:Thank you Eduardo
Silvia Vivanco:
Silvia Vivanco:current time 8:00 pm
Loris Taylor:Thank you Judith
Heidi Ullrich:Thank you all very much,. Great program!!
Loris Taylor:I got it.
Glenn McKnight:bye
Loris Taylor:Thank you so much everyone.