Action Items: 2016.08.08 NARALO Teleconference
Action Items: 2016.08.08 NARALO Teleconference
- Glenn McKnight and Judith Hellerstein will lead 3 and 6 month follow up for CROPP Trips. The assessment will include the effectiveness of the trips, including results and impact.
- Glenn McKnight to follow up with Andrew Mack regarding his AI from ICANN 56. ( https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/x/9qjxBQ)
- Volunteers interested in occupying Garth's available slot: John Laprise, Louis Houle, leah.symekher, yubelkys.montalvo, seth.reiss. The following will decide by the end of this week: Judith Hellerstein, Glenn McKnight, and Alan Greenberg There will be a set of criteria set for the slot.
- Volunteers for the Organizing Committee for the NARALO GA: John Laprise, Tom Lowehaupt, Eduardo DIaz, le-marie.thompson
- Requests for NARALO BCEC and BMPSP members to be taken once call is officially announced