NARALO 2016.06.13 Teleconference AC Chat
Terri Agnew:Welcome to the NARALO monthly call held on Monday, 13 June 2016 at 19:00 UTC
Terri Agnew:meeting page:
Monique:Bonjour !!
Monique:Good and you !
Eduardo Diaz:Saludos
Alfredo Calderon:Hello/Saludos to all!
Monique:I will call in a minute
Alan Greenberg:Very loud typing!
Seth Reiss:Glenn, yes, I think they finally got me an itinerary. Thank you. for your support
Alan Greenberg:I wouldn't want to be that person's keyboard!
Alan Greenberg:Seems to take a real beating!
Seth Reiss:Howeve,r I am not sure the new travel portal is working entirely or at least it did not for me
Yubelkys Montalvo:Saludos!
Alan Greenberg:Echo!!!!!!!
Louis Houle:Hi Seth. Still facing some issues also
Terri Agnew:Welcome Allan Skuce
Eduardo Diaz:Thank you
Allan Skuce:Thanks Terri
Allan Skuce:Hello everyone
Louis Houle:I hear Glenn echoing on the French line
Alan Greenberg:Cannot hear
Alan Greenberg:Now ok
Terri Agnew:@Louis any better on FR channel?
Louis Houle:Yes it's OK now. Thanks
John Laprise:Association of Internet Users
Monique: (-: we began a series of workshops ont the Blockchain I wondered if this would be a topic of interest to ICANN
Glenn McKnight:yes
Heidi Ullrich:@John, great news! Will you be applying as an ALS?
John Laprise:Call for volunteers
John Laprise:Yes, once we get incorporated as a non-profit. Moving through the process at the moment
Heidi Ullrich:@John, thanks. We look forward to the application.
Monique:our workshops about the blockchain are in French, but I'm curious if this issue is currently addressed by ICANN
Terri Agnew:At-Large FY17 Special Request Implementation Workspace:
Joly MacFie:What is the deadline on the newsletter?
Heidi Ullrich:FY17 -
Eduardo Diaz:I can help there
Terri Agnew:Welcome Tom Lowenhaupt
Louis Houle:ISOC Quebec was at the launch of the Digital economic action plan in Quebec last week:
Silvia Vivanco: this is the FY16 project completed
Silvia Vivanco:Please see wiki with the 9 completed calls, the surveys are posted
Alan Greenberg:LOST GLENN
Louis Houle:I hear Glenn almost clearly!!?
John Laprise:@eduardo I don't have any good pictures but many were posted on #PDF16
Louis Houle:Noted Glenn
Seth Reiss:So far, so good
Louis Houle:Still waiting for an hotel booking
Louis Houle:I'm working on it
Terri Agnew:NARALO Elections:
Louis Houle:My pleasure
Silvia Vivanco:Congratulations to all NARALO leaders!
Yubelkys Montalvo:yes!
Silvia Vivanco:Thank you for running Loius!
Alan Greenberg:I hope that Louis will continue to work with us. Lots of work to be done!
Silvia Vivanco:to all for your enthusiasm and commitment
Terri Agnew:Job description for consumer safeguard position:
Louis Houle:@ Alan: sure
Terri Agnew:NARALO Newsletter:
Louis Houle:Good idea
Silvia Vivanco:@ Eduardo thank you for the Newsletters!
Eduardo Diaz:@Silvia: Thanks!
Silvia Vivanco:On screen one model mailcard, of 3
Louis Houle:I'd be glad to help.
Monique:en français ?
Louis Houle:Espanol y Inglès tambien
Silvia Vivanco:@ Glenn I will open a wiki and post the models you have produced
Terri Agnew:Policy Advice Page on New At-Large Website Beta :
Terri Agnew:Policy Advice Development Page:
Terri Agnew:ICANN Public Comment page:
Glenn McKnight:Please provide the correct policy
Alan Greenberg:
Glenn McKnight:My apologies in the out of date policies
Glenn McKnight:Joly i see your hand
Glenn McKnight:Heidi did you want to speak. I didn't see you
Glenn McKnight:@howard you might like to get involved in the gtld wg
Glenn McKnight:Heidi you are first then joly
Glenn McKnight:Pilot project by Robert H?
Glenn McKnight:This is a good thing
Glenn McKnight:Training on policy development etc
Glenn McKnight:Trans Pacific Partnership - Global Trade agreement
Heidi Ullrich:@Joly, do you mean the Trans-Pacific Partnership?
Tom Lowenhaupt:Good question Joly.
Heidi Ullrich:The Govermnent Engagement team may bee better placed to respond to this. Nigel Hickson may be a good person to speak to.
Glenn McKnight:Michael Geist
Glenn McKnight:University of Ottawa
Joly MacFie:hand down
Glenn McKnight:thanks Ed
Silvia Vivanco:Reminder all join the NARALO call on June 29 Wednesday, 2016 - MeetingTime: 13:30-15:00, it will be in Meeting Room: Aurora Hall
Glenn McKnight:i see you tom too
Silvia Vivanco:
Glenn McKnight:June 29th NARALO call-
Terri Agnew:Helsinki: At-Large NARALO Monthly Meeting held on Wednesday, 29 June 2016 at 13:30-15:00(local time)Meeting Room: Aurora Hall:
Yubelkys Montalvo:I have another commitment
Monique:Merci à toi !! See you soon
Louis Houle:Au revoir
Glenn McKnight:Bye
Yubelkys Montalvo:please excused me
Yubelkys Montalvo:bye
Gordon Chillcott:Bye for now
Allan Skuce:Thanks bye