NARALO 2016.05.09 Teleconference AC Chat
Terri Agnew:Welcome to the NARALO monthly call held on Monday, 09 May 2016 at 19:00 UTC
Terri Agnew:meeting page:
Allan Skuce:Hi Terri, Glenn, everyone.
Glenn McKnight:hi all
Allan Skuce:No audio
Allan Skuce:I can hear you but can't speak
Alan Greenberg:Someone typing very loud!
Ron Sherwood:Hello everyone
Glenn McKnight:Hi
Glenn McKnight:We are the early birds
Glenn McKnight:Correction on David's name is David Vyorst
Louis Houle:Hello everyone
Alan Greenberg:What is meaning of icons on thr card? (the one that just disppeared in the display pod). I can guess that the light bulb, but I am unclear as to the meaning of the big-brother eye or the fruit.
Alan Greenberg:I have a hard stop on the hour. CWG IANA implementation call.
Terri Agnew:Tim Jensen has joined audio only
Terri Agnew:Decertification of NARALO ALSes:
Terri Agnew:Welcome Seth Reiss
Seth Reiss:Thanks Terri
Avri Doria:Assuming all of these have been contacted, or at least there was an aattmept, with the news of their impending decertification. Do we know they have received notification?
Terri Agnew:**aplogies that was Tim Denton who joined the call (not Tim Jensen)
Judith Hellerstein:thanks
Judith Hellerstein:Also Louis Houle is on the french channel
Alan Greenberg:Mnay of us may be in denial, but unrealted to ALSes!
Glenn McKnight:Here is the reports
Avri Doria:i am assuming since my question on the decert was not answered was that all was kosher. hope so.
Glenn McKnight:TV Whitespace projects 1. University of Colorado – Communication Test Bed2. ASU – Navaho Nation3. Blackfoot Reservation- Calgary, Alberta
Judith Hellerstein:what was your question. I may have missed it
Avri Doria:Judith: Avri Doria: Assuming all of these have been contacted, or at least there was an aattmept, with the news of their impending decertification. Do we know they have received notification?
Terri Agnew:Welcome Monique Chartand
Glenn McKnight:We hope to video his session as well
Glenn McKnight:Monique do you have an announcement. Please use French
Monique:No thank you
Heidi Ullrich:@All, these activities are terrific! Please could we have a wiki page created to add these events? We could add photos and highlights to show impact. can announced them on SM.
Heidi Ullrich:Sorry, Staff can announce them on SM
Glenn McKnight:Leah go ahead
Terri Agnew:@Leah, we are unable to hear you, please active your mic or join on the telephone
Leah Symekher:no worries move on thx
Terri Agnew:NARALO General Assembly 2016:
Alfredo Calderon:20 - 24 of June at Puerto Rico Convention Center -
tom lowenhaupt:The June 8 IoT Media Mash is described at
Judith Hellerstein:Monique is on the French Channel as well
John Laprise:Personal Democracy Forum 2016
John Laprise:Thank you NARALO & ICANN! I'm very excited about this opportunity.
Silvia Vivanco:
Terri Agnew: NARALO elections:
Silvia Vivanco:NARALO Elections: Get to Know the Candidates Call is scheduled for Wednesday, 11 May 2016 at 21:00 UTC.
Glenn McKnight:Please send your questions
Glenn McKnight:Thanks judith
Glenn McKnight:Naralo Chair- Glenn McKNight
Glenn McKnight:Secretariat- Judith Hellerstein
Glenn McKnight:NOMCOM- Eduardo Diaz
Avri Doria:Note: Since Joly is not on the call as far as I can tell, i am his standing secondary, if that matters for quorom call.
Glenn McKnight:Silvia then Alan has asked questions
Judith Hellerstein:great thats Avri
Glenn McKnight:@Avri I will followup with you on the Michael M
Gordon Chillcott:Agree, Alan.
Silvia Vivanco:Eduardo there are 3 uncontested positions
Glenn McKnight:History of consensus with NARALO based upon Rules of Procedure
Terri Agnew:Welcome Joly MacFie
Seth Reiss:What about having staff Acclaim?
Joly MacFie:Sorry to be late.
Glenn McKnight:i think Judith tried to pass it to Silvia
Allan Skuce:No problem.
Monique:Where are we in the agenda
Judith Hellerstein:voting
Glenn McKnight:please click on your check mark green tick
Avri Doria:i see joly is here, so no longer voting. ( :
Monique:I know we are voting but where are we in the agenda
Judith Hellerstein:#6
Terri Agnew:Welcome Yubelkys Montalvo
Alan Greenberg:In that case, congratulations to Glenn, Judith and Eduardo.
Allan Skuce:Congrats.
Heidi Ullrich:Congratualtions, Glenn, Judith and Eduardo!
Terri Agnew:Get to know the candidates call Wednesday, 11 May 2016 at 21:00 UTC:
Silvia Vivanco:Congratulations
Glenn McKnight:Thanks all
Joly MacFie:20:00UTC
Joly MacFie:EDT is UTC-4
Alfredo Calderon:Puerto Rico its' 5 pm in Puerto Rico.
Leah Symekher:Leah..i will not be able to attend the May 11 the meet the candidates meeting. Conflict w/work schedule.
Glenn McKnight:5 est
Joly MacFie:21:00 is 5pm EDT
Alfredo Calderon:Invite says 2100 UTC
Louis Houle:Yes 21 UTC
Terri Agnew:@Leah, apology will be noted for meeting the candidates
Terri Agnew:NARALO newsletter:
Glenn McKnight:Thanks
Silvia Vivanco:Thank you for this newsletter Eduardo
Silvia Vivanco:No, other RALOs do not have a monthly newsletter
Silvia Vivanco:they are sharing updates by mailing lists
Silvia Vivanco:or monthly reporting posted on the wiki pages
Alfredo Calderon:Outreach an Engagement strategy.
Leah Symekher:Newsletter is agreat idea.
Terri Agnew:At-Large Capacity Building Program-2016: Third Webinar on the Topic: How ALSes can be more engaged in At-Large and ICANN: an ALS Guide to participating 13:00 UTC agenda wiki page:
Joly MacFie:What time is the webinar on Weds?
Joly MacFie:Ah.
Silvia Vivanco:Time: 13:00 to 14:30 UTC (90 minutes) -
Joly MacFie:9am EDT.
Monique:Merci Eduardo!
Louis Houle:The newsletter is the beginning of a stronger strategy to encourage engagement and more contributions from the ALs
Eduardo Diaz:I agree Louis
Leah Symekher:who does the mail card target?
Leah Symekher:does it get sent to the ralos to share?
Glenn McKnight:We hope to have it for our GA
Leah Symekher:is this the first mail card?
Silvia Vivanco:Glenn and Judith I will post the draft mailcard in the wiki page
Eduardo Diaz:what about having them for the IGF Usa
Glenn McKnight:no it's just a placeholder
Glenn McKnight:IGF USA is July 14th
Glenn McKnight:it was tweeted alot
Eduardo Diaz:Can we have it by then?
Leah Symekher:Icann is paying for it?
Glenn McKnight:yes
Judith Hellerstein:Yes leah ICANN is paying for it
Leah Symekher:got it thx
Judith Hellerstein:It would have two sides
Louis Houle:Good idea
Louis Houle:Great if it can be available in French
Heidi Ullrich:It may be useful to have Comms provide ideas for the mail card as well
Glenn McKnight:Yes,
Glenn McKnight:we will ask for translation in french and spanishg
Glenn McKnight:spanish
Avri Doria:only takes about a day to read the new bylaws.
Alan Greenberg:Yes, but an eye-crossing day!
Avri Doria:the new gtld subsequent procedures group has started cooking, great time to get involved.
Alan Greenberg:Haveto drop off now. Thanks all.
Alan Greenberg:Actually I have one inbetween!
tom lowenhaupt:
Glenn McKnight:Joe do you have new business?
Joe Catapano:Back to newsletters just a reminder that I put together one quarterly. Please submit stories if you have them (I do link to Eduardo's newsletter in each issue).
Silvia Vivanco:Thank you for this offer Joe
Louis Houle:Tom, I'll read it more carefully and get back to you
Terri Agnew:Next NARALO meeting 13 June 2016 at 19:00 UTC
tom lowenhaupt:Just changed that document to allow comments.
Gordon Chillcott:Bye, all!
Silvia Vivanco:Thank you all!
Louis Houle:Bye
Allan Skuce:bye