NARALO AC Chat 2013.08.12
NARALO AC Chat 2013.08.12
Julia Charvolen:Welcome to the NARALO montlhy call on Monday 12 August 2013 at 1900 UTC
Julia Charvolen:Agenda: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/x/qRCSBg
Murray McKercher:Hello from Sunny Toronto...
Murray McKercher:Thanks I have no voice here, but may dial in for audio link
Julia Charvolen:Sure! Do you need the dial in numbers
Julia Charvolen:?
Glenn McKnight:Hi
Julia Charvolen:Hello
Gordon Chillcott:Hi. Just finding my phone
Julia Charvolen:Sure
Julia Charvolen:Gordon Chilcott joined the phone bridge
Garth Bruen:I've tred to reach out via Skype to all stragglers and lurkers...
Silvia Vivanco:Hello everyone and welcome
Evan Leibovitch:Can anyone hear? I can hear the audio but have never used the mike before here.
Silvia Vivanco:say something Evan
Evan Leibovitch:trying to do that right now
Silvia Vivanco:so we can check
Murray McKercher:i do not hear evan
Evan Leibovitch:never nind. I'll dial in
Silvia Vivanco:cannot hear you Evan
Glenn McKnight:no Evan
Eduardo Diaz:¡Hola a Todos!
Julia Charvolen:Evan has joined the phone bridge
Murray McKercher:loud and clear here evan
Evan Leibovitch:happy eid.
Garth Bruen:Has everyone had a chance to review the ROP changes?
Louis Houle:Hello from stormy Quebec City!
Murray McKercher:yes, but a quick recap would be useful for me...
Silvia Vivanco:Please Bill identify yourself
Silvia Vivanco:so we can include you on the roll call
Gisella Gruber-White:Bill Thannis
Silvia Vivanco:Thank you
Evan Leibovitch:Bill is the designated rep from TLUG in place of Gordon. I can bertainly vouch for him.
Garth Bruen:Great, thanks
Michael Maranda:apologies -- will have to depart at roughly 40 past the hour
Silvia Vivanco:Durban AIs
Silvia Vivanco:http://durban47.icann.org/node/39735
Evan Leibovitch:Hi Micheal! Better brief than not at all. Thanks for doing what you can.
Glenn McKnight:what is that noise
Julia Charvolen:Allan Skuce joined the Adobe Connect room
Silvia Vivanco:Action Items have been posted : https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/NARALO/pages/110235850/NARALO+Action+Items+2013.08.12
Evan Leibovitch:One note: The immediate changes being proposed are to deal with specific short-term issues. It is NOT an overarching review of the NARALO rules.
Evan Leibovitch:Garth: IO was involved with Alan in reviewing early drafts. Betwene you and I IMO we are capable of answering questions until Alan gets back.
Julia Charvolen:Thomas Lowenhaupt joined the Adobe Connect room
Glenn McKnight:Hey Louis
Murray McKercher:French Translation may be important as ICANN also focusses on Africa
Glenn McKnight:Louis you have been asked to comment
Louis Houle:No sound! Can't hear me?
Glenn McKnight:can't hear you
Julia Charvolen:Louis please let us know if we can help
Julia Charvolen:Is your microphone connected
Glenn McKnight:Louis are you on adobe or Adigo?
Julia Charvolen:Louis is on Adobe Connect
Louis Houle:Priority for translation was Outreach material, contract (RAA) but it will be discussed in a next meeting!
Murray McKercher:@Louise you can try calling the phone bridge by telephone to easily join the conversation - 1(800)550-6865, Teleconference ID: 1638
Julia Charvolen:Thank you Murray for your help
Murray McKercher:my pleasure
Glenn McKnight:In Nomcom we use a ICANN Expense form
Julia Charvolen:Avri Doria joined the Adobe Connect
Glenn McKnight:The form is submitted with scanned receipts
Eduardo Diaz:We all use the same expense form in ALAC
Darlene Thompson 2:Generally that is not needed as we are just getting paid per diems
Darlene Thompson 2:We don't get reimbursed for actual expenses
Eduardo Diaz:I do fill out one because I always pay for my tickets
Julia Charvolen:Louis Houle joined the phone bridge
Glenn McKnight:The expenses I am referring to was not per diem but compensation to performers at our ALAC Event
Silvia Vivanco:@ Darlene let us know what section you need on the screen
Joly MacFie:sorry to be late
Julia Charvolen:Joly MacFie joined the AC room
Silvia Vivanco:See ROPs WIKI: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/NARALO/pages/110235860/NARALO+ROP+Review+2013#comment-41900124
Silvia Vivanco:with all the documents and comments posted
Garth Bruen:Sorry, my cal dropped.
Garth Bruen:Trying to get back in, Alan can lead on the ROP
Julia Charvolen:Garth is not back in yet
Julia Charvolen:Garth has joined the phone bridge
Silvia Vivanco:Text is on the screen
Eduardo Diaz:Please add scroll capabilities to the posted page
Garth Bruen:I'm back on the call
Glenn McKnight:ok
Glenn McKnight:Do we have any current ALS that have missed three or more meetings?
Darlene Thompson:Yes - and we did for the prior election.
Julia Charvolen:@ all- You should be able to scroll now
Darlene Thompson:They were not counted nor will be counted against quorum.
Julia Charvolen:Please state your name before speaking for transcript purposes, thank you
Alan Greenberg:I propose changing: The unaffiliated individuals will adopt a verifiable process to ensure that votes cast via their elected representative reflect the views held among their membership.to The unaffiliated individuals will adopt a verifiable process to ensure that their elected representative can reflect the views held among their membership with his/her vote.
Glenn McKnight:Sounds good to me
Murray McKercher:@Alan, I agree with your proposed changes re un-affiliated individuals
Evan Leibovitch:Package
Murray McKercher:package
Gordon Chillcott:Package
allan skuce:Ditto
Michael Maranda:pleased to see all thism oving forward and formally support the package -- but need to run now, be well!
Garth Bruen:Agree!
Eduardo Diaz:What is the % of active ALSs that are participating in this call?
Garth Bruen:@Eduardo, not sure yet
Darlene Thompson:Vote on the package!
Julia Charvolen:Please state your name before speaking for transcript purposes, thank you
Thomas Lowenhaupt:I'd like to make a motion that 21 be eliminated.
Glenn McKnight:we can use the agree or disagree button on this document
Silvia Vivanco:I would propose that the sentence be put in brackets
Thomas Lowenhaupt:Anyone oppose?
Glenn McKnight:just a poll
Silvia Vivanco:There are 9 green checks in the poll
Glenn McKnight:Thanks all
Murray McKercher:Thanks All
allan skuce:Bye
Silvia Vivanco:Bye all
Murray McKercher:bye
Julia Charvolen:Thank you everyone
Louis Houle:Salut à tous!
Julia Charvolen::)