NARALO Summary Minutes 2013.06.10
1. Welcome and Roll call - Staff (2 min)
2. Review of Action Items of call April 2012 - Darlene Thompson (2 min)
2.1 NARALO Monthly call 2013.03.11
2.2 NARALO Monthly Report - May 2013
2.3 NARALO Call time will observe DST until its end Sunday 3 November 2013 (See 12.2 for details)
2.4 Staff Please advise of the status of the ISOC CA ALS Application - under 5.2 of this call
2.5 Staff: On a March 18 2013 ALAC briefing call on RAA changes staff (Margie Milam and Sam Eisner) were asked to identify ICANN's economic advisors and provide the economic study document that was the basis for changes to RAA 3.3.6 and 3.3.7. Will At-Large staff please forward this request again?
Sylvia Vivanco: The summary on the economic study will be published in about two weeks.
2.6 Staff: Please advise on the status of the request to supply ICANN's "Whistle-blower" Policy
Alan: The ATRT has requested information on this and it is to be posted shortly.
3. ICANN46 Durban Meeting ICANN47 (5 Minutes)
3.1 What should our subject/goal for this meeting be?
Garth will be putting this out on the list to get ideas.
3.2 Darlene will be attending all meetings remotely and Dharma will also be assisting at this meeting
3.3 ICANN47 Durban, South Africa 14-18 July 2013
4. Review of Communication/Outreach Strategy (5 Minutes)
4.1 The Chair has created a DRAFT/TEST editable PDF form application based on the existing WORD version. This will eventually be replaced with an online form which is being discussed at the ALAC level. (Garth)
4.3 Fellowship Program to include indigenous populations from NARALO (Open)
4.4 The Chair is in possession of 100 NARALO pamphlets. Once the new PDF form is complete and posted, the Chair will begin issuing contact letters in the format developed by the recruitment sub-committee to be sent to the organizations identified by NARALO at the Toronto session. The Chair has reached out informally to people in his region to have a face-to-face meeting in Boston (TBD). Trying to form and ISOC chapter and recruit local ALSes. (Garth)
4.5 Overview of last ICANN Outreach Call (Murray)
4.6 NARALO Communication Strategy Document: This work is never "done". We will constantly update and improve our communication. Please submit your comments to the Chair or directly into the document.
5. Our Community (10 Minutes)
5.1 ALS Spotlight: Special Discussion This Week Lead By Chris of ISOC Colorado: "Removing Need at RIPE" (5 - 10 Minutes)
5.1.2 Next Spotlight will be KnujOn again with a video to "reset" the cycle. (Garth)
5.1.3 Spotlights to follow will be assigned in alphabetical order, beginning in August. (Darlene)
5.2 Status of ALS Applications & Regional Advice: on ISOC Canada (Staff)
This ALS has been approved and is now ALS 178. Welcome!
5.3 Potential De-accreditation of The Alberta Community Network Association (Garth)
5.3.1 Paragraph 16 of our Operating Principles state that: "When an ALS representative does not vote in 3 consecutive NARALO elections or does not contribute a comment on ICANN policy through collaboration on the At-Large discussion lists in 12 consecutive months, it automatically loses its voting rights and active status within the NARALO. The ALS should be notified of the status change and may regain its voting rights and active status if within the next 12 months it votes or participates to online discussions, otherwise the Chair will submit to ALAC a request for de-certification of that ALS."
5.3.2 In reference to this the Chair sent a postal letter to this ALS and had not received a response.
Still waiting.
5.5 Elections, Elections, Elections (Darlene) 2013 NARALO Selection, Election and Appointments Workspace
5.5.1 Status and time-line of election process (Staff/Darlene)
5.5.2 WHAT - Posts are up for election (Darlene)
5.5.3 WHO - Is running for these posts
5.5.4 WHEN - Is the election?
Darlene went through all of the above – details can be found by following the link. It was mentioned that a voting procedure are not always necessary but this can (and has been) also be done by consensus. Also, it was noted that the nomination of the ALAC rep to the NomCom is strictly a showing of regional preference – the decision is still that of the ALAC. The ALAC brings in other concerns such as ethnic and gender balance.
5.6 Change to election cycle (Garth)
5.6.1 The schedule of elections were suddenly changed without much notice. Since At-Large is a "bottom-up" structure, the Chair and region are wondering why this did not go through the normal channel for our approval? (Olivier)
Olivier reports that staff’s time during the summer is very limited due to holidays so it is very difficult to coordinate elections at that time. At-Large has a huge amount of activity at that time and very limited staff numbers.
However, it was pointed out that the selection of the NomCom position is not the only election and should not be the reason for us changing all of our election timings.
5.7 Review of Active and Non-Active ALSes (Eric)
Having unaffiliated members post their SOIs to the list is important so that we can keep track of our unaffiliated members.
5.8 Disconnect Between "Individual Internet Users" and the reality of ALSe (Garth)
5.8.1 Why unaffiliated Statements of Interest (SOI) are important - Documented Participants v. "Lurkers"
5.7 New ALS Webinar
5.8 Adding Officers, Expanding Participation
5.8.1 Vice-Chair. Other regions have Vice-Chairs. The volume of work is expanding, the need for more support within this group is growing. Vice-Chairs are a common requirement for the GA. The Chair will draft language for updating the Operating Principles to be submitted to the region for review. We will follow the ROP and hopefully incorporate this post so it can part of the election this year.
5.8.2. Concept of a "Floating" Funded Post.
This matter was not discussed.
5.9 Cross-Ralo Relations (Communication Strategy IV)
6. The At-Large Summit & NA GA
6.1 The Summit will be at ICANN50 London, England 22-26 June 2014
7. New gTLDs (5 Minutes)
7.2 Agenda for ICANN new gTLD Pgm Comm meeting in Amsterdam
8. Committee/Working Group Activity - Future Space for All WG/Committee Reports (10 Minutes)
8.1 NOMCOM - Report supplied to list (Glenn)
8.2 A Call for ICANN to Embrace its Inner Regulator (Evan)
8.2.1 Support for this letter has been posted by Tyler W. Cox and Steve Attwell
Evan: Please read the letter (the link is above). The letter tries to address the issue as to how ICANN treats others. It has grown from its inception. Now the letter is getting support from outside of the ALAC.
Gordon: He strongly supports what is in the letter but there are a couple of rationale arguments that are questionable (such as search engines supplanting the DNS). Rationales like this can dilute the message.
Evan: As confidence has waned in the DNS it is turning people to alternatives such as search engines.
Evan: Should NARALO endorse this item? (There is no action item attached to this.)
Alan: Doesn’t think that this will influence the ATRT much. He does think that getting this information out there and viewable by members of the ATRT is important.
8.3 ATRT Status (Alan) – They are still accepting input and said input does not have to be only on the specific questions asked. The quality of the output will depend on the quality of the input. The target is for the final report to be out on Dec. 31. They will be collecting input from the ACs and SOs in Durbin and then will be compiling the report and putting together their recommendations.
8.4 Going forward, the Chair will request all NARALO working group leaders provide updates to the Monthly Reports (Garth)
8.4.1 This is quick and simple way for the region to record their activities. Please forward briefs of your work to the Chair, Secretary and Staff
9. At-Large Advisory Committee "ALAC" Issues (Olivier, Evan, Eduardo, Alan - 10 Minutes)
9.1 Language Issues
9.2 ATRT Letter from Jean-Jacques
9.2 Policy Advice Development Page
9.3 Board-Stakeholder Action List
9.4 Comments into the ATRT: Open comment period , Interactive version of the same questions (Alan)
9.4.1 ATRT also welcomes any input relevant to the issues raised in the AoC section
9.4 ICANN Board meeting 18 May 2013 in Amsterdam
9.5 ATLAS 2: A call for volunteers to work in a WG that is being assembled
9.5 Population of At-Large mailing lists (Alan)
10. ICANN Functions (5 Minutes) (Communication Strategy III.5)
10.1 Compliance Tracking
10.1.1 Detailed Questions and Issue have been sent to the ICANN CEO but there has been no response
10.2 Language and Translation (4 Minutes)
10.2.1 Requests from Louis H: Translation of the ICANN News Alert in Spanish and in French An abstract of the Naralo Monthly Meeting that we could post on our Web site (or RSS it), including some of the documents produced by ICANN, that we discuss and that would be worth translating to attract attention toward NARALO. Translate RAA and legal documents related to the RAA into French and Spanish Translations of Registrar/Registry documents in local languages(where the company operates) to avoid consumer disputes.
10.2.2 Preliminary Issue Report on Translation and Transliteration of Contact Information
10.3 Travel (1 Minutes)
10.3.1 Sponsored NARALO Members should advise the Chair if they are having any problems with travel arrangements to Durban
10.3.2 No sponsored NARALO travelers reported issues with their reimbursement for the China visa
10.3.3 On tracking travel-related reimbursement, we need a better tracking system with full-disclosure. Conversations via Skype, etc, can't be tracked.
10.3.4 Travel Support Guidelines
10.3.5 Chair has created an ongoing Sub-Report on Travel issues and welcomes comments from the community. Thanks to assistance from Constituency Travel we were able to resolve a number of questions.
11. Any Other Business "AOB" (2 Minutes)
11.1 News
11.1.1 Dot-less Domains
11.2 "At-Large" and "AtLarge" As reserved strings (Tom L.)
Heidi – This past Friday some staff changes were announced. They are announced on the ICANN main page. Jamie Hedlund will become advisor to Fadi. Christopher Mondini will be VP of Business Engagement.
12. Action Items
12.1. Going forward, let's list previous action items and not have a separate page - Staff: please list ALL additional action items from THIS call bellow this entry. And then list the same action items at the top of the NEXT meeting agenda.
12.2 Daylight Savings Time Details: Per previous vote these calls ALWAYS occur at 3PM EST REGARDLESS of Daylight Savings Time until otherwise noted. Explanation: Daylight Savings Time (DST) is a program which moves the official hour ahead by one during the summer to preserve more daylight in the evening. DST is not universally or equally observed. DST changes have occasionally caused confusion for NARALO call times. For us this means specifically, we will be observing DST. The time of our call will remain 3:00PM EDT and 12:00PM PDT, but the UTC time of the call will change from 2000hrs to 1900hrs as of March until the end of DST.
12.3 Closed action items from previous call: