NARALO Summary Minutes 2013.02.11
Feb. 11, 2013
Attendees: Darlene Thompson, Tom Lowenhaupt, Olivier Crepin-Leblond, Alan Greenberg, Joly McFie, Gordon Chillcott, Gareth Shearman, Glenn McKnight, Eduardo Diaz, Avri Doria, Allan Skuce, Garth Bruen, Evan Leibovitch, Seth Reiss
Apologies: Eric Brunner-Williams, Dana Perry
Staff: Heidi Ullrich, Silvia Vivanco, Gisella Gruber
1. Welcome and Roll call - Staff (2 min)
2. Review of Action Items of call December 2012 - Darlene Thompson (1 min)
NARALO Monthly call 2013.01.14
2.1 Letters to Toronto NARALO sponsors, reviewed by ALAC Chair, sent last month (Close item)
2.2 Staff should review and update the Working Groups lists and status (Staff states pages have been updated, close item)
2.3 Staff will assist with the back-end processing of a online application form for ALSes as well as individual NARALO members
2.4 Request to Staff to update NARALO Slideshow Template (Glenn)
2.5 NARALO March call time will observe DST
2.6 Chair has requested Staff print and ship brochures to Joly M.
3. Preparation for Beijing Meeting (10 Minutes)
3.1 NARALO Meeting in Beijing - Should this be dedicated to Outreach/Inreach/Recruitment?
We may be utilising this time mainly to look at our Outreach and Recruitment Strategy. Everyone was in agreement with this.
4. Review of Communication/Outreach Strategy (5 Minutes)
4.1 NARALO Communication Strategy Document: This work is never "done", we will constantly update and improve our communication. Please submit your comments to the Chair or directly into the document.
4.2.1 Sub-Committee on NARALO ALS Outreach has been created, Murray M. is the new Chair, more volunteers welcome
4.2.2 Recruitment Introduction Letter is being drafted, please review and comment (Section II-3 of Communications Strategy)
Murray is now the chair of this subcommittee. They had their first meeting last week and it was very productive. The link to the call is as above.
Glenn: ISOC is looking for nominations for Internet Hall of Fame. If there is someone that we should be nominating, this is our chance to put someone forward. George Sadowsky’s name was put forward.
4.3 Fellowship Application Round Opens for ICANN 47 in Durban, South Africa
This is a program specifically designed for developing countries as defined by the UN. This is a rather narrow interpretation as there are areas of North America and Europe that are on the wrong side of the digital divide (such as in indigenous communities). Janice just contacted Heidi to state that we would need to put together some statistics to prove our case for this and develop a formal request. Garth and Darlene will work on this. We can probably put this under our outreach items.
5. Our Community (10 Minutes)
5.1 ALS Representatives should get a vote for Board Seat 15 - Avri (5 Minutes)
Avri wanted to see this as a vote by all ALSs; there has also been the suggestion that all ALAC members and regional leads vote; LACRALO has a weighted voting system. We need to come up with some system that will work for everyone. Avri is coming to NARALO for, at least, full community discussion on this matter of suffrage for the ALSs.
5.1.2 Discussion (5 Minutes)
Olivier: On the Sunday agenda in Beijing there is 45 minutes to discuss this issue. There will be no vote until after this discussion takes place.
Avri: Avri would like to start the discussion now and not wait until Beijing so that we will not be too late.
Alan: A RALO does not need to support the idea but at least one ALAC member must bring this forward.
Olivier: Article 27 of the revised Rules of Procedures – this subject deserves its full attention but it would be impossible to have a 45 minute time block on an ALAC call, which is only 1.5 hours long. They would have to schedule an additional ALAC call. This is why there is 45 minutes scheduled in Beijing.
Garth: Perhaps we can start the discussion and start gathering information and ideas sooner.
Avri: She is hoping that this is more than an ALAC discussion but rather a discussion that includes the ALSs. This is why she is hoping that there will be discussion prior to Beijing so that the ALAC can discuss this with the ALSs prior to Beijing.
Alan: This has been discussed before. Alan would like to know if Avri is saying that ALS votes would have equal weighting to an ALAC member or all together their communal vote replace the Chair vote? Avri would like to see that the ALS vote equal an ALAC vote.
5.2 Recruitment (Section II of Communication Strategy) - See Item #4
5.3 Status of ALS Applications & Regional Advice (10 Minutes)
5.3.1 Nova Scotia Community Access Program APPROVED! with comments from Dana P. - ALS Spotlight - Each Month we will feature a NARALO ALS to give a brief presentation of what their ALS does as well as their goals and achievements. (Communication Strategy I.2) - See Video - Staff please play in Adobe if possible
5.3.2 University Community Partnership for Social Action Research Under Further Due Diligence (2 Minutes) - The Chair is attempting to contact this applicant
This has been delayed – Garth will be calling this group later today to try to clarify some questions. We were also awaiting a response from ICANN Legal about this application.
5.3 Unaffiliated Status
5.3.1 Staff: Any new members?
5.4 Participation/Working Group Watch (Communication Strategy III.6)
Monique C. | ||||||
Darlene T. | ||||||
Randy G.* | ||||||
Eduardo D. | ||||||
Alan G. | Darlene T. | |||||
Darlene T. | ||||||
Glenn M. | Allan S. | |||||
Eduardo D. | ||||||
? |
5.6 Cross-Ralo Relations (Communication Strategy IV)
5.6.1 Offering our support to APRALO for their Showcase event: At the request of Holly R. we have offered advice and made ourselves available to APRALO members
5.6.2 Chair will offer for the APRALO Secretariats Meeting in Beijing, other volunteers welcome
5.6.3 Internet Groups Discuss New Priorities In Latin America and Caribbean
6. Beijing & The Summit (5 Minutes)
6.1 Visa Information, U.S., Canada
Darlene hasn’t received her letter from CNNIC but others have received theirs. Evan has found that there is a fill in form on the Canadian website that Canadians can use.
6.2 Ongoing review of Travel Details, see The Chair's report on Travel Issues
7. New gTLDs (5 Minutes)
7.1.2 Objection to dotNYC - With Comments from Tom L.
7.1.3 Objection to dotAMAZON & dotPATAGONIA
7.1.4 Objection to dotHEALTH
7.2 Objection Deadline March 13 2013
There was supposed to be a meeting on this today but it has been pushed to tomorrow. There have been concerns over .Amazon and .Pategonia which are both company names and geographic regions as well as .Health. Tom Lowenhaupt spoke to us on .nyc and the difficulties that need to be addressed therein. Some of the concerns were around the lack of community involvement in the formation of .nyc.
7.4 "Closed Generic" Top-Level Domains
7.4.1 Comments open until March 7
7.5 Substantial Opposition - criterion discussion
7.6 Next Call 2013.02.12 17:00 - 18:00 UTC
8. Nominating Committee "NOMCOM" Activity (1 Minute)
8.1 Glenn issued at comprehensive report on NOMCOM activity
Glenn: They are at the 50% time for accepting nominations. They are not looking for NARALO ALAC reps. There are other positions in NARALO, however, that they are accepting nominations for.
9. At-Large Advisory Committee "ALAC" Issues (Olivier, Evan, Eduardo, Alan - 10 Minutes)
9.1 Burning Issues
9.1.1 ALAC & At-Large involvement in GNSO activities (Alan)
People need to get involved and help form policy rather than just complain after the fact. Get involved at an early stage when we have the opportunity to change things.
9.1.2 Approved Board Resolutions Multi-Stakeholder Meeting Strategy Working Group
9.1.3 European Summer School on Internet governance - Call for applications (Thanks Wolf)
Avri teaches at this school so if anybody is interested, they should contact her.
9.1.4. Voting infrastructure rules
9.1.5 RySG comments on IGO-INGO
9.1.7 Consultation on ccTLD Delegation and Redelegation Performance Standards
9.1.8 Interim Report IDN ccNSO Policy Development Process
9.1.9 Policy vs. Implementation
9.1.10 Revised New gTLD Registry Agreement Including Additional Public Interest Commitments Specification
9.1.11 ATRT2 Applications
9.1.11 Upcoming Multi-stakeholder Internet Governance Events in the Middle East and Africa
9.2 Policy Advice Development Page
9.3 Board-Stakeholder Action List
10. ICANN Functions (5 Minutes) (Communication Strategy III.5)
10.1 Compliance Tracking
10.1.1 More questions pending
10.1.2 Compliance staff levels rapidly dropping, staff loss at Sydney and L.A.
10.2 Language and Translation (4 Minutes)
10.2.1 Requests from Louis H: Translation of the ICANN News Alert in Spanish and in French An abstract of the Naralo Monthly Meeting that we could post on our Web site (or RSS it), including some of the documents produced by ICANN, that we discuss and that would be worth translating to attract attention toward NARALO. Translate RAA and legal documents related to the RAA into French and Spanish Translations of Registrar/Registry documents in local languages(where the company operates) to avoid consumer disputes.
10.2.2 Preliminary Issue Report on Translation and Transliteration of Contact Information
10.3 Travel (8 Minutes)
10.3.1 Chair has created an ongoing Sub-Report on Travel issues and welcomes comments from the community
11. Any Other Business "AOB" (2 Minutes)
11.1 News
Google Fiber provides faster Internet and, cities hope, business growth
Shared Hosting vs VPS: How safe is your website
Governing the Web (and everything else)
Pandora's Box - New US Cyber Security Bills Create a Worm Hole in the Internet Galaxy (Sala T.), Re:Comprehensive Cybersecurity Bill Will Be Priority This Congress
ICT and Indigenous Communities
Evan: There was an interest by some people in the numbering aspect of ICANN (IPv6, etc.). ARIN is the group that looks after the allocation of addressing in North America. Should we start conversations / have representation with ARIN on this. Avri likes the idea of talking to ARIN as its good to establish the relationship, if nothing else. Since it is the RIRs that do the work for the ARO, RALO participation in the RIR’s is brilliant. Olivier: Yes, the second N in ICANN is numbers however the policy development to do with numbers is done by the regional registries. Anyone can join the ARIN mailing list and join in this conversation. Going any further than this to influence things is something that the ALAC may wish to look into with discussions with the ASO. If there is interest in this, this should be brought up at the ALAC level.
12. Action Items
12.1 Per previous vote these calls ALWAYS occur at 3PM EST REGARDLESS of Daylight Savings Time until otherwise noted. Explanation: Daylight Savings Time (DST) is a program which moves the official hour ahead by one during the summer to preserve more daylight in the evening. DST is not universally or equally observed. DST changes have occasionally cause confusion for call NARALO times. For us this means specifically, we will be observing DST. The time of our call will remain 3:00PM EST and 12:00PM PST, but the UTC time of the call will change from 2000hrs to 1900hrs as of March until the end of DST.
12. 2. Going forward, let's list previous action items and not have a separate page - Staff: please list ALL additional action items from THIS call bellow this entry. And then list the same action items at the top of the NEXT meeting agenda.