Tradeshow Booth_Toronto

Tradeshow Booth_Toronto

NARALO  Trade Booth  at  ICANN 45 TORONTO

Notes:  May 22, 2012(Glenn McKnight)



To operate a NARALO table top booth at the  ICANN 45 to answer questions from the public and raise awareness for potential new  NARALO ALS's

We are requesting NARALO  members if attending the ICANN 45  Toronto event to consider volunteering a couple of hours at the NARALO  table top booth. It will be located near the ICANN trade show area. 

1. Email List 

Emailed  list May 22, 2012
2. Wine ( Grape Juice) and Cheese( Soya)
I emailed the CEO  of  CIRA  to consider sponsoring a Naralo Meet and Greet one evening so that some of these  names can be matched up with a `face`    
No response yet. 
3. Booth Stuff
We  need a few things for the booth include banner, brochures, photos,  recruitment forms etc
Do we have a  Naralo Banner from San Francisco?
4. Trade show  Booth Times
ICANN  45 Toronto
October  14-19, 2012
Times  TBA 
As soon as the booth space dates are determined  a DOODLE  will be created
End Note
Contact  Glenn McKnight if you have any suggestions and comments  
SKYPE  gmcknight
Phone 1-905-434-6655

May 24   List of Attendees
Please add your confirmation to the table with 1 


 ICANN AttendBoothWine and Cheese
Beau Brendler111
Myles Braithwaite   
Garth Bruen   
Eric Brunner-Williams   
Sylvia Caras   
Monique Chartrand   
Gordon Chillcott   
Eduardo Diaz   
Ted Ernst   
Randy Glass   
Alan Greenberg   
Chris Grundemann   
Edward Hasbrouck   
Evan Leibovitch111
John Levine111
Glenn McKnight111
Jean Armour Polly   
Seth Reiss   
Annalisa Roger111
Wendy Seltzer   
Gareth Shearman111
Alan Skuce   
David Solomonoff   
Darlene Thompson 1 1 1
Dennis Wilen   
