NARALO 2011.12.12 Chat

NARALO 2011.12.12 Chat

  Gisella Gruber-White:Welcom to the NARALO Monthly call on Monday 12 December 2011

  Evan Leibovitch:Hi all.

  Evan Leibovitch:I'd like to add an item to the aganda with the Chair's indulgence.

  Evan Leibovitch:Regarding possible NARALO response to US Congressional hearings on gTLDs last week and this.

  Evan Leibovitch:I believe that in the mailing list Beau indicated he was agreeable to put this on the agenda.

  Evan Leibovitch:Note: The ALAC gTLD working group call starts immediately after this one finishes.

  Evan Leibovitch:(or before we finish if we go longer than an hour ;-) )

  Silvia Vivanco 2:Hello Evan see the Agenda above,

  Silvia Vivanco 2:Number 6

  Evan Leibovitch:Ah. That just changed :-)

  Silvia Vivanco 2::)

  Evan Leibovitch:Thanks!

  Glenn McKnight:Hi

  Glenn McKnight:I volunteered to do notes since Darlene isn't on the call today

  Alan Greenberg:I will have to leave at about 45 minutes.

  Heidi Ullrich:ah, Glenn please feel free!

  Joly MacFie:i am also making an audio recording for darlene

  Glenn McKnight:Darlene is feeling under the weather

  Heidi Ullrich:Glenn, could you please take the summary minutes and Matt can take AIs

  Matt Ashtiani:that sounds perfect

  Glenn McKnight:Sure

  Matt Ashtiani:Glenn, once the meeting has ended can you please email the notes to me? matt.ashtiani@icann.org

  Garth Bruen:Wednesday House hearing info: http://energycommerce.house.gov/hearings/hearingdetail.aspx?NewsID=9134)

  Alan Greenberg:For future note, the At-Large calendar points to https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/display/NARALO/Meetings+and+Events which does not have the November or December meetings on it.

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:also -- top of the Discussion Notes -- 12 December 2011 -> the paragraph about roll call information mentions 17th Oct. Call

  Joly MacFie:we had two meetings in rapid succession because there ws anadditional one in dakar

  avri:NPOC  - Not for Profit Operational Concerns Constoituency with NCSG (Non Commercial SG) within GNSO

  avri:And they do not speak for NCSG, just for NPOC.

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:http://energycommerce.house.gov/hearings/hearingdetail.aspx?NewsID=9134) <<------- The system cannot find the file specified.

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:aaah -- remove the closing brackets & it xorks

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:works

  avri:Haven't we been going slow on gTLDs for the last decade?  2 trial deployments and a 5 year development process is not slow enough?

  Evan Leibovitch:if .xxx is considered one of the trial deplyments, the results are not encouraging. And in any case, we're constantly told that the failures of the past cannot be used as lessons for the current process

  Heidi Ullrich:Joly, could you please post the link to that exchange?

  avri:@Evan, right, we learn from them and move on.

  Evan Leibovitch:link to the senate hearing page: http://1.usa.gov/vzddPH

  Joly MacFie:http://www.ntia.doc.gov/speechtestimony/2011/remarks-assistant-secretary-strickling-practising-law-institutes-29th-annual-te

  Heidi Ullrich:Thanks, Joly.

  avri:Well if there is a mixed view in the At-Large, what can the At-Large say other then that there is a mixed view in the At-Large.

  Heidi Ullrich:Thanks for posting the link to the Senate hearing page! I was looking for it...

  Evan Leibovitch:if there is a predominant view in At-Large we can convey that too. It doesn't have to be unanimous

  Eduardo Diaz:Now we have to wait and see how new gtld are deployed and how they evolves.

  Evan Leibovitch:ALAC has traditionally pushed back at the exceses of the trademark industry. ALAC's response to the GAC scorecard IMO well expresss the middle ground between the status quo and the excesses of the TM industry

  Evan Leibovitch:Having said that, there is an understanding that some name protection reduces consumer confusion

  avri:Esther prempted At-Large in that role as speaker for the USERS

  avri:this is asked of just voters?

  Alan Greenberg:@Evan - Without a doubt. But (to replay many old discussions) sufficient guidelines to eliminate confusion and the concerns of business can strongly impact freedon of expression and the rights of legitimate registrants to register names which *might* be impinging but depends on the content of any associated web site.

  Evan Leibovitch:not according to comments I heard at the end of the Senate hearing.

  Glenn McKnight:No objection

  Glenn McKnight:The issue is the type of statement

  Alan Greenberg:Isn't the deadline the 15th?

  Joly MacFie:I agree with the statement saying we are an avenue of participation.

  Evan Leibovitch:And that we have considered the issue in deopth

  Joly MacFie:As for a position, that is for further discussion.

  Joly MacFie:Here in NYC we have a strong developer startup community who are keen on increased opportunities.

  Evan Leibovitch:Thanks for doing this, Beau

  Garth Bruen:@Beau, the window for any statement is likely COB tomorrow as the hearing is 9AM Wednesday

  Heidi Ullrich:Beau, can you please state the action item re the draft NARALO statement as you would like it recorded?

  avri:and that there is mixed opinion in the group.  i also think it is false to say that at-large was not included in the process. there was an active and vocal ALAC liason through the PDP  and many ALAC statements anc comments throughout the process.

  Evan Leibovitch:I'm not sure that the House meetings are a drop-dead deadline. That's when oral; testimony will be presented and clearaly none of us have been called as witnesses

  Eduardo Diaz:@joly:  I watched the video and there are some intreviews were the sound was not that good. Can that be fixed?

  Glenn McKnight:https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/NARALO/pages/110233889/NARALO+SURVEY#comment-31163296

  Alan Greenberg:Deadline I was referring to was that at the end of the Sneate hearings, they said they would keep the issue open until some date for onther input. I thought the date was the 15th.

  Joly MacFie:I will see what can done Eduardo but GIGO

  Glenn McKnight:https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/NARALO/pages/110233889/NARALO+SURVEY

  Glenn McKnight:Also a google  form has been created

  Glenn McKnight:https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/gform?key=0AoKuqbah1E3YdFdWdlVOVjVCMlByd1lIdWFUckxvcUE#invite

  Eduardo Diaz:@joly what is GIGO?

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:FOI = Framework of Interpretation is the ccNSO WG working on similar cases

  avri:GIGO is usually Garbage in Garbage out

  Heidi Ullrich:Rob is chair elect

  Silvia Vivanco 2:http://www.icann.org/en/general/bylaws.htm#VII

  Heidi Ullrich:the BGC still need to confirm him

  Heidi Ullrich:as chair

  beau brendler:the BGC is 50 percent registrars

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:who?

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:BGC is Bruce Tonkin, Cherine Chalaby, Bill Graham, Ram Mohan, Ray Plzak, R. Ramaraj, Mike SIlber

  Glenn McKnight:I filmed the session

  Glenn McKnight:The session by Rudy and Garth

  Evan Leibovitch:The pure optics of this would not be so much of an issue until the move by PDT. That raised many eyebrows.

  Alan Greenberg:I've got to leave now. By all.

  Gordon Chillcott:More to the point, the move by PDT raised PUBLIC eyebrows.

  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:The move by PDT did huge harm to ICANN's image.

Joly MacFie: OTOH we have Esther complaining that the public aren't paying any attention whatsoever..