NARALO 2011.08.08 Summary Minutes
Present: Beau Brendler, Darlene Thompson, Olivier Crepin-Leblond, Gordon Chillcott, Eduardo Diaz, Joly MacFie, Allan Skuce, Alan Greenberg, Evan Leibovitch, Garth Bruen, Gareth Shearman, Eric Brunner-Williams
Staff: Seth Greene, Gisella Gruber, Matt Ashtiani
Apologies: Glenn McKnight, Seth Reiss
NARALO AGENDA: 18 July 2011
Standing Issues
1. Roll Call – Staff (5 min)
2. Review of summary minutes and action items from 18 July 2011 – Beau (5 min)
Action items:
a) Wording for non-performing ALSs (on-going) – Darlene to work with Secretariats group on wording and keep the group informed
Not much has happened on this but it is still on-going.
b) Statement of Pre-Registration – Beau has redrafted wording and sent to list for final approval
c) 2012 Budget – Gareth, Joly and Glenn volunteered to oversee this and to look into how these monies are to be administered; Glenn and Joly wish to participate in making the video; nobody volunteered for the survey – we need volunteers. Beau, Glenn and Allan Skuce have now volunteered for this.
d) Puerto Rico ccTLD – general need to watch this situation
e) Is everybody OK with the brochure issue? Are we where we need to be?
3. Open Public Consultations (Beau, etc.; 10 min)
See At-Large Policy Advice Development Schedule
See At-Large Policy Development wiki page
Evan: GAC and ALAC have been working together on the Statement on Applicant Support. This support will reduce the $185,000 fee to $47,000. Evan: There is a high level of interest from the GAC but there may be some resistance from the GAC to the idea of having an ALAC liaison sit in on their meeting. Joly: Also, the GAC sends its submissions directly to the Board and is not more widely disseminated.
Proposed agenda Items
4. Statement on Pre-Registration – Beau (5 min)
There was discussion on this on the list. A statement was drafted and sent to the ALAC list. We will hear back from the ALAC on this as to their thoughts. Olivier suggested we put a time limit on this and volunteered to help.
5. Update on NARALO video project – Glenn, Joly (10 min)
See: Video project wiki.
For the video work, they now have a confluence page that they are developing. They are starting from the brochure and then working outwards.
6. Update on survey of users on NARALO policy – Beau (10 min)
Beau: We need to develop a consensus on what we want to ask the public. Its quite wide open right now and we need to hone it down. Is this a survey of ALSs or to the general public? Joly – perhaps we can use the video to portray the issues and then get people to say what they think. Darlene – do we want this to be a video just for one survey or for general outreach? Allan Skuce would like to be a part of the survey team. Alan Greenberg – this is probably the largest amount of money that ICANN has budgeted for something like this. We need to make sure that we are doing something that will be viewed as worthwhile after the fact. Beau – we need to try to create some kind of instrument or means to talk to human being to find out what kind of policy issues we need to address. Eric – If the video is to be used to reach the common person and we ask them what we should address, they will say “spam”. This is not in our remit. Perhaps we need to keep the video and the survey separate. Joly – Yes, new gTLDs and other things that are coming out now need to be focused on in the video. We need to have all of these monies spent by the end of this fiscal year. Garth – perhaps we can use the internet users’ spam problem as a way for outreach.
7. Update on Puerto Rico ccTLD – Eduardo (5 mn)
The Puerto Rico .pr ccTLD managed by Gauss Laboratory, Inc, a for profit private company, has been sued by the University of Puerto Rico for $2 Million dollars . The reason for this is that the .pr ccTLD operation/administration used to be ran under the University umbrella. The whole operation was supported with public money.
In 2007, a University professor named Oscar Moreno, who at that time (and still is) the manager of the ccTLD, requested IANA to re-delegate the operation to a non-for-profit Corporation which IANA agreed to do. This action effectively allowed the professor to physically move out all the equipment and its administrative personnel outside the University reach. A few months later, the Corporation was changed to a for profit Corporation. The professor did all this without the University knowledge.
8. Any other business – Beau (5 min)