NARALO 2010.10.18 Summary Minutes

NARALO 2010.10.18 Summary Minutes

Discussion Notes 18 October 2010

Participants: Beau Brendler, Alan Greenberg, Glenn McKnight, Evan Leibovitch, Allan Skuce, Gareth Shearman, Annalisa Roger, Gordon Chillcott, Seth Reiss, Darlene Thompson, Joly MacFie, Eric Brunner-Williams, Garth Bruen
Apologies: Eduardo Diaz, Chris Grundeman
Staff: Matthias Langenegger

Standing Issues:

1. Roll Call (2 minutes)

2. Review of Summary Minutes and Action Items from the 13 September call (5 minutes)

3. Open Public Consultations (5 minutes)

a. At-Large Policy Advice Development Schedule

Proposed Agenda Items

4. NARALO Updates (Evan)(10 mins)

  • Update on Unaffiliated Member Registration and the Representative Election
  • Update on Modifications of NARALO Operating Principles

We have been trying to change the RoP on NARALO and we passed the amended rules and we exceeded our 70%.

Alan:  A call went out to unaffiliated reps but it was not in the RoP at the time.  We need to now do a call for who the unaffiliated reps want to have as their rep.

AI: Staff, Darlene and Evan will send out a call for a unaffiliated user representative

Alan:  The RoP deems that only the ALSs can vote so the unaffiliated rep does not have a vote.  This was an oversight.

Alan:  The RoP also need to be rectified with the OP procedures.  They are often in conflict.  We need to get these structural manners fixed and fixed now.

AI: Alan, Beau Darlene will draft a message to propose changes for the NARALO Rules of Procedure and also to cover the omission with regards to the unaffiliated member vote in the Operating Principles.

5. NARALO Position on Community WG Report on Implementation of GNSO New gTLD Rec 6 (Evan)(10 mins)

The ALAC has endorsed the WG Report on Recommendation 6 on 24 September and encouraged the RALOs to submit regional Statements on the document.

This used to be called “Morality and Public Order”.  During the Mexico meeting At-Large has opposed this measure.  The GAC also came out against this so there has been an interesting conversation between ALAC, GAC and GNSO.  Right now it is up to the Board to say go or no go with consultation.  The document that the WG has come up with this posted and further comments are encouraged.  Alan has put up an excellent comment which we should all read.  Alan:  The Boards comment on this is have been wanting.  We really need to respond and considering all of the work that has put into this demands an answer on our part.  This is something that all of At-Large felt very strongly on.  Perhaps Evan and Alan can put an e-mail together for us.  Gareth:  This is a very important issue and something we feel strong enough about to put public input into.  We need more input from At-Large.

AI: Evan and Alan will produce a draft NARALO Statement on Recommendation 6 CWG Report

Reference Documents:

Draft At-Large commentary on cross-community report on "objectionable strings"

Public Consultation AnnouncementCommunity WG Report on Implementation of GNSO New gTLD Rec 6 (pdf)

6. Regional Representation Model on the At-Large Board Director Election (Evan)(10 minutes)

Discussion on whether the votes of the NARALO representatives in the At-Large Board Director election should be "guided". If so, what representation model should be employed (e.g. will the NARALO representatives be asked to vote according to the result of a regional vote on the candidates)?

The Board has agreed to allow At-Large to pick the board member.  As part of the election, it will be one vote per ALAC member and one vote per region.  The region needs to decide to reach consensus, do a vote, or allow the Chair to recommend.  Alan:  If we vote, there will be have to be several rounds.  Evan would like to vote or consult for the first, second and third choices.  We need to have wide spread consultation throughout the region.  Evan:  We need to schedule a meeting to discuss this.  Also, we will be asking for a Q & A with the candidates.  The vote will be much less formal than normal votes and allow anybody to vote with Evan giving the final decision.  All people that want to vote can (not just ALS reps).

7. NARALO Activities at the ICANN San Franciso Conference in 2011 (Evan, Darlene)(10 minutes)

We hope that Annalisa can help us out during this.  We need to do a NARALO Showcase but we need someone to lead this up.  Annalisa would be fine with leading this and has even sent in a request to ICANN to be an official host to the event.  There would be a space for each ALS to promote what it is doing.

We would also like to get more wide-spread attendance.  Evan will make one last formal request to see if ICANN can provide accommodations to people who might be able to make their way to SF.  There is no room in the budget for this, unfortunately.  Perhaps our target for a GA should be in the next fiscal year.  Perhaps we should press for the October 2012 rather than asking for an unrealistic get for this year.  Also, maybe Annalisa could find out if there are any inexpensive hotels nearby for those who can attend on their own dime.  Annalisa agreed to move this forward.

AI: Annalisa will send an email to the NARALO mailing lists to find out who will be travelling to SF without ICANN travel support and look for accommodation nearby the conference hotel.

8. Update on the At-Large Board Selection process (Annalisa, Myles)(5 mins)

a. Activities of the Board Candidate Evaluation Committee (BCEC)
b. Next Steps

Reference documents:
Public Comment Announcement
BCEC Workspace
At-Large Director Candidate Workspace

9. Recent and Upcoming Activities of ALAC (Beau, Alan, Gareth) (10 mins)

There was an interesting meeting on the SSAC working group with some face-to-face time in Cartagena.

10. Update on the JAS WG (Evan) (5 minutes)

11. Any other Business

Garth Bruen:  He was on the SSAR call on Tuesday and Kurt Pritz was in the call and he asked about ICANN compliance but he really didn’t have a good answer as to the agenda of the area.