Action items: 2020-11-10 EURALO Board Teleconference

Action items: 2020-11-10 EURALO Board Teleconference

Action Items and Notes.

Approved to continue in their roles:

  • Anne-Marie Bachollet continues on AASC for 2020-21
  • Natalia continues as Regional Liaison to the O&E for 2020-2021

EURALO Reps on the UIM-WP

  • Natalia Filina as EURALO Leader
  • Yrjö Länsipuro as ALS
  • Matthias Hudobnik as Individual 


  • sebastien.bachollet and Filina Natalia to suggest a streamline process for the NomCom candidates, further to Bastiaan Goslings resignation 
  • Gisella Gruberto send the invitation for the Friday 13 ISOC France read-out to the At-Large lists
  • Russian Read-Out: Heidi Ullrich to reach out to Adam on Russian read out and Filina Natalia to reach out to Mikhail
  • sebastien.bachollet: EURALO 2021 Monthly calls: to work on inviting 2 ALSes to present their activities during the monthly calls 
  • sebastien.bachollet suggested guest speakers for upcoming Monthly calls:
    • November - no guest speaker as shortened cal due to IGF Closing Ceremony
    • December - Virtual General Assembly instead
    • January 2021 - Bruno Lanvin (postponed)
    • February 2021 - Ricardo on training (AI to be completed)
    • March - Bertrand de la Chapelle (now February)
  • Filina Nataliawill send the email to EURALO Board with proposals to discussion of UIM WP