Action Items: 2017-12-07 EURALO Bylaws Taskforce Call
Action Items: 2017-12-07 EURALO Bylaws Taskforce Call
- Olivier Crépin-Leblond should send an email to members of the WG asking them if they prefer to have a seat in Switzerland or not.
- Florian Hule to include the 2/3 majority as threshold for Change of Articles of Incorporation.
- Florian Hule to incorporate an article stating that an ALs can lose voting rights or can be de-certified according to the EURALO Rules of procedures.
- Under Chapter 8, Florian to incorporate a general reference to the EURALO Rules of procedure and an article with the NARALO minimum participation standards adding the sentence " the Board has the option of accepting other forms of active participation"
- Florian Hule to include the wording referencing the rights and responsibilities as described in the ALAC ROPs.
- Yesim Nazlar to send a doodle to schedule a call for the second week of January.