Action Items: 2017-10-10 EURALO Bylaws Taskforce Call

Action Items: 2017-10-10 EURALO Bylaws Taskforce Call

  • Seat - proposal in Switzerland - Advantages are :- Fulfill all the criteria for legal personality with rights, duties and no need for legal incorporation
  • Silvia Vivanco to check the form of ICANN's engagement office in Geneva and if the address could serve as the address for EURALO
  • Members should be asked what is the preference to have a seat in Switzerland or not.
  • Florian Hule to add the wording on voting  proposed by Oksana: The General Assembly consist of all “Members”. Every “Member” has an equal vote , "except for cases specified in the Rules of Procedures"
  • Agreed notices for the General Assembly shall be three weeks.
  • Olivier Crépin-Leblond to email the Quorum table to Florian. 
  • Silvia Vivanco to send the relevant links with previous teleconferences with discussions of quorum to Florian and all.
  • Olivier Crépin-Leblond to send the new NARALO rules to Florian.
  • Yesim Saglam to schedule the next call 2-3 weeks after the ICANN 60 meeting.