EURALO Summary Minutes 22 May 2012

EURALO Summary Minutes 22 May 2012

EURALO Monthly call

May 22 Summary Minutes


OCL mentioned that there were quite few statements being reviewed and posted, such as Consumer Trust, Choice and competition.

Policy review Team Reports: Carlton Samuels will be having statements on the WIKI.

Security, Stability, Resiliency of the Internet: If we were to prepare a statement, a small one would be prepared. It was decided that Julie Hammer will be looking at the report.

ALS Applications, Wolf explained that we are only concerned with the recently approved applications.

Wikimedia Austria, Wolf is looking forward to having more of these organizations joining At-Large.

Regarding the Armenian ALS, the Media Education Center, Armenia, has been certified as a new At-Large structure. Officially, it is part of APRALO, but it has expressed a strong interest in to participate at the EURALO level. EURALO will try to include her in our region as much as possible.


5. Briefing on ICANN Academy Working Group Process

Sandra: We are within the proposed timeline. As it was agreed during the Costa Rica meeting members were invited. We received responses and we have a full house now. Members are complete. We will not invite all of the ALAC members to this working group and we will not discuss new issues, there is no need to include the entire community. However during the Prague meeting all individuals will be held on the morning of Wed. It is an interesting concept starting now.

Avri: We haven't touched anything since we decided to invite more people, she is not so optimistic about the next meeting. Admire Sandra on her optimism.

Wolf shared concern that if we reach to other constituencies, it may become more difficult to continue.


At the last call we informed you that we were proceeding, but we are now in the final stages. If you have a look to the EURODIG website, you will see that most of the session’s templates are updated. You can see there the sessions.

Sandra invited everyone to come to Stockholm. Registration process will close by the middle of next week, everyone who has not registered is encouraged to do so.

The doodle for the Academy is still going on.

AI:  At Large staff is to post the invitation to join the Expanded Academy WG in the EURALO list call. No new things are added this is just to have all new members on the same page.

Yrjo seconded Wolf and Sandra's enthusiasm for EURODIG.

The Queen of Sweden will deliver a statement as well as many other VIP participants.

7. EURALO planning 2012 -- continued discussion (Wolf and all) (20 min.)

Small team to organize the upcoming events was formed: We had two organizing calls where we discussed essentially two points:

  1) GA will be held according to by law regulations. We still have to prepare a report. The report must be sent to the list prior to the GA. Asked everyone in the call to have an idea how many member representatives we can have.

This is routine work. The draft agenda will be confirmed in the opening of the meeting. There will be no additional information regarding the GA.

2) ICANN Anniversary Party in Prague.

There is a link to the work space and potential participants.

Information section. Wolfgang Kleinwachter.

OCL will make an assessment of the At -Large present state.

Further details are included in the website workspace.

Heidi: Updated on promotion ideas, the pins and lanyards, the idea of a card, we are negotiating with the graphic designer, and the issue of the pen, the cost is 480 on the cost, we are holding off, depending whether or not there will be a sponsor.

Wolf mentioned that the costs for events at the Hilton are extremely high therefore we need to find an additional sponsor. We hope we can find a solution.

Wolf: If anyone has an idea, if a Czech brewery could be approached please let him know.

AOB: We changed the timing of our monthly call, we modified the time due to demands of some of the members who indicated if it could be another time, they could join more. But after changing they do not participate, so the change seems to be useless.

Wolf asked if we should launch another doodle poll on this.

Opinions were expressed.

AI: Staff to send a Doodle to confirm best time on Tuesday with a range of timeslots for the monthly EURALO meeting. NEXT CALL: Call week before Prague meeting on 19 June.