EURALO Summary Minutes 24 April 2012

EURALO Summary Minutes 24 April 2012

EURALO Summary Minutes and Action Items

24 April 2012

Standing Issues:

1. Roll Call and apologies- Agenda accepted

2. Review of the Action Items from the 27 March 2012 call (2 mins)

-  AI: Informal WG on the consumer issue. Comments were sent.

-  OCL: The "core"  of the ALAC Statement was prepared based on such statement. Statement has been submitted and cannot be changed anymore.

- Prague ICANN meeting:  Discussions started.

3. Briefing on current ALAC consultations and initiatives / Materials for public comments (OCL 10 min.)

a. Recently adopted ALAC Statements:

i. Draft ALAC Statement on the Fake Renewal Notices Report

ii Draft ALAC Statement on the Verisign Request to Implement Redemption Grace Period (RGP) for .name

iii. Draft ALAC Statement on the Security, Stability & Resiliency of the DNS Review Team (SSR RT)- Draft Report

iv. ALAC Statement on the Reservation of Olympic and Red Cross Names in the nTLD Application Procedure

v. ICANN Board Conflicts of Interest Review - Revised Conflicts of Interest Policy and Related Governance Documents

vi. WHOIS Policy Review Team Draft Report

b. Statements currently being reviewed by the ALAC

i. com Registry Agreement Renewal - ALAC vote closes 25 April

ii. At-Large Draft Advice Letter on Consumer Trust, Consumer Choice, and Competition - ALAC vote closes 24 April

iv. Draft ALAC Statement on the IDN Variant Issues Project – Proposed Project Plan for Next Steps - ALAC vote closes 27 April

v. Second Annual IDNccTLDFast Track Process Review - Comment period closes 30 April - ALAC to submit statement

Fake Renewal Notices Report (20 April 2012)

4. ALS applications - Update (Staff 3 min.)

a. Recently approved ALS applications

iii. (162) Wikimedia Austria - ALAC voting on application.

-This application was approved. New ALS, announcement will be sent shortly. 

5. Briefing on ICANN Academy WG process -- latest updates  (Sandra 5 min.)

ICANN Academy:

At the moment the Programme Committee sent a letter to the whole ICANN community.  We have extended the working group until the beginning of May.  Details of the WG are found in the WIKI.

6. EuroDIG prep. Process -- program outline, registration and next steps (Sandra and Wolf 5 min.)

EuroDIG Website - Wolf provided an update on the preparation process.

Programming is done in a bottom up approach. Registration open about a week ago.  Wolf encouraged all to register in hotels as soon as possible as hotels situation is not good during that time of the year in Stockholm.  A list of recommended hotels is Online.

7. EURALO planning 2012 -- continued discussion (Wolf and all) (20 min.)

•preparation for next EURALO GA, 13 June in Stockholm in-line with / eve of EuroDIG 2012 (org. team/volunteers ?)

The GA will take place in Stockholm in the evening before EURODIG.

 •ALAC Anniversary party at the ICANN 44 meeting in June in Prague

 (preliminary concept, timing, participation etc. -- see draft)EURALO_Prague44_ planning.docxALAC-Birthday_slides_Prague44.docx

•EURALO monthly meeting (to be discussed and planned)

See: EURALO Regional Events page.

The EURALO Event Prague 44 (Slides with ALAC milestones) was shown:

Wolf suggested to create a small team, to create a RETRO debate.

Introduction about At-Large History. Which is not known among the RALO community. Wolfgang Kleinwachter can provide an introduction.

Suggestion was to include Annette to be part of the panel.

We should not look backwards but we should also have a discussion on the future. We will have a good basis for debate in Prague.  Future perspective is important. 

Information section. Not to call it a panel, rather an informal format is preferred. How we became what we are. Then shifting, visualizing an ALAC mission. We should not focus too much in history, but what we can learn in our history. OCL as EURALO member would have a role, to give his perspective as ALAC Chair.

Wolf: Other details will be discussed. An organizing group needs to be formed,  to find sponsors, to get funding support from ICANN. Currently we have 2-1/2 hour schedule. the last 1/2 would be a cocktail. We have worked with OCL and communications team to obtain lapel pins and lanyards celebrating the 5 year RALO and 10 years RALO anniversary events. 

OCL Previous ALAC Chairs will be present in Prague, and they could be invited. All the 5 Regions will be present. We could have all the regions in the panel.

AI: To create a Working Group to organize the details. Not too many speakers in a panel.

Wolf mentioned 1 1/2 hour or 1 h 45 minutes would be best.

Details need to be discussed. We need to create a group.

Heidi: We need to have the time and date (by May 3) to request meeting staff to allocate the room and time.

The MOST IMPORTANT AI: Participants  need to form a Working Group.

A consolidated context needs to be compiled in the next few weeks. 

Staff to create A WIKI page for the development of the Prague Anniversary events.