Action items - EURALO Leadership Team
2023-04-04 EURALO Leadership Call
EURALO Newsletter:
Little if no input from EURALO ALSes. Still seeking ways to engage the ALSes to provide updates from their events/region/ALS.
ALS Decertification: Process guidelines: At-Large Structure Decertification Workspace
- Gisella Gruber to provide EU Leadership with the ALS Decertification information (contact made for the past 2x GAs in 2021 and 2022)
- Gisella Gruber to add any other ALSes who did not respond at all for the last Hybrid EURALO GA in November 2022.
- sebastien.bachollet to email the ALSes listed for decertification to confirm they wish to be decertified or not (note procedure in the link above)
EURALO Individuals Association - update from Sébastien.
- Gisella Gruber to follow up on Roberto's email re discussions in Cancún during the RALO Coordination Meeting on Individuals
EURALO Funding
Olivier suggesting Sébastien for the RIPE and EuroDIG Meeting to re-engage EURALO.
Natalia and Sébastien to RIPE (either 2 free slots or use discretionary funding) and Sébastien to EuroDIG - providing requests are submitted by deadlines.
Cross RALO Roundtable on ICANN25th Anniversary
Suggested day on Monday 18th September, on the actual 25th Anniversary. Suggested format - each RALO to find one person per region who was at the beginning of ICANN (suggestions in presentation).
- sebastien.bachollet seeking feedback from EURALO leaders on Word document by Wednesday 5 April to then send to EURALO Board for their input.
2023-01-31 EURALO Leadership Call
Various fundings:
Discussion on Discretionary Funding (2 submitted), CROP and ABRs (3 forwarded by At-Large)
EURALO Membership
FYI - 21 February call with European Chapter Leaders (Sebastien back on Leadership).
- Adam Peake to set up call with ISOC week 13 February - internal or with Sébastien - to have an update on members/new members
Sebastien sent members list sent to Chris Mondini with missing countries.
- Adam Peake Gisella Gruber to work on lists and identify initial countries to target
Update from Joanna on courses in Brussels:
- joanna.kulesza to share upcoming events with the EURALO Mailing list (members)
- RALO Leaders to discuss in Cancun at Coordination meeting on Cross RALO webinars/workshops/events for all RALOs to participate in, to avoid duplication
- Adam Peake Gisella Gruber to work on the ALS Map and share with Sébastien
Strategy Plan
- sebastien.bachollet to post FY23 Strategy plan on wiki page
Sébastien not yet able to focus on this