Action Items: 2017-02-15 At-Large Regional Leadership Call

Action Items: 2017-02-15 At-Large Regional Leadership Call

  • Google doc to be created by staff focused on RALO points on ITEMS report. and linked to a Cross RALO WIKI page focused on RALO points on ITEMS report.
  • At-Large Staff to organize a  Webinar focused on the problems we are seeing  from RALO perspective in the ITEM report. ALSes and RALOs  should respond to the Public Comment.
  • At-Large staff to translate the 3 DP primers into FR/ES
  • Silvia Vivanco to coordinate with RALO Leaders to keep in touch with Dan O'Neill.
  • Yesim Saglam to send a doodle to organize EURALO Copenhagen events.
  • Silvia Vivanco to open a wiki page to track the 2,000 form process