At-Large Regional Secretariats 29.08.2012 Summary Minutes
RALO Leadership Meeting
Wednesday 29 August 2012 at 1300 UTC
Summary Minutes and Action Items
(Additional Comments from Fatimata Seye Sylla at the bottom of the page)
Garth started the call as first call of Chair. He asked all to talk to him in the Toronto meeting.
1. - Secretariat meeting Agenda in Toronto.
Should the meeting be divided into 2 sections?
Wolf: The last 2 Sec meetings we have spent a lot of time in process and suggests to cut down on this issue and try to concentrate more in content and substance and we can do an small section in process- if really necessary.
Garth: Agreed and suggests that process be put at the end. The bulk of the time should be for the substantive
Holly Supports both. Can we flesh out if there are specific process issues and I rather would like to see policy into 2 parts, policy issues in ICANN and also Policy issues that ALAC would like to raise? And say we are not going to discuss process unless people want to and request this specifically.
Sylvia: Agrees with 2 hrs.’ and max 20 min in process.
Garth: 1 hour 40 min and 20 minutes available for process, contingent to someone bringing forth specific issues.
Garth added a comment: Cross - Ralo conflict resolution and mediation. Unfortunately I have become aware of disputes in my own RALO and I find that this is a common issue, including in other RALOs and detracts from our main purpose. So I would like to propose a structure that a member of a Ralo assists to resolve the issue. Someone from outside with no particular agenda to propose a solution.
I'd like to get people's opinion on this. and Open the floor for comments:
Wolf: At the moment as far as I perceive it we do not have conflicts in EURALO but some conflicts but when there are personally issues this can lead to conflict. In 2007 we had some conflicts and at the time my approach was from my leadership function to be neutral and facilitator for dialogue and this approach worked quite well. We made some regulations as the language used in the mailists and no insults and we put some basic rules to lower the point. This with time worked quite well.
Holly: We are doing g the ROP for ALAC and can we put this in the Secretariat Agenda and this can be a model.
Garth: It is a good idea to put it on paper, because some of the issues are very serious.
Darlene: I am thinking we have an Ombudsman and if you need mediation we can use him, he is an excellent mediator, his role should be considered in this conversation.
Heidi: She mentioned Elad VP for Org effectiveness. He will in Toronto until Wednesday. This meeting will be at lunch time.
Sylvia: Agreed with Darlene.
4. Currently one 2 hrs. session is tentatively scheduled. Wednesday. It will be on the calendar by the end of this week.
5. Next meeting: Is there a need for another call?
Some of you may remember that at the last Secretariat meeting in Prague we spent some time discussing the situation of outreach activities, what are the long-term outreach goals, as well as to keep existing members onboard. This is a challenge for EURALO and other Ralos.Is there any particular cause?
Wolf: Not a particular cause, there are a number of factors.
Garth: We need to identify the causes for disengagement.
Holly: I think that probably some of the cause may not really understand what ICANN is and what ALAC is and does. Some of this is about a website? We need to see how we actually sell it. What we do about this.
Garth: This is an excellent suggestion and it is in the list of Agenda Items
Heidi: Fadi would like to meet with ALS during the travel, and you may wish to discuss the issue.
Rudi also suggested an official survey.
Garth: Do we need a phone call before Toronto? If no objections we will settle the Agenda and looking into Toronto.
a) Possible agenda items
i. At-Large Policy Development - ALAC-RALO relations
ii. ROP Working Group - Cheryl Langdon Orr
iii. Outreach and In-reach, recruitment of new ALSs
iv. Capacity building
v. Presentation of NARALO Survey Results (Glenn McKnight
Garth opens the floor:
OCL: Several issues, PD input to take place on a more orderly way and nowadays this is not too orderly and it seems that many regions do not know how to start this process? How do we engage with the RALO?ALAC and how we can get all this machinery better. What can we do to make it fit better?
Holly: Absolutely agree with OCL. I complained about the website because we find it hard to find a specific issue. We want to make it very simple with the tools we already have.
Garth: I also had my issues with the website. Who is in control of the website?
OCL: There is a redesigned effort. The WIKI, Matt is in charge but it is up to us to make the WIKI more usable. There have been important developments. Yes it is true; it is very hard to find the information.
Garth: 2 questions who is on the team aside from Matt? Do we have a plan to have an overview?
CLO: One thing is the website: is ICANN IT and the WIKI is another thing.
Heidi: We are working with Dev, and the technology task force.
Holly: If Matt can do a short presentation in Toronto, and he can explain this is how the WIKI works. Garth: We need to have at the meeting an explanation.
The actual ROP have been revised by 4 drafting teams that look at the actual structures but the idea is to have an overview of the Rules of Procedure, and to have them read quite simply and how they can be structured. This will happen within the next 3-4 weeks and by Toronto, hopefully a lot of the work will be done.
iii. Outreach and In reach: Garth: I am going to make an aggressive effort to reach and bring new members. I open the floor to that discussion.
Heidi: Wanted to point out because we have had Ralo's with capacity building sessions that these are good opportunity for outreach.
Garth: Who/What Type of organizations are the best for recruitment?
Holly: Can we include Small business impacted by domains?
Garth: These are usually internet users, they do not have the resources and when I deal with them on technical issues they are lost as any internet user and do not know where to go.
Wolf: I am not very keen about naming business as one of our main target groups. They are more interested in GNSO and I am not sure it should be one key target group for At-Large. There is a difference between the RALOs. For Europe, the traditional approach is ISOC Chapters in many cases stand for the technical community, Academic are mostly organizers. We have organizers at the Euralo level. This in my opinion would be out target groups. Wikimedia Chapters as well, but business would not be my target group for the time being and we should identify many other options, before we identify business.
Garth: I will look into it myself, what is referred as "civil society" are 'community-based org" in the US.
Maybe we can each come up with a way to contact.
iv. Items to discuss in terms of IN-REACH Capacity building
Open the floor:
Wolf: The idea at EURALO was a key point of interest over the year; we had the European Summer School. I will be very interested to see capacity building as a very useful thing.
One of our ALAC members came up with the ICANN Academy and the first title may happen in Toronto. But in principle there were capacity building activities in ICANN meetings and we should continue with these, so members understand the bottom up approach and Ralos and how ALAC can participate in the PC procedures. This is an important issue of empowerment.
Sylvia Herlein: After CR meeting LACRALO started a capacity building program, 1/2 hour of our monthly is devoted and we have a record of these. We had a number of sessions and LACRALO can make available these.
v. NARALO Survey: Different call.
Darlene: Are we going to be able to talk about all of these topics in just 2 hours? If we limit the time spent and give CLO and a brief overview of the ROP, we can add some more structure to the other agenda items.
Heidi: You may want to request the Summit for FY 13, how would you like to request the Summit, (since it was announced by Fadi in Prague, that this Summit will be supported by ICANN)
Last Agenda item: Brief discussion of Summit.
Garth closed the meeting and asked people to email him with questions, or issues they would like to highlight.
Comments from Fatimata Seye-Sylla who had difficulties joining the meeting but sent through these comments by email:
This is my input to the meeting:
I agree with a 2 hour session and the idea of "1 hour 40 min and 20 minutes available for process, contingent to someone bringing forth a specific issues".
Capacity building was a good and efficient way of recruiting new ALSes for AFRALO. It might be very helpful for all RALOs as a first outreach step.
AFRALO also uses the monthly meetings to inform and "train" its members on current policy issues.
A good and easy to use website and wiki will be of great help
Like in EURALO, we recruit civil society organizations as ISOC chapters and other IT & internet promotion associations. Businesses are not recruited in AFRALO
I support another holding another meeting before Toronto