Zoom chat: 2024-01-29 AFRALO ROP Working Group Webinar
00:27:35 Fatimata Seye Sylla: Thanks Alan!!!
00:27:55 Isaac Maposa: Thank you Alan. We greatly appreciate.
00:28:17 Silvia Vivanco: Remmy is speaking
00:29:19 Dr. Adebunmi Akinbo: Well done @Alan Greenberg
00:31:56 Hadia Elminiawi: Hello Aziz
00:32:51 Mohamed KASSIMI: Hello M. Hilali
00:33:20 Julius Kirimi: Very informative. Good
00:33:31 Alan Greenberg: Without Individual Users, we had found that people who were interested in participating had to go and create an ALS just so they could participate. That made no sense when it was really a single person who had the interest.
00:34:23 omar shuran: Replying to "Without Individual U..."
That is right
00:34:33 Dr. Adebunmi Akinbo: Reacted to Without Individual U... with "
00:35:21 Dr. Adebunmi Akinbo: Replying to "Without Individual U..."
The stress non-ALSes...
00:35:41 Seun Ojedeji: add
00:36:00 Silvia Vivanco: Reacted to "Without Individual U..." with
00:44:49 Fatimata Seye Sylla: Thank you Aziz
00:44:56 Isaac Maposa: Thank you Aziz.
00:44:59 Dr. Adebunmi Akinbo: Thanks @Aziz HILALI
00:45:14 Hervé HOUNZANDJI: thanks @Aziz HILALI
00:45:23 Silvia Vivanco: Thank you Aziz for this very informative presentation
00:45:32 Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong: Thanks Prof Aziz and Alan for the great presentation
00:45:42 Lavish Mawuena Mensah: Reacted to Thank you Aziz. with "
00:45:50 Stephen Dakyi: belief and informative presentation. Thank you Aziz
00:45:51 Lavish Mawuena Mensah: Reacted to Thanks @Aziz HILALI with "
00:45:55 Lavish Mawuena Mensah: Reacted to Thank you Aziz for t... with "
00:46:01 Hadia Elminiawi: Reacted to "belief and informati..." with
00:46:01 Lavish Mawuena Mensah: Reacted to Thanks Prof Aziz and... with "
00:46:07 Samira BELLAHSEN: Thank you Pr. Hilali
00:46:54 Mohamed KASSIMI: Thanks @Aziz HILALI
00:48:31 Samira BELLAHSEN: Reacted to Thanks @Aziz HILALI with "
00:48:36 Mohamed KASSIMI: Reacted to Thanks @Aziz HILALI with "
00:48:44 Samira BELLAHSEN: Reacted to belief and informati... with "
00:50:49 Raihanath GBADAMASSI: Good Presentation Aziz. Thank you
00:52:59 Athanase Bahizire: Thank you Alan
00:53:52 Alan Greenberg: The new ALS processes give full details of how to decertify and ALS.
00:54:32 Stephen Dakyi: Reacted to "The new ALS processe..." with
00:54:42 Hadia Elminiawi: okay
00:54:47 Raymond Mamattah: The problem is we have to ask ourselves what form of support are we providing to the ALSs before asking for our pound of flesh from them☺️. If we don't give them any much support then how can we be bold to judge them about performing or not?
00:55:12 Silvia Vivanco: I do recall
00:55:29 omar shuran: As of my knowledge AFRALO has already been through the decertification process
00:55:34 Silvia Vivanco: We reached out to them personally to cast votes and reply to several emails
00:55:50 Raymond Mamattah: I thought at least one of the Co-Chairs should have been part of this panel oh☺️
00:57:12 Lavish Mawuena Mensah: Replying to "The problem is we ha..."
I agree with you
00:58:26 Hadia Elminiawi: Replying to "The problem is we ha..."
In my opinion it is not about judging ALSs but it is more of making sure that existing members/ALSs want to remain members, be part of AFRALO and contribute as they see fit
00:58:51 Hervé HOUNZANDJI: Reacted to "In my opinion it is ..." with
00:59:25 Fatimata Seye Sylla: Reacted to "In my opinion it is ..." with
00:59:34 omar shuran: Replying to "As of my knowledge A..."
01:00:08 omar shuran: Replying to "As of my knowledge A..."
the link to ALS inactive Status & Decertification
01:04:52 Dr. Adebunmi Akinbo: I recall the individual membership discussion.
01:04:58 Michelle DeSmyter - ICANN Org: All presentations are linked on the wiki agenda page: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/AFRALO/pages/104649684/2024-01-29+AFRALO+ROP+Working+Group+Webinar
01:09:46 Aziz HILALI: Reacted to "Thank you Pr. Hilali" with
01:09:57 Martha Alade: Reacted to All presentations ar... with ""
01:11:31 Dr. Adebunmi Akinbo: Wazobia @Seun Ojedeji
Good presentation.
01:11:36 Dr. Adebunmi Akinbo: Reacted to All presentations ar... with ""
01:12:10 Isaac Maposa: Thanks so much @Seun Ojedeji
01:12:32 Fatimata Seye Sylla: Thanks Seun. Well done!
01:12:34 Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong: Thanks so much @Seun Ojedeji
01:12:57 Aziz HILALI: Reacted to "Thanks so much @Seun..." with
01:13:23 Lavish Mawuena Mensah: Reacted to All presentations ar... with "
01:13:31 Martha Alade: Seun is pronounced "shay Hun"
01:13:50 Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong: Reacted to "Seun is pronounced "…" with
01:13:55 Lavish Mawuena Mensah: Reacted to Seun is pronounced "... with "
01:13:55 Hervé HOUNZANDJI: Reacted to "Seun is pronounced "..." with
01:13:59 Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong: Reacted to "All presentations ar…" with
01:14:15 Hervé HOUNZANDJI: Replying to "Wazobia @Seun Ojedej..."
Wazobia academy
01:14:50 Seun Ojedeji: My daughter just asked why am being pronounced that way ;-)
01:14:53 Isaac Maposa: You can add input here;
01:15:08 Martha Alade: Reacted to Seun is pronounced "... with "
01:15:20 Martha Alade: Reacted to My daughter just ask... with "
01:15:29 Michelle DeSmyter - ICANN Org: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/AFRALO/pages/104645257/African+Regional+At-Large+Organization+AFRALO+OPERATING+PRINCIPLES
01:15:39 MAUD ADJELEY ASHONG ELLIOT: Reacted to "My daughter just ask..." with
01:15:55 Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong: Reacted to "You can add input he…" with
01:16:01 Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong: Reacted to "https://community.ic…" with
01:19:26 Frank Anati: Hi everyone Frank Anati from Ghana
01:19:28 Fatimata Seye Sylla: The main issue we had was linked to the definition of the Performance metrics and the way we can monitor them
01:19:50 Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong: Replying to "Hi everyone Frank An…"
01:20:27 Alan Greenberg: Something else that may need focus is privacy. Because of privacy legislation around the world, ICANN may impose rules about what we can ask or do.
01:20:46 Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong: Reacted to "Something else that …" with
01:20:48 Fatimata Seye Sylla: Reacted to "Something else that ..." with
01:21:01 Dr. Adebunmi Akinbo: Reacted to https://community.ic... with "
01:21:05 Dr. Adebunmi Akinbo: Reacted to You can add input he... with "
01:21:25 Dr. Adebunmi Akinbo: Reacted to My daughter just ask... with "
01:21:29 Dr. Adebunmi Akinbo: Reacted to Seun is pronounced "... with "
01:22:25 Silvia Vivanco: 2 hands up
01:22:39 Isaac Maposa: Reacted to "Something else tha..." with
01:22:58 Silvia Vivanco: Pastor Peters and Tijani
01:23:18 Seun Ojedeji: add
01:26:54 Hadia Elminiawi: @Pastor Peters Omoragbon Yes indeed you are correct but discussions are part of understanding the principles
01:28:22 Hadia Elminiawi: This is just an educational webinar but discussions are more than welcome
01:30:56 Dr. Adebunmi Akinbo: Historical guidelines to the discussion on the past, and existing documents.
01:32:20 Raymond Mamattah: If the vice chair role should be removed or not should be left to the ALSs and the individual members to decide. That was an old suggestion, is it still relevant now?
01:32:38 Dr. Adebunmi Akinbo: Reacted to If the vice chair ro... with "
01:32:41 Pastor Peters Omoragbon: All these should be forwarded to the WG together with ANY other proposals from the Afralo family. Discussions here so far to me are not educative but rather taking the shape of taking decisions for the WG.
01:32:59 Dr. Adebunmi Akinbo: I heard commitment.
01:33:42 Dr. Adebunmi Akinbo: Very educative discussion so far. Well done.
01:34:15 Hadia Elminiawi: No decisions whatsoever will come out of this webinar
01:34:46 Isaac Maposa: Replying to "All these should b..."
You can add the issues you feel should be addresed in the working document
01:34:51 Dr. Adebunmi Akinbo: Reacted to No decisions whatsoe... with "
01:34:53 Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong: Reacted to "No decisions whatsoe…" with
01:35:09 Allan Magezi: Reacted to No decisions whatsoe... with "
01:35:59 Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong: Reacted to "You can add the issu…" with
01:36:02 Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong: Reacted to "All these should be …" with
01:36:07 Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong: Reacted to "Very educative discu…" with
01:36:27 Martha Alade: Good one pastor Peters. Even if they don't have a contribution, they should commit in writing.
01:36:42 Seun Ojedeji: You are member of the working group and others here as well you can take feedback
01:37:06 Dr. Adebunmi Akinbo: Reacted to You are member of th... with "
01:37:16 Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong: Directly On Google drive will be very helpful for WG
01:38:29 Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong: Reminder 5min
01:39:11 Hadia Elminiawi: The review of operating principles will be done during the working group calls/meetings
01:39:36 Silvia Vivanco: The webinar had the goal of refreshing members recollection of the rules and the main history and background
01:40:02 Silvia Vivanco: This call recording and transcript will be available so all can re-listen and re-watch
01:40:17 Isaac Maposa: @Seun Ojedeji Yes, that is on point.
01:40:25 Isaac Maposa: Reacted to "The webinar had th..." with
01:40:30 Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong: Reacted to "The webinar had the …" with
01:40:49 Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong: Good point Seun
01:40:59 Stephen Dakyi: Despite Pastor Peter's suggestion, I strongly believe that the webinar is necessary to offer improved information and education to ALS given the apparent inactivity of some ALS individuals and their representatives.
01:41:17 Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong: Reacted to "Despite Pastor Peter…" with
01:41:25 Isaac Maposa: We encourage you to input your comments on the Working Document.
01:41:32 Dr. Adebunmi Akinbo: Reacted to Despite Pastor Peter... with "
01:41:41 Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong: Reacted to "We encourage you to …" with
01:41:43 Athanase Bahizire: Reacted to "We encourage you to …" with
01:41:44 Dr. Adebunmi Akinbo: Reacted to Good point Seun with "
01:41:49 Dr. Adebunmi Akinbo: Reacted to @Seun Ojedeji Yes, t... with "
01:41:53 Stephen Dakyi: Reacted to "Good point Seun" with
01:42:03 Hervé HOUNZANDJI: thanks
01:42:04 Stephen Dakyi: Reacted to "We encourage you to ..." with
01:42:05 Hervé HOUNZANDJI: bye
01:42:06 Dr. Adebunmi Akinbo: Well done Everyone
01:42:06 Dave Kissoondoyal: Thanks and bye to all