The Future Structure and Governance of ICANN
This Working Group discusses the overall structure of the ICANN multi-stakeholder model and looks at possible future governance models. Issues related to the Joint Project Agreement (JPA) such as the "Improving Institutional Confidence" process (IIC), which was initiated by the President's Strategy Committee (PSC) in early 2008 are of specific interest to the members of this Working Group.
This Working Group is a continuation of the At-Large Summit Working Group on the Future Structure of ICANN, which was established prior to the At-Large Summit in Mexico City in March 2009.
More than two years ago, the President’s Strategy Committee (PSC) commenced a series of consultations on how to strengthen and complete the ICANN multi-stakeholder model. In addition, the recent midterm review of the Joint Project Agreement (JPA) between the United States Department of Commerce and ICANN produced useful comments about ICANN’s performance and future.
More information about this process may be found at
Latest News
New Draft ALAC Statement on Board Review WG report AL-ALAC-ST-1109-1 EN
New documents related to the Improving Institutional Confidence released: See Improving Institutional Confidence: The Way Forward
Propositions for an ALAC statement on IIC - The Way Forward and the Bylaws changes
Adopted by ALAC the 30th of October 2009 
For October and November 2009, the chair of the WG is trying to put togethere a draft statment related to the ICANN SIC Board Review WG Document Entitled “ICANN Board Review Working Group Draft Final Report”.
Propositions for an ALAC statement on AL_ALAC_1109_Board_RWG_sbt_V00.docx “ICANN Board Review Working Group Draft Final Report”.
In December 2009, ALAC adopted 2 comments elaborated by our WG on:
Board Review – Draft Final Working Group Report,
NomCom Review. As a working group we will have to participate to the elaboration of comments and proposals to the Strategic Planning 2010 – 2013 (the public consultation will close the 21 of January 2010).
WG2 Meetings and Events
WG2 Officers and Members
WG2 Documents
Email List
Those interested are welcome to join the mailing list for Working Group 2 at this URL.
Adobe Connect Room
Adobe Connect is an application which allows you to look at shared documents and present your computer screen to other working group members:
(If you have never attended a Connect Pro meeting before: Test your connection and get a quick overview)
During the At-Large Summit, Working Group members were using the following Adobe Connect meeting room, which is no longer active: