At-Large New gTLDs 2012-10-15 - Toronto

At-Large New gTLDs 2012-10-15 - Toronto

At-Large New gTLDs 15 October 2012 -  Toronto

Date: Monday 15 October 2012

Time: 14:00 - 15:00 local time (for the time in various timezones click here)

Meeting Number: AL.gTLD/MT.1012/1

Other At-Large meetings on the 15 October 2012

How do I participate in this meeting?

Action Items: EN

Summary Minutes:   EN   


Transcript:   EN    

AC Chat Transcript: EN   

Adobe Connect Meeting Room:  http://icann.adobeconnect.com/yyz45-regatta






  1. Agenda Review
  2. Report on ANgRG & Discussion
  3. Report on SARP - Karla Valente, Team Member Application Support Program
  4. Developing Region and Support Issue Analysis
  5. Reports and Discussion on Roll Out Issues
  6. Meetings
  7. AOB