At-Large IDN WG Teleconference 27-06-2012 Prague

At-Large IDN WG Teleconference 27-06-2012 Prague

Date: Wednesday 27 June, 2012

Time: 15:00 - 16:00 local time For the time in various timezones click here

Meeting Number: AL.IDN/CC.0612/1

How can I participate in this meeting?

Please send an email to staff(at)atlarge.icann.org if you require a dial-out for this call.

Link to At-Large meetings Wednesday 27th June 2012
Adobe Connect room for this call only: http://icann.adobeconnect.com/prg44-roma




Summary Minutes: IDN WG 27-06-2012 Summary Minutes 

Action Items: IDN WG 27-06-2012 Action Items

Recording: English

Transcription:IDN WG 27-06-2012 Transcription

Ac Chat Transcription: IDN WG 27-06-2012 Chat 

Adobe Connect room: TBC


1. Current / Recent Public Comment Periods

           - IDN ccTLD Review

           - VIP Project Plan

         - Any other of relevance?


2. IDN gTLD Priority

          - Should ALAC develop a statement in support of prioritizing IDN gTLD

applications in the batching process?


3. ALAC IDN Position / Vision

          - Basic premises: Multilingualism, diversity, access, etc.

          - IDN gTLD and IDN ccTLD situation: market demand vs. user need (prioritization by policy vs. by market forces)

         - IDN WHOIS (including IANA WHOIS) -- e.g. does not allow internationalized contact data

        - Universal Acceptance of IDNs: ICANN's role and responsibilities

        - AOC point 5. on IDN ccTLDs

         - Recommendations, etc.