Zoom Chat: 2019-09-09 At-Large Regional Leadership Call

Zoom Chat: 2019-09-09 At-Large Regional Leadership Call

17:35:05 From Yesim Nazlar : Welcome to the At-Large Regional Leadership Call taking place on Monday, 09 September 2019 at 15:00 UTC.
17:35:26 From Yesim Nazlar : Agenda: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/x/xxXhBQ
17:43:10 From Vrikson Acosta : Hello
17:44:20 From Yesim Nazlar : Hi Vrikson
17:56:10 From sergio salinas porto : hi everyone
17:56:23 From sergio salinas porto : pleasee callme at +54 9 223 5 215819
17:56:40 From Glenn McKnight, Naralo : Testing audio
17:56:48 From Yesim Nazlar : Hi Sergio - dialing out to you
17:57:54 From sergio salinas porto : thanks Yesim!
17:57:55 From Vrikson Acosta : There is a lot of noise
17:58:01 From Glenn McKnight, Naralo : I have had problems with my audio since my Blue mic fell over my desk.
17:59:03 From Sebastien Bachollet : Hello, My mobile is not working. I am with Zoom but only for the next 45 to 50’
17:59:25 From Yesim Nazlar : @Sebastien - well noted
18:00:02 From silvia.vivanco : Welcome all
18:00:09 From silvia.vivanco : We are still gathering
18:00:10 From Sebastien Bachollet : If we can take the topic of ATRT3 before I leave I will appreciate
18:00:12 From Vrikson Acosta : There must be at least one mike open, because there has been background noise since the beginning of this meeting
18:00:56 From Eduardo Diaz - NARALO : @Sebastien: will do!
18:00:59 From Glenn McKnight, Naralo : I sent my phone number privately
18:01:52 From Glenn McKnight, Naralo : no call yet
18:03:11 From Evin Erdoğdu : Hello all, welcome.
18:04:04 From Harold Arcos : Hi everyone
18:04:47 From Glenn McKnight, Naralo : much better by phone
18:04:58 From Glenn McKnight, Naralo : phone is muted
18:05:14 From Satish Babu : Hi everyone!
18:06:05 From Alberto Soto : Hola a todos, hello everyone!
18:06:34 From sergio salinas porto : hola alberto!
18:07:41 From silvia.vivanco : ATRT3: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/atrt/pages/96213191/Survey
18:08:05 From Sarah Kiden : Dear Staff, Seun says there is no need to dial-out to him. He is on the road and will join the call as soon as he gets home
18:08:06 From Glenn McKnight, Naralo : NARALO completed it and I did it too for individual
18:12:06 From Yesim Nazlar : @Sarah: well noted, thank you
18:15:43 From Satish Babu : Great, thanks Sebastien!
18:16:04 From Satish Babu : 12th...
18:16:23 From Evin Erdoğdu : Requested final comments by 12 Sept, so that we may submit on 13 Sept
18:17:36 From Satish Babu : APRALO is trying to have a group process by the LT to fill up the survey document...
18:17:45 From Satish Babu : We will submit it by 12th.
18:19:35 From Maureen Hilyard (ALAC) : Thank you Eduardo. It is important that the RALOs respond independently to the ATRT3 to complement the ALAC response
18:21:30 From Maureen Hilyard (ALAC) : The ALAC is completing the survey in a similar fashion to APRALO - members have access to the document to provide their comments on issues of interest or concern which will be incorporated into the document
18:21:30 From Filina Natalia : Hello everyone! My apologize I am late
18:23:52 From Judith Hellerstein : hi all. I have to leave for a meeting
18:23:58 From Sebastien Bachollet : Thanks to you all
18:24:13 From Maureen Hilyard (ALAC) : Thanks Sebastien
18:24:29 From silvia.vivanco : Action items: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/atlarge/pages/99628435/ICANN65+ALAC+and+At-Large+Action+Items+24-27+June+Workspace
18:24:40 From Sebastien Bachollet : If you have any additional question about ATRT3, I am alwais available
18:25:13 From Heidi Ullrich : @Eduardo, Joanna and Jonathan can explain all of this - a new phase !
18:25:25 From Heidi Ullrich : So we are not using hot topics anymore…
18:25:34 From silvia.vivanco : Joanna Kulesza and Jonathan Zuckto work with staff to have final ALAC Hot Policy Topics Document by ICANN66 / ATLAS III.
18:29:07 From Eduardo Diaz - NARALO : Those were created about 3 years ago
18:29:25 From Glenn McKnight, Naralo : Yes they are historical
18:29:55 From Glenn McKnight, Naralo : ie. Net Neutrality was a big issue but not now due to FCC appeal
18:30:07 From Glenn McKnight, Naralo : ie. DNS over HTTPS isn't there
18:31:00 From Glenn McKnight, Naralo : Clearly the topics should be in accord with the ICANN Remit
18:31:09 From Heidi Ullrich : @Eduardo/Glenn, I think the NARALO items are likely much too old now. We should likely move forward with the At-Large version and then go from there.
18:31:35 From Glenn McKnight, Naralo : Too many feature creep by too many topics
18:36:57 From Glenn McKnight, Naralo : I would think the harmonization of these core issues will reduce confusion and make it clear on their focus and their activities. This should be consistent with their CROP trips and Discretionary Funding requests
18:37:14 From Glenn McKnight, Naralo : We have very old MOU with the RALO's perhaps time to level set it
18:37:52 From Satish Babu : Thanks John!
18:38:09 From Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond : @Satish it's Jonathan, not John
18:38:16 From Jonathan Zuck : It’s Jonathan, @Satish. My mother will haunt you
18:39:09 From Satish Babu : Sorry, I meant 'Jon'... :-)
18:40:14 From Jonathan Zuck : it’s not Jon either ;)
18:41:02 From Satish Babu : Yes, just trying to type less..
18:42:06 From Sebastien Bachollet : I am sorry I will have to leave the call soon.
18:42:12 From Sebastien Bachollet : Thanks
18:42:16 From Joanna Kulesza : +1 for RALO presentations, as long as we have support from RALO leaders today
18:42:49 From silvia.vivanco : AI: Jonathan and Joanna to present at LACRALO’s monthly call on Monday 16
18:42:50 From Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond : niversal Acceptance is indeed implementation
18:43:04 From John Laprise : Can we table UA discussion for later in this meeting...it's an action item
18:43:31 From Satish Babu : UA is also an action item for all RALOs...
18:44:25 From Joanna Kulesza : IDNs are a "hot topic" in 3 out of 5 regions, so again, it's just an accounting exercise that we provided, open to discussion. All comments are most welcome
18:44:56 From Heidi Ullrich : @Eduardo, the aim is to certainly get RALO input. It is meant to be the main issues that At-Large focuses on and the potential impact on end users.
18:45:21 From Harold Arcos : https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/atlarge/pages/99728507/ALAC+and+RALO+Hot+Policy+Topics
From LACRALO Leadership we wish to complete this matrix. Can we do it or will Jhoana and Jhonatan fill it with the results of the General Matrix?
18:45:26 From Satish Babu : Maybe it's too much of a jump from "Hot Topics" to "At-Large Policy Platform"...
18:45:27 From Heidi Ullrich : It is a tool to help members of At-Large that may not be as experienced as the leadership on what the main issues are of imporrtance.
18:45:49 From Joanna Kulesza : Ideally we would target the "AtLarge Top Ten policy issues list" as a way of demonstrating our policy efforts.
18:45:52 From Heidi Ullrich : It is meant to be a dynamic document that can be developed in the post-ATLAS III period
18:46:22 From Joanna Kulesza : Whether they are the exact representation of RALO policy topics combined - that is the question we are discussing here.
18:46:56 From Glenn McKnight, Naralo : The next step is actions, activites to educate, inform and engage the RALO membership on these issues and integration with monthly meetings, etc
18:47:25 From Heidi Ullrich : @Glenn, correct. The document will be part of capacity building activities.
18:47:39 From Joanna Kulesza : +1 Glenn & Heidi
18:47:57 From Glenn McKnight, Naralo : This is why we have done Monthy Topics on issues and our NARALO insights series
18:49:18 From Glenn McKnight, Naralo : Quick comment on this action is S.M.A.R.T evaluation
18:49:55 From Glenn McKnight, Naralo : Specific, Measurable Achieveable Results and Tactics of this initiative
18:50:48 From Joanna Kulesza : @Glenn, metrics are - again - a working method issue, one we might want to look into ;)
18:51:54 From Glenn McKnight, Naralo : @Joanna not Metrics for the sake of rationalization but clear tactics, including FAIL Reports when some of these tactics don't work, The true failure is not doing anything
18:52:15 From Joanna Kulesza : +1 Glenn
18:52:34 From Glenn McKnight, Naralo : I don't like the political slate idea since politicans don't deliver on their promises
18:52:35 From Jonathan Zuck : Agree Glenn. Let’s see how we’re doing on our UA efforts
18:53:39 From Glenn McKnight, Naralo : Any new approach will take time
18:54:26 From Joanna Kulesza : FYI: UA will appear on IGF HU next week and IGF PL in Dec. (
18:55:39 From Eduardo Diaz - NARALO : We are going through the same thing more or less) i the CPWG
18:59:59 From Glenn McKnight, Naralo : @Jon is correct that some people forget our 'job' I as others are deeply involved with ISOC , IGF, IEEE, and I don't confuse each mandates
19:00:00 From Eduardo Diaz - NARALO : I am planning to have a hard stop at 16:30 UTC
19:00:29 From Joanna Kulesza : Please kindly go to slide 9 - we have added Public interest following feedback received19:02:06 From Glenn McKnight, Naralo : k
19:02:07 From Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond : acting in the Public Interest should be an ICANN Core Value. It is on paper, but in EURALO we have real concerns that this is not quite so clear in practice
19:02:26 From Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond : That is why "The Public Interest" is a EURALO Hot Topic.
19:02:37 From Sarah Kiden : No objection
19:02:46 From Joanna Kulesza : Duly noted OCL. Happy to work on this further. Thank you for all the comments.
19:05:03 From silvia.vivanco : Universal Acceptance : https://uasg.tech/about/
19:05:34 From silvia.vivanco : https://uasg.tech/about/people/
19:08:06 From silvia.vivanco : Kindly see transcripts/Recordings of the
At Large Universal Acceptance (UA) Kickoff
8:30 - 10:15, Wed, Jun 26, 2019: https://65.schedule.icann.org/meetings/1058226
19:13:25 From Glenn McKnight, Naralo : @Jon i have 1500 members on my Internet Governance Hub on Facebook
19:14:50 From Glenn McKnight, Naralo : Blogging without an audience is an issue
19:19:32 From Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond : It's a really tough road, when the new gTLDs have such a bad reputation;
19:20:07 From Harold Arcos : got better,,,
19:20:08 From Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond : All I'm saying is that it is not an easy road to follow or a topic to promote
19:21:10 From Heidi Ullrich : @Eduardo, staff will go ahead a plan another call on the 16th :)
19:21:17 From Alberto Soto : +1 Olivier
19:21:27 From Jonathan Zuck : But from a technology perspective, they are two different issues.
19:21:34 From Eduardo Diaz - NARALO : @Heidi: please do so.
19:21:54 From Jonathan Zuck : these are ALL good points. If we spend all the time to come up with regionalized nuanced messages, we won’t accomplish the basics of the task
19:23:11 From Jonathan Zuck : It’s not like the java validation code on a web page is going out and checking a blacklist. IF they do that, that’s FINE. They just need to make sure they aren’t rejecting an email address because it’s not 3 roman characters
19:23:17 From silvia.vivanco : We will schedule the next call on Monday 16 at the same time if all are ok with it
19:23:43 From Eduardo Diaz - NARALO : @Jonathna: that is because this project was not described correctly and what it wants to accomplish. You just explain int this call. Hopefully all RALOS got it. We’’ll see.
19:23:43 From Glenn McKnight, Naralo : You mean Oct 16th?
19:24:07 From Eduardo Diaz - NARALO : @Glenn: Sept 16
19:24:20 From Heidi Ullrich : There is a lot to cover.
19:24:26 From Jonathan Zuck : we need to simplify, simplify, simplify. This isn’t about talking about your individual efforts. It’s about whether we are CAPABLE of a group effort.
19:24:27 From silvia.vivanco : Monday Sept 16 -call continuation of this call
19:24:31 From Harold Arcos : https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/LACRALO/pages/109758080/LACRALO+WG+Multiling+ismo+y+IDNs+WG+on+Multilinguism+and+IDNs
19:24:53 From Glenn McKnight, Naralo : Isn
19:25:05 From Glenn McKnight, Naralo : Isn't this group a once a month call?
19:25:06 From John Laprise : Blog was/is a suggestion. RALOs/ALSs/individual members should communicate through whichever media are effective in whichever languages are effective.
19:25:11 From Satish Babu : I have a conflct on 16 Sep with a call of UASG-Tech, but can participate during the initial part of the meeting.
19:25:44 From Eduardo Diaz - NARALO : @John: that is not what the AI says - i.e. was not a sugestion
19:26:01 From Glenn McKnight, Naralo : I am in Washington finishing a ISOC Board meeting on Monday Sept 16
19:26:22 From John Laprise : THE UA pilot project is not an ALAC effort; it is a regional effort on the part of the RALOs/ALSs?individual members
19:27:10 From Glenn McKnight, Naralo : Sorry i will not be on the call next week
19:27:12 From John Laprise : @eduardo: understood. I however great latitutdue to the community to decide what works better
19:27:18 From Jonathan Zuck : And it’s meant to be numerically trackable. Its’ not a broad exploration of what RALOs and ALSs can and should be doing about UA. It is a SPECIFIC ask.
19:27:19 From John Laprise : *best
19:27:20 From silvia.vivanco : staff will schedule the call for September 16 same time
19:27:45 From Glenn McKnight, Naralo : no , Satish and me will not be here
19:28:04 From Joanna Kulesza : Thank you all!
19:28:04 From silvia.vivanco : Thank you all
19:28:04 From Heidi Ullrich : Excellent discussions!
19:28:12 From Evin Erdoğdu : Thank you all
19:28:19 From silvia.vivanco : staff will send a calendar invite and will note today’s AI shortly
19:28:32 From sergio salinas porto : bye excellent meeting!!! congratulation for all
19:28:34 From Lianna Galstyan : Thanks all
19:28:47 From Filina Natalia : thank you
19:28:48 From Satish Babu : Thanks and bye!
19:28:50 From Abhishek Kumar Jha : Thank you So much. I wanted to ask how can one join APRALO as an individual?
19:29:08 From Vrikson Acosta : ok next call us next monday
19:29:14 From Satish Babu : @Abhishek, pls visit the At-Large website.
19:29:15 From Evin Erdoğdu : Welcome Alperen!
19:29:15 From Vrikson Acosta : bye everyone
19:29:17 From Harold Arcos : Thanks everyone,,,,to Staff,,,to our Interpreters!!
19:29:36 From Alperen : hello everyone
19:29:42 From Glenn McKnight, Naralo : still no sound from Alp
19:29:50 From Glenn McKnight, Naralo : I now hear
19:30:02 From Joanna Kulesza : Welcome Alp!:)
19:30:16 From Heidi Ullrich : Alp is currently based in Washington DC.
19:30:45 From Harold Arcos : Hello Alperen,,,wellcome! We look forward to work with you from LACRALO
19:30:47 From Jonathan Zuck : hello from DC, Alp!
19:31:13 From Satish Babu : Hi Alp...welcome!
19:32:20 From Alberto Soto : Thanks, bye bye!!
19:32:27 From silvia.vivanco : Thank you all bye