AC Chat: 2017-07-10 NARALO Teleconference
Mario Aleman:Welcome to the NARALO Monthly TeleconferenceMonday 10 July 2017 at 19:00 UTC
Mario Aleman:Agenda :
Glenn McKnight:905 434-6655
Eve Edelson:I do hear a low hum, but all else is ok
Glenn McKnight:Hung up please call now
Glenn McKnight:Hi Eve
Eve Edelson:Hi Glenn, I've joined the ranks of the gainfully unemployed -- took the retirement a week ago
Eve Edelson:So more time to read material!
Glenn McKnight:wow
Glenn McKnight:Can you come to San Jose for the Global Humanitarian Technology conference
Eve Edelson:yes I hear you, also the hum is back :) but it's not awful
Eve Edelson:lower
Glenn McKnight:
Evin Erdogdu:Hello and welcome all - I am in the AC Room.
Evin Erdogdu:Let me know what you would lıke for me to upload, if anything, Glenn. Thanks!
Evin Erdogdu:Sure, the midtem report you sent over email?
Evin Erdogdu:I can upload it now, just in case you get to it. Thanks!
Eve Edelson:Re: GHTC in October, looking into it, Radical Networks is at the same time (NYC) -- are you presenting?
Evin Erdogdu:I am uploading the report, and then will switch back to the agenda.
Glenn McKnight:Hung up again
wes boudville:anything happening?
Gordon Chillcott:Not yet.
Eve Edelson:hi Glenn
Glenn McKnight:very crackly
Glenn McKnight:try again please
Glenn McKnight:could not hear clearly
Glenn McKnight:hi Wes
Mario Aleman:Hi Glenn, are you still there?
Glenn McKnight:i called back in
wes boudville:ok
John Laprise:Hi all!
judith hellerstein:I also may need a dial up as my internet has been flaky today
Glenn McKnight:thanks
Glenn McKnight:judith
John Laprise:FYI simultaneous Jurisdiction supgroup occurring at this time.
Glenn McKnight:Silvia isn't on the call so Mario needs to add content by Silvia
Mario Aleman:Sure Glenn. No problem
Glenn McKnight:Thanks Mario
Susannah Gray (SF-Bay ISOC Chapter):Glenn: I don't see social media/twitter account on the agenda?
Glenn McKnight:I have Susannah and Joly at 5.1 on the READ out
Glenn McKnight:Please post the tweet account
Susannah Gray (SF-Bay ISOC Chapter):?
Glenn McKnight:Dustin please add your details
Dustin Phillips:IGF-USA Twitter Handle:
Dustin Phillips:Hashtag: #IGFUSA2017
Dustin Phillips:Website:
Glenn McKnight:thanks
Glenn McKnight:what is the date again?
Dustin Phillips:July 24
Glenn McKnight:thanks
Susannah Gray (SF-Bay ISOC Chapter):Blog Post:
Mario Aleman:ICANN 60 CALL For Substitutes-
Mario Aleman:Welcome to the call, Joly
Joly MacFie:Apologies for tardity.
Eve Edelson:I guess one has to work backward from the date, people will need to make travel arrangements
Glenn McKnight:4.1 ICANN 60 CALL For Substitutes- Glenn (5 minutes)
Susannah Gray (SF-Bay ISOC Chapter):Suggest after the fellowships are announced.
Joly MacFie:Yes I'll do it.
Eve Edelson:Do you mean volunteers for evaluating applications for potential substitutes for Garth?
Susannah Gray (SF-Bay ISOC Chapter):to evaluate applications for people to travel to ICANN 60
Eve Edelson:OK I volunteer if I seem qualified
Eve Edelson:Well whoever you prefer is fine
Joly MacFie:Gart = big shoes to fill!
Joly MacFie:Garth
Glenn McKnight:Thanks all
Glenn McKnight:Gordon, Eve and Joly for volunteering
Glenn McKnight:I will work with on the call for evaluatoin
Eve Edelson:yeh I hear the squeaks
Glenn McKnight:it might be a mouse
wes boudville:sounds like someone is ad-libbing!
Eve Edelson:I think she's choking a robot :)
John Laprise:Just one word: please make sure that Garth substitute has an appropriate itinerary #Hyderbad snafu
wes boudville:actually it sounds like some experimental music I listen to
John Laprise:Agreed bad ine
Joly MacFie:That audio is very star trek
Allan Skuce:Someone has speakers on.
Glenn McKnight:Welcome Alan Skuce
Glenn McKnight:good
Glenn McKnight:better
Allan Skuce:cleared up.
Glenn McKnight:wow 14 attendees and 2 regrets. excellent for a summer call
Mario Aleman:Welcome to the call, Murray
Murray McKercher:Hello from Toronto
Glenn McKnight:Hi Murray
Murray McKercher:Yeah Canada :)
Matthew Rantanen:To Confirm.... I would need to apply again for San Juan, Puerto Rico
Glenn McKnight:Its part of the process Matt. It will be for PR and Panama
Glenn McKnight:as Mentor
Matthew Rantanen:Great
Matthew Rantanen:I just don't want to overlook another opportunity to stay engaged.
Glenn McKnight:Folks Matt was at the GA and the last ATLAS ll in London. He is very active in Indian country on broadband issues
Matthew Rantanen:
Glenn McKnight:Thanks
Mario Aleman:NARALO Operating Principles Review
Mario Aleman:ICANN Joburg Update Ebooks
Eve Edelson:Glenn thanks for all the work you put into this -- if I see what looks like the same ebook twice, is the upper one newer?
Joly MacFie:ga
Eve Edelson:eg.., "The Tool formerly known as the Domain Abuse reporting tool"
Glenn McKnight:yes
Glenn McKnight:eve
Eve Edelson:h Susanna
Glenn McKnight:July 18th, time?
Glenn McKnight:Link
Glenn McKnight:Zoom?
Glenn McKnight:thanks
Susannah Gray (SF-Bay ISOC Chapter):Please share with your networks and within your organizations! All are welcome. Please register. It's free.
Glenn McKnight:Mario do you have the link to the CROPP strategic Plan?
John Laprise:The video from remote hubs often shows about 20-30 attendees only
Glenn McKnight:Some were better attended
Murray McKercher:sorry no voice
Eve Edelson:no
Mario Aleman:Just a reminder, please state your name before speaking for our interpreters. Thank you
Glenn McKnight:its Joly
Glenn McKnight:AI Mario can we ask ICANN to provide an adequate answer why it's either Hubs vs Read Out. Issues on transparrency etc
Mario Aleman:Sure, no problem. Glenn
Murray McKercher:Sorry I have intermittent communication..please kep me in the loop on that
Eve Edelson:I think hubs will be more crucial in some parts of the world than others
Joly MacFie:I agrre with Evan. That there should eba consulation. And I think its something we can talk about at the read out events
Joly MacFie:I would like to mention the NY event is July 20 6pm EDT
Murray McKercher:Re: hubs, I recall an attempt to review the effectiveness, but do not recall a report if one was approved
Eve Edelson:Glenn are you saying that with some adequate ARIN $ support, it could replace CROPP funding?
Susannah Gray (SF-Bay ISOC Chapter):Joly any remote participation?
Joly MacFie:Yes, zoom. I turned sown the Adobe :)
Joly MacFie:I may well have captioning
Glenn McKnight:The plan has moved to the CROPP main page
Mario Aleman:Draft RALO Outreach Strategic Plans for FY18
Mario Aleman:Community Regional Outreach Pilot Program (CROPP)-FY17 Community Regional Outreach Pilot Program (CROPP)-FY17
Joly MacFie:Didn't apply.
Glenn McKnight:Link to Discretionary Funds. ie. banners, food etc
Joly MacFie:Just got Chris to pay :)
Susannah Gray (SF-Bay ISOC Chapter):Yes this may be it .
Eve Edelson:Is there a place where all these funds with their rules and deadlines are pulled together?
Joly MacFie:We have a somewhat unique relationship in that ISOC-NY and ICANN are both members at Civic Hall in NYC, so it's easy to have them pay for room etc.
Susannah Gray (SF-Bay ISOC Chapter):I will send a reminder mail: I just wanted train fare/parking for the Board.
judith hellerstein:@eve. if we get people who have applied and received the ARIN fellowship than we do not have use one of our cropp trips for that
Eve Edelson:Glenn you're breaking up
judith hellerstein:i hear him well
Susannah Gray (SF-Bay ISOC Chapter):no problem with sound on my end
judith hellerstein:but it may be adobe. with adigo there is no problem
Susannah Gray (SF-Bay ISOC Chapter):Glenn do we know when the RALO nominations will be formally accepted?
judith hellerstein:we have to document the issues of poor audio
Glenn McKnight:one sec Susannah
Susannah Gray (SF-Bay ISOC Chapter):NP
Glenn McKnight:I don't think Alan Greenberg is on the call
Susannah Gray (SF-Bay ISOC Chapter):K
Glenn McKnight:Correct Judith. Its Laura Bengford
Glenn McKnight:Chris GIft is following up
Glenn McKnight:One sec Susannah Gray
Mario Aleman:@Glenn, we will be deciding the date of the next TTF call soon
Susannah Gray (SF-Bay ISOC Chapter):thanks
Susannah Gray (SF-Bay ISOC Chapter):Thanks Evan.
Glenn McKnight:Thank you all for attending today's call. Please add Alfredo as regrets
Mario Aleman:Thank you, Glenn. I will add Alfredo
Eve Edelson:Yes, captioning helps me too in a number of situations, whether bilingual or in English
Yubelkys:thank you!!!
Joly MacFie:I encourage people to join the dsnc chats I host
Joly MacFie:Captioning is abig topic.
Joly MacFie:and the calls are captioned.
Yubelkys:bye to all!!!
Louis Houle:Have a nice week!
Susannah Gray (SF-Bay ISOC Chapter):bye all
Gordon Chillcott:Thanks and bye for now.
Eve Edelson:Joly and Gordon, I guess we should coordinate after this to see how we get the bios of the nominees, and think about criteria
Allan Skuce:thanks bye