Zoom chat: 2024-01-09 EURALO Leadership Team
00:19:44 gisella.gruber: Wishing you all a very Happy New Year 2024. It is always lovely to see you and happy to be back
00:19:51 Natalia Filina: Reacted to "Wishing you all a ve..." with
00:20:03 gisella.gruber: Thank you for your patience as I get home tomorrow but working remotely during my long car journey :-)
00:20:16 Natalia Filina: Replying to "Wishing you all a ve..."
thank you dearest lovely Gisella! Happy New Year!!!
00:22:22 gisella.gruber: @Seb - noted AI to update the Ind Members on this map (different colour)
00:22:45 gisella.gruber: All these Ads will be on the 2024 AI page
00:30:32 gisella.gruber: It would be good for our ‘new’ blood to first get involved in EURALO, be present, and ‘join in’ on our work … and then I agree that we could look into this ‘in the future'
00:30:50 gisella.gruber: We don not have enough people putting themselves forward
00:36:18 Natalia Filina: Replying to "We don not have enou..."
I see many active new people, hopefully they will be ready soon to input
00:41:23 gisella.gruber: I will note as an AI to have a call with Chris and Heidi but already sending Heidi a note
00:41:42 Natalia Filina: Replying to "I will note as an AI..."
thanks Gisella
00:49:31 gisella.gruber: We usually always send out notifications on our 5 RALO Lists, NextGEn and Fellows
00:49:48 gisella.gruber: And posted on the ICANN Community Digest
01:01:25 gisella.gruber: I will work on updating these slides with you Sebastien
01:01:59 gisella.gruber: TTF is dormant - has not had a recent meeting
01:07:06 gisella.gruber: We have 3 ALAC members from a region - hence it being labelled this way no doubt
01:07:39 gisella.gruber: Please put this on an email - we have already been battling with other parts of ICANN labelling all At-Large people as ALAC
01:07:45 gisella.gruber: This has been for years
01:26:04 Adam Peake - ICANN Org: Norway I think. But no formal application yet
01:26:33 Natalia Filina: Reacted to "Norway I think. But..." with
01:27:12 Michelle DeSmyter - ICANN Org: Noted ;)
01:27:25 gisella.gruber: So the new Board members invited next week?
01:27:48 gisella.gruber: I will send a note today to all and double check the mailing list to see they are added to the Board Mailing list …
01:27:58 Michelle DeSmyter - ICANN Org: Noted as well, thank you!