Action Items: 2016.10.18 EURALO Teleconference

Action Items: 2016.10.18 EURALO Teleconference


  • 1. EURALO by laws task force-  At-Large Staff to (Heidi Ullrich to  work with Michael Yakushev to update on legal support requested for the drafting of the By-Laws.


  • 2. Tatiana Tropina volunteered to be part of the team for the Competition and Consumer trust PC.


  • 3. The deadline to reply the letter sent by the ALSes Engagement Task Force to be extended for 1 more week (October 28). Silvia Vivanco to add the google sheet to the WG  wiki page.


  • 4.  Heidi Ullrich  to  follow up on the question : Is the GAC liasion included in the amended ICANN By laws ?


  • 5. Wolf Ludwig to follow up with Dev Anand on the timeframes for the CROPP filing to ensure EURALO projects are filed timely.