20 October - Barcelona

20 October - Barcelona

Members:  Stephen Deerhake, Eberhard Lisse


Observers and experts:  

Staff:  Bart Boswinkel, Bernie Turcotte, Kim Carlson

Apologies: Peter Vergote, Sarmad Hussain


  1. Welcome
  2. Administrative announcements
  3. Bylaw definitional issue (Article 10.4 (a)) and proposed way forward– second reading (Plenary). see document CCPDP-RET.SummaryofApplicabilityDiscussion..2018-10-10, which was already circulated before the last call
  4. Applicability– second reading(Plenary): see document CCPDP-RET.SummaryofApplicabilityDiscussion..2018-10-10, which was already circulated before the last call.
  5. Overview on going forward including Process Plan and Oversight (Plenary): see document CCPDP-RET.SummaryofApplicabilityDiscussion..2018-10-10, which was already circulated before the last call and CCPDP-RET.OversightofRetirementProcess.v1.0.2018-10-16
  6. Timeline for retirement (overview, breakouts, wrap-up): see document CCPDP-RET.SummaryofApplicabilityDiscussion..2018-10-10, ccpdp-ret.timingofremoval.v1.2018-10-16.
  7. Arrangements/Framework for removal (overview, breakouts, wrap-up): see document CCPDP-RET.PlanningforremovaloftheccTLDV1.0.2018-10-16
  8. AOB
  9. Next meeting
  10. Adjournment
