29 November @23:00 UTC
Members: Stephen Deerhake, Sean Copeland, Peter Koch, Allan MacGillivray, Svitlana Tkachenko, Brent Carey, Nick Wenban-Smith, Nigel Roberts, Patricio Poblete, Nenad Orlic
Observers and experts: Naela Sarras, Kim Davies
Staff: Bart Boswinkel, Bernie Turcotte, Kim Carlson
Apologies: Martin Boyle, Eberhard Lisse, Jaap Akkerhuis, Kristina Hakobyan
1. Welcome & Roll Call
2. Administrative Announcements (if any)
3. Action Items
3.1 Chair: Update letter to Council and circulate to the list
3.2 Staff consolidate and update Mind Maps & Outline
3.2.1 Duration Removal
3.2.2 Retirement Process
4. Update Letter to Council
5. Mind Maps & Outline Removal Duration & Retirement Process
5.1 Run through
5.2 Next steps, incl continue discussion Duration of Removal Process
6. Introduction Strawman Paper Allan
7. Continue Discussion Staff Paper (follow-up previous meeting)
8. AOB
9. Next Meetings
- ccpdp-ret.barcelona.consolidatedretirementprocess.2018-10-20.outline.pdf
- ccpdp-ret.barcelona.removalduration.2018-10-20.outline.diff.v1,2-3[1].pdf
- ccpdp-ret.barcelona.removalduration.2018-10-20.outline.pdf
- ccPDP-RET.Outlinedurationretitrement.2018-11-26.pdf
- ccpdp-ret.transitionplan.BT.2018-10-22.v1.5.pdf
- strawmanproposal.mcgillivray.2018-10-13.diff.v1.2-3.pdf
- strawmanproposal.mcgillivray.2018-10-13.pdf
- PDP Chair to Katrina (v2).pdf
Recordings: AC
Transcript: EN
Chat Transcript:
Kimberly Carlson:Hello all, welcome to today's ccPDP on retirement call at 23:00 UTC on 29 November
Bart Boswinkel:Hi All
Stephen Deerhake:Hi all!
Sean Copeland:Hi Allan, I really liked the new way you put together the straw document
Svitlana Tkachenko:Hello!
Allan MacGillivray:Thanks Sean.
Bernard Turcotte:hello all
Nick Wenban-Smith:Good evening from Oxford
Kimberly Carlson:Barrack on phone only today
Patricio Poblete:Hi everyone!
Brent Carey:hi all
Kimberly Carlson:doc can be scrolled
Peter Koch (DENIC):Hi, I'm here, but I dseem to have audio issues locally, cannot hear anything
Kimberly Carlson:Peter, you may need to exit AC and reenter
Kimberly Carlson:or i can dial out to you, if you want to send me your number
Bart Boswinkel:For purposes of this Article 10, a ccTLD manager is the organization or entity responsible for managing an ISO 3166 country-code top-level domain, or under any later variant, for that country-code top-level domain.
Nick Wenban-Smith:ok thanks for explaining - let's not spend more time on it on the call
Nick Wenban-Smith:ok tx bart
Brent Carey:no. good idea
Allan MacGillivray:Has the 'Duration' document been circulated to the list? I don't recall seeing it recently.
Kimberly Carlson:Allan, it was circulated on Tuesday in my "reminder" email - along with the agenda
Kimberly Carlson:also on the wiki: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/x/CRx2Bg
Allan MacGillivray:Oh, I only saw the first three attachments - not the other 6
Kimberly Carlson:I dont see him
Kimberly Carlson:doc can be scrolled
Kimberly Carlson:Allan has rejoined
Bernard Turcotte:time check - we are 45 minutes into our call
Nenad Orlić:quiet night
Bernard Turcotte:nothing here
Kimberly Carlson:Next meeting 5 Dec @05:00 UTC
Kimberly Carlson:13 correction
Kimberly Carlson:thanks
Bernard Turcotte:bye all
Nick Wenban-Smith:thanks all
Brent Carey:thanks all.. sleep well
Nenad Orlić:bye
Naela Sarras:Thank you all.
Kimberly Carlson:Thank you all, bye
Patricio Poblete:Bye all
Bart Boswinkel:Bye All
Sean Copeland:thank you Stephen and bye all
Kimberly Carlson:call is the 13th, correct
Kimberly Carlson:5:00 UTC
Kimberly Carlson:thanks all
Allan MacGillivray:Nighty night
Svitlana Tkachenko:Thank you all.
Stephen Deerhake:Bye all