September 27 @05:00 UTC
Members: Stephen Deerhake, Eberhard Lisse, Sean Copeland, Peter Koch, Brent Carey, Allan MacGillivray, Nigel Roberts, Garth Miller, Barrack Otieno, Nick Wenban-Smith, Mirjana Tasic
Observers and experts: Vadim Mikhaylov, Naela Sarras
Staff: Bart Boswinkel, Kim Carlson
Apologies: Peter Vergote, Patricio Poblete, Jaap Akkerhuis (TBD)
1. Welcome & Roll Call
2. Administrative Announcements, if any
No action items
3. Second Reading – Mind map – any comments?
4. Discussion Timeline/ sunset removal ccTLD from root zone
5. Topics for Barcelona
a. Continue applicability discussion
b. timeline
c. “the how” / retirement plan
d. Oversight of process
6. AOB
7. Next Meeting
- Core Elements Ret policy 13 Sept2018 v3 Mind Map.pdf
- Core elements Ret policy 13 Sept2018 v3 prelim outline.pdf
Recordings: AC
Transcript: EN
Chat Transcript:
Kimberly Carlson:Hello, welcome to today's ccPDP retirement call on 27 September at 0500 UTC
Joke Braeken:Hello all, welcome
Vadim Mikhaylov:Hello!
Kimberly Carlson:Hi Vadim and El
el:Hi Kim, had to step away to the Coffee Machine :-)-O
Kimberly Carlson:i understand priorities
Svitlana Tkachenko:Good morning!
Peter Koch (DE):good morning!
el:Guten Morgen
Bart Boswinkel:Morning
Kimberly Carlson:Barrack is on audio only
Kimberly Carlson:Barrack is on audio only
Brent Carey:hi all
Kimberly Carlson:the document can be scrollled
Peter Koch (DE):Nigel's breaking up
Peter Koch (DE):now perfectly
Stephen Deerhake:I seem to have audio issues sorted... GOod morning evernyone, and please accept my apologies for pithing up late.
el:Item 5 timeline
Peter Koch (DE):@el: yes, understood!
Vadim Mikhaylov:Thank you Stephen
Barrack Otieno:Thanks for the explanation Stephen - Re-SU inTashkent
Sean Copeland:does the transitional list give the answer though for us? eg AN is on that list till 2039 then could be redistributed by ISO at that time to some other location
Sean Copeland:sorry 2060
Peter Koch (DE):I do not believe we can rely on 'exceptionally reserved' in any way; at least we need a liaison sttement with the responsible ISO TC and the /MA; essentially, the 'exceptionally reserved' exit path would tunr the exception into the rule on the side of 3166
el:Not our prlemob
el:not our problem
Peter Koch (DE):except the the 'exceptionally reserved' list might vanish
Bart Boswinkel:in terms of Jaap: exceptionally reserved list is exceptionally
Allan MacGillivray:If we allow ccTLDs on the exceptionally reserved list to continue to operate, what would occur in the situation where there were to be a change, or proposed change, in the ccTLD manager and the input of ‘the government’ were being sought, how would the government whose view would be sought be chosen?
el:then the ccTLD(s) get retired
Bart Boswinkel:Note that not all entrieson exceptionally list refer to countries or territories
el:Allen,, we do NOT have the brief to allow anything, we have to develop policy how to retire
el:Bart, that's why I said "qualifying"
Nigel Roberts:Depends on international law
el:There is a Board decision on this
Nigel Roberts:who is the succesor state or states
el:but a ccTLD moving from active to exceptionally reserved would qualifiy
el:Nick, we only have to deal with the sitution of .UK being removed from the exceptionally reserved list (if ever)
el:sorry, UK not .UK
Nigel Roberts:unlikely
Nigel Roberts:GB would not serve for a successor state that did not include the whole of the island
Nigel Roberts:EW is more likely much
el:can not happen
el:a 2 character code becoming gTLD
el:under ANY circumstances
Vadim Mikhaylov:Why it so?
Nigel Roberts:what part of rfc1591 are you referring to here regarding sovereigns.
Bart Boswinkel:Garth can you put your hand down
Bart Boswinkel:If you want to respond,please raise it agian
Nigel Roberts:and then iso gives the code to a new entity? what then?
el:Garth, in my view it is not. If it's n ot 't have a corresponding TLD in the rooton the (an) ISO list it can
el:I fully agree with Nick, and it's not our brief. We only deal with retirement.
Allan MacGillivray:I have nothing to contribute on Garth's idea at this time, but belive that we should discuss it further at some point.
el:Ah, an action item
el:Is anybody else experiencing breakups?
el:Allan, I diasgree, it's not part of our charter.
Nigel Roberts:breaking up
el:I can see the notes but can not hear anything
Nigel Roberts:a good time to adjourn?
el:The connectivity indicator on the rop right is red and shows poor connection
Nigel Roberts:we should not consider two character gtlds
el:download speed is being shown as 19 MpS
el:Please take this up with ICANN
Nigel Roberts:lost audio
Kimberly Carlson:@Nigel, suggest you close AC and reconnect
Kimberly Carlson:Next call 11 October @11:00 UTC
Nick Wenban-Smith:thanks! time for coffee and breakfast now
Allan MacGillivray:Thanks. Time for bed now.
el:Audio was popor
el:darn this keyboard
Bart Boswinkel:Bye all
Garth Miller:Thank you. Stephen
Joke Braeken:thank you. Bye all.
Peter Koch (DE):thanks, bye!
Kimberly Carlson:Thank you all, bye!
Vadim Mikhaylov:Thank you! Bye
Svitlana Tkachenko:Thank you! have a nice day
Sean Copeland:night all