August 30 @17:00 UTC
Members: Stephen Deerhake, Eberhard Lisse, Nenad Orlic, Allan MacGillivray, Barrack Otieno, Danko Jevtovic, Svitlana Tkachenko, Patricio Poblete
Participants: Wafa Dahmani
Observers and experts: Jaap Akkerhuis, Naela Sarras
Staff: Bart Boswinkel, Kim Carlson
Apologies: Peter Koch
1. Welcome & Roll Call
2. Administrative Announcements, if any
3. Action Items
4. Second Reading Consolidated Overview Core Elements
(shared before the call 2018-07-19)
5. Overview of Elements to be Included
5.1 Present overview
5.2 Start discussion on what needs to be included
6. Next steps
7. AOB
8. Next Meeting 2018-09-13 (time to be announced)
- panama.f2f.core.2018-06-28.outline.1.2.pdf
- panama.f2f.core.2018-06-28.outline.1.4.pdf
- panama.f2f.core.2018-06-28.outline.1.24.diff.pdf
Recordings: AC
Transcript: EN
Chat Transcript:
Kimberly Carlson:Hello all, welcome to today's ccPDP Retirement Working Group call on 30 August at 17:00 UTC
Barrack Otieno:Thanks Kim
Danko Jevtović:Hi all
Svitlana Tkachenko:Hello!
Bart Boswinkel:Hi All
Allan MacGillivray:I'm on the phone.
Danko Jevtović:I sometime have problems with Chrome on Windows. I now use Microsoft Edge, and than Connect site starts some external program.
Nenad Orlić:After several updates, it's working on my firefox
Nenad Orlić:By low turnout I could presume that some do
Barrack Otieno:I am ok did my updates
Barrack Otieno:Stra nge i had to update
Barrack Otieno:yet i have been on several calls this week
Naela Sarras:hi all. I am here. AdobeConnect is working fine for me.
Allan MacGillivray:I'm on Chrome and it seems to be working. I have irregular Internet access which is why my audio is over my mobile.
Kimberly Carlson:Sean and Nigel are on audio only - otherwise attendance will be taken according to the AC room
Nenad Orlić:when will this experimenting end?
Nenad Orlić:we still have bisare audio issues
Kimberly Carlson:Welcome EL, we are on item 2 of the agenda
el:had a day job issue
Allan MacGillivray:No problen Steven.
Stephen Deerhake:Can anyone who is (or does) experience Adobe Connect issues send an email to Kim with the particulars? Thanks1
Danko Jevtović:I hate WebEx even more ;) (we use it at UN IGF/MAG)
Kimberly Carlson:Brent is on audio only as well
el:Danko, we should use Zoom, not Webex
Patricio Poblete 2:Hi, sorry to be late
Stephen Deerhake:Welcome Patrico.. Please join in on this debate..
Bart Boswinkel:Nenad, please check if I captured your comment, if not please coment in chat
el:it's an ICANN policy not a ccNSO policy
el:who was speaking on audio only beofre Allan just now?
el:can we please use consistent terminology?
el:Shut down, unavailable are new
Stephen Deerhake:El, I'm not sure I am following what your are argument with respect to terminology...
Stephen Deerhake:(But agree we need to nail down the vocabulary).
el:agree with Allan
el:but this is more process than principle
Nenad Orlić:when did he say that?
el:aply to or being bound by are different
el:different forms of recourse
Nenad Orlić:sorry, have to go now
Barrack Otieno:+ 1 El
Danko Jevtović:by Nenad!
Allan MacGillivray:well said El: we can only make policy that is binding on ccNSO members.
Barrack Otieno:loud an clear Stephen
Danko Jevtović:+1 El (regarding policy applicability)
Kimberly Carlson:currently, the next call is scheduled for 23:00 UTC on 13 September
Kimberly Carlson:1515-1830 on Saturday
Kimberly Carlson:blocks 4 and 5
Patricio Poblete 2:Gotta leave, good bye everyone!
el:Kim, can you also plese send out the iCAL for 2018-09-13 too?
Naela Sarras:Thank you @Kimberly
Kimberly Carlson:yes, will do
Kimberly Carlson:you're welcome
Allan MacGillivray:Thanks everyone. Good day/good night all.
Danko Jevtović:Thank yoy all, it was good to hear your voices after Panama
Allan MacGillivray:Thanks everyone. Ggodbye.
Kimberly Carlson:Thank you everyone, bye
Barrack Otieno:bye thanks everyone