31 May @14:00 UTC

31 May @14:00 UTC


Members:  Stephen Deerhake (Chair), Eberhard Lisse (vice chair), Barrack Otieno, Nigel Roberts, Mirjana Tasic, Martin Boyle, Peter Koch, Svitlana Tkachenko, Nenad Orlic Danko Jevtovic, Sean Copeland, Patricio Poblete, Allan MacGillivray


Observers and experts:  Naela Sarras (pti), Vadium Mikhaylov

Staff:  Bart Boswinkel, Kim Carlson

Apologies:  Michele Neylon, Debbie Monahan, Jaap Akkerhuis, Peter Van Roste


  1. Welcome & Roll call
  2. Update wiki space: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/x/1xF2Bg
  3. Work Schedule  San Juan - Panama
  4. Update ISO 3166 and MA meeting Lisbon, May 2018
  5. Continue with comparative analysis 
    1. Overview of process steps: 

                             i.      Continue review of Outline

    1. Role of stakeholders

                             i.      Present  Stakeholders Mind Map

                            ii.      Outline version

  1. AOB
  2. Next Meeting: 14 June 2018, 22.00 UTC



Transcript:  EN

Chat Transcript:

07:46:42 From Kimberly Carlson : Hello, welcome to today's ccPDP Working Group on Retirement
07:51:43 From Kimberly Carlson : Today’s notes can be followed at : https://docs.google.com/document/d/1VazC3wCP3xqHYTB_JjgQsImnRJJtZLXTxFn3zPx6GBM/edit
07:52:33 From sveta : Hello!
07:53:56 From Vadim Mikhaylov : Hello!
07:58:53 From bart.boswinkel : Hi All
07:59:01 From ppoblete : Hello everyone
07:59:52 From Kimberly Carlson : Hi everyone, welcome
08:00:22 From Stephen Deerhake : Greetings everyone.
08:08:24 From Danko Jevtović : Hi, sorry I am late, trafic :(
08:22:53 From Eberhard Lisse : I can not access the Google Doc Notes
08:24:59 From Allan MacGillivray : I cannot access Google docs either. I sent a request for access using my gmail - allanmacgil@gmail.com but have not had a response.
08:25:55 From sveta : I also can’t access to Google docs.
08:25:57 From bart.boswinkel : https://docs.google.com/document/d/1VazC3wCP3xqHYTB_JjgQsImnRJJtZLXTxFn3zPx6GBM/edit
08:27:39 From ppoblete : Also requested access as patricio.poblete@gmail.com
08:32:08 From martin boyle : Agree Naela
08:32:21 From Peter Koch : ‘to set up a top-level domain with the new code’ is a strong wording, even though it may be meant as an administrative function w.r.t. root zone database
08:33:19 From Peter Koch : +1 to what Naela said
08:36:00 From Nenad Orlić : Nice birds :)
08:40:48 From naela.sarras : I hear you loud and clear
08:40:48 From ppoblete : I hear you OK
08:45:34 From Nenad Orlić : nice point, since two years is not enough
08:49:28 From Eberhard Lisse : Quoteation
08:52:21 From ppoblete : 374 Intiuatation (typo)
08:58:45 From Barrack Otieno : non from me thanks
08:58:55 From Garth Miller : Thank you.
08:59:06 From naela.sarras : Thanks all.
08:59:11 From Kimberly Carlson : Thank you all, bye
08:59:16 From Nenad Orlić : bye
08:59:33 From Danko Jevtović : cu
08:59:34 From ppoblete : Bye!
08:59:36 From sveta : thank you!
08:59:38 From Vadim Mikhaylov : Thanks bye