NARALO 2011.05.09 Chat
Seth Greene: NARALO CHAT: 09 MAY 2011
Seth Greene: Please note that the links expected to be used in this meeting can be found in the pod at the lower left.
Seth Greene: Hello, everyone.
Eric Brunner-Williams: howdy seth
Eric Brunner-Williams: i'm not hearing anything but muzak on the bridge ... am i early>
Eric Brunner-Williams: ans: yes. an hour early. idiot me.
Seth Greene: Hi, Eric. Yes, I'm afraid you're a bit early. (Better than late.)
Eric Brunner-Williams: perhaps. late has its own rewards.
Olivier Crepin-Leblond: All of the links are wrong on the posted agenda
Olivier Crepin-Leblond: it's the icann VPN
Olivier Crepin-Leblond: AI: this will need to be fixed
Olivier Crepin-Leblond: :-)
Olivier Crepin-Leblond: We renamed it "Groundhog Day"
Evan Leibovitch: dive bomb
Seth Greene: I'll look into it, Olivier. As you pt out, it's occurred before. It happens in some, though not all cases in which a link is copied/pasted. IT is still looking into the problem.
Darlene Thompson: I will be posting today's minutes and will try to catch all of the missed links for today's at least.
Joly MacFie: ALS recruitment is something we should make a priority
Gordon Chillcott: Ageed, Alan
Gordon Chillcott: You still have the learning curve problem
Joly MacFie: 2.30pm
avri: Did you specifically request feedback?
avri: you can request feedback.
Evan Leibovitch: regarding holding a NARALO meeting from Singapore. Singapore is exactly 12 hours off Eastern North America
Evan Leibovitch: Current time in Singapore is 03:53
Darlene Thompson: Evan - we don't need to. Our regular meeting is one week before
Darlene Thompson: No we don't
avri: Does ALAC think that having the US DOC agree with it is a good thing?
Olivier Crepin-Leblond: My own opinion is that it's scary.
Seth Reiss: bye
Evan Leibovitch: @avri... when it suits. Even the USG can be right occasionally
avri: actually i have a lot of respect for the NTIA folks.
Evan Leibovitch: Right now ALAC positions, at different times, have been in sync each of the ICANN stakeholders
Evan Leibovitch: And -- thoough we took heat for it (as you know) found ourselves closer to the GAC positoon on the DAG than that of th ICANN Board. Not everywhere, but in some critical areas.
avri: yeah, i know, that is what i found so alienating. but i am still grateful to lbe able to isten into the meeting
avri: on the .net thing, i will look thrpough the contractual conditions material to see if there is a loop hole where ALAC conceren for public interst + a clause i think is in there about not providing adequate service (i foget the wording hence my need to research) could not be combined into an intersting statement. at thos point what you need is a small crack to start the discussion from. will get back to you.
avri: the right of renewal was not upheld by the task force. it was left opne to further study.