Action items: 2020-02-17 EURALO Monthly Teleconference
Action items: 2020-02-17 EURALO Monthly Teleconference
- Filina Natalia to add her “EURALO Operating Rules” document to the EROR TF page https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/x/0kNKBg
- Filina Natalia to action: Yrjo’s letter to the ALSes - 48h for feedback/comments from those on the EURALO call – if none, Natalia Filina to send the letter to the ALSes on Thursday 20 February (delayed - will be completed 30 March)
- All EURALO Members attending ICANN67 in person to please let Gisella know for the Informal meeting with Christopher Mondini - CANCELLED
- All EURALO Members and ALSes to please send through any items for the Newsletter to Filina Natalia. Possibly a reminder to the Euro-discuss list on a regular basis.
, multiple selections available,