2023-01-31 EURALO Leadership Team
2023-01-31 EURALO Leadership Team
Date: Tuesday, 31 January 2023
Time: 18:00 - 19:00 UTC For the time in various time zones click here
******THIS WILL BE ZOOM ONLY********
Zoom Room: https://icann.zoom.us/j/99896460319?pwd=Nnh5T1plWVVEVzBXeXd1cVl5akNnZz09
Passcode: EURALO-LT1
Participants: Sebastien Bachollet, Joanna Kulesza, Olivier Crepin-Leblond
Apologies: Natalia Filina
Staff: Gisella Gruber, Adam Peake, Michelle DeSmyter
Call Management: Michelle DeSmyter
Action Items: EN
Zoom Recording: EN
Audio Recording: EN
Zoom Chat: EN
- Staff introduction - 2min
- Welcome and overview of the agenda - 7min
- FY23 Outreach Strategy
- EURALO Membership (Desertification, New ALSes, Targets...)
- Relationship with ISOC EU
- UA
- EURALO Meetings
- Round Table 1 by EURALO on Tuesday 21 February from 18:00-20:00 UTC - 15min
- EURALO Members monthly call on Tuesday 28 February from 18:00-19:00/19:30 (TBC) - 10min
- Read-out ICANN76
- AOB - 5min