AFRALO Outreach Event Workspace

AFRALO Outreach Event Workspace

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AFRALO Outreach Materials - ICANN 55 Marrakech

Outreach and Engagement activities planned:


Proposed Agenda for the Outreach and Engagement:

Sunday 6 March 2016

TimeActivityPerson In-charge
Before 17:00Arrival of the Students at the ICANN Venue to collect badges, lanyards and bagsAziz, Gisella, Alami Youssef, Kensi Ahmed, Abdelmajid Fadil
17:30Transport ICANN Venue to Hotel in Marrakech of students from the Institut National des Postes et Télecommunications (INPT) and the Institut Superieur de l'Information et de la Communication in RabatAlami Youssef, Kensi Ahmed, Abdelmajid Fadil
Evening Dinner at the Hotel - included in the Hotel rates 

Transport to and from Rabat is provided by the Rabat Universities (Institut National des Postes et Télecommunications (INPT) and the Institut Superieur de l'Information et de la Communication (ISIC)

Accompagnateurs: Alami Youssef, Kensi Ahmed, M. Abdelmajid Fadil, directeur de l'ISIC

Monday 7 March 2016

TimeActivityPerson In-charge
07:15Transport from the Hotel(s) to the ICANN VenueAlami Youssef, Kensi Ahmed
Registration of the students from the Institut National des Postes et Télecommunications (INPT) and the Institut Superieur de l'Information et de la Communication at the ICANN Venue & Obtain badges   (unless this is completed on Sunday evenin)
Staff & designated Outreach members
08:30-09:45Welcome & President's Opening SessionAll
09:45-10:15Coffee Break
Interview with Jana Juginovic for an ICANN Newsletter article
11:30-13:45Lunch - Students to purchase on site at their own expense
Breakout into the various afternoon sessions. Division of groups will be done ahead of the ICANN Meeting by Aziz. Session reports will be provided by students.
Aziz and designated Outreach members
17:00-18:30Public ForumAll
19:00-20:30Tribute to Fadi Chehadé and AFRALO Showcase @ Orion Tent

Transport from the ICANN Venue to the Hotel

Dinner at the Hotel included in the room rates

Alami Youssef, Kensi Ahmed


Tuesday 8 March 2016

TimeActivityPerson in Charge
07:15Transport from the Hotel(s) to the ICANN VenueAlami Youssef, Kensi Ahmed

Introduction to the Development and Public Responsibility Department - Nora Abusitta, Senior VP, Development & Public Responsibility Programs  (30 minutes) 




  1. Welcome - Tijani Ben Jemaa and Aziz Hilali (5 minutes)
  2. Introduction to the Development and Public Responsibility Department - Nora Abusitta, Senior VP, Development & Public Responsibility Programs  (30 minutes) 
  3. Questions and Answers - All (25 minutes)

Aziz Hilali, Tijani Ben Jemaa & Nora Abusitta.
10:45-11:00Coffee Break 
10:00-12:30Breakout into the various morning sessions (TBD once ICANN Schedule published). Division of groups will be done ahead of the ICANN Meeting by Aziz. Session reports will be provided by students.Designated group
11:00-12:30Joint AFRALO AfrICANN MeetingDesignated group
12:30-13:00Rabat Students Meet and Greet with Fadi Chehadé, President and CEO of ICANN and Steve Crocker, Chair, ICANN Board of Directors
13:00-14:00Lunch - McDonalds en route to the University - lunch at students expense
14:00Transport to the Université Cadi Ayyad of Marrakech


14:30Arrival at the University
15:00 - 17:00

Open discussion on the Outreach and Engagement in the ICANN Multistakeholder model

Moderator: Aziz Hilali

Aziz, Tijani, Daniel, Olivier, Sébastien, Cheryl & Staff: Pierre Dandjinou, African Regional Vice President, GSE; Fahd Batayneh, Stakeholder Engagement Manager, Middle East, GSE; Yaovi Atohoun, Stakeholder Engagement & Ops Mngr - Africa;  Lauren Allison, Development and Public Responsibility Program Manager; Gisella Gruber, At-Large Staff
17:00Students - Transport back to Rabat
Alami Youssef, Kensi Ahmed


Based on the second day, the University visit will take place in the afternoon and have students addressed and a Q&A session to the panelists. 


Outreach Materials