Zoom chat: 2020-07-13 NARALO Teleconference
13:56:06 From Glenn McKnight FBSC : Howdy all
13:56:44 From Alfredo Calderon (ISOCPR) : Hello to all!
13:57:25 From Glenn McKnight FBSC : Bonjour Seb
13:57:50 From Silvia Vivanco : Hello all
14:01:18 From Joe Catapano : Joe is here as well from Staff
14:01:27 From Judith Hellerstein : Javier posted on the chat his apologies
14:01:38 From Michelle DeSmyter : Welcome Joe! This is noted ;)
14:01:49 From Judith Hellerstein : welcome Joe
14:03:10 From Michelle DeSmyter : @Judith - thank you, we will note Javier’s apology.
14:04:25 From Glenn McKnight FBSC : yes
14:04:58 From Evan Leibovitch : Double muted? That's a new one.
14:08:03 From Glenn McKnight FBSC : Evan and I had a booth at the WSIS 2003 in Geneva
14:08:32 From Glenn McKnight FBSC : I remember the Richard Stahlman's antics at the event
14:10:27 From Robert Guerra : hi All. apologies had a earlier meeting go late
14:11:07 From León Felipe Sánchez Ambía : Hello everyone!
14:11:30 From Michelle DeSmyter : Welcome Leon & Robert!
14:11:49 From Michelle DeSmyter : Welcome Maureen!
14:12:11 From Glenn McKnight FBSC : CGI .br were big supporters of NetMundail
14:12:48 From David Mackey : Glenn: Many children set up little stands to sell koolaid to their neighbours … did you set up a booth to do outreach with your neighbours as kid?
14:13:07 From Glenn McKnight FBSC : Interesting Larry had a contract with ISOC doing research on Multistakeholderims and was going looking at doing courses on civitas
14:14:34 From Maureen Hilyard : Sorry I was late..
14:14:46 From Evan Leibovitch : Yeah, at WSIS Glenn and I witnessed a shouting match between Stallman and the French government interpreters
14:15:34 From Evan Leibovitch : Everyone should hear French spoken with a Boston accent.
14:15:39 From Glenn McKnight FBSC : I was in Venezeula with Stahlman and he was very upset that I used the term Open Source vs Free Software
14:17:49 From Robert Guerra : User communities - A split was made between those involved in policy vs. Advisory committees, that ADVISE the board. There are 4 advisory Committees - ALAC, RSSAC, SSAC & GAC
14:18:13 From Robert Guerra : GAC having a special status
14:18:54 From Heidi Ullrich : At-Large members may participate in the development of policy through participation in PDPs.
14:20:10 From Abdulkarim Oloyede (Nigeria) : you are everywhere @ Leon
14:20:18 From Robert Guerra : the model of consultation and engagement of “internet users” has evolved much since the creation of ICANN . Initially “user groups” were natural representation, but today with social media, social interaction between groups can and does take place in a plethora of spaces - not all of which are familiar with ICANN, let alone At-large
14:21:16 From Robert Guerra : it’s really up to each and every at-large-structure to effectively engage and be a conduit of user views and bring them back to discussions @ ICANN
14:23:11 From leahsymekher : joining in now ..thanks. Leah
14:23:52 From Glenn McKnight FBSC : lost internet for the last few moments
14:24:04 From Ron da Silva : hi all.. joined a bit earlier..
14:28:03 From Robert Guerra : For ICANN 69, important to track how COVID-19 & the changed economic situation might impact ICANN finances as well as the larger ecosystem..Likely quite dramatic impacts on ALS’s, At-large and the security and stability of the internet ecosystem
14:31:27 From Evan Leibovitch : There are some of us who think that COVID is the best thing to happen to ICANN. Forcing the meeting online truly gives everyone equal access to the lobbyists. We still have internet connectivity challenges, but their costs pale next to having to travel to the other side of the world.
14:33:13 From Judith Hellerstein : there is also Icann accountability issues and diversity issues
14:34:26 From Evan Leibovitch : What accountability?
14:35:42 From Evan Leibovitch : As we've recently seen, ICANN's only accountability that matters is to the California Attorney General. The rest 9win
14:35:57 From Evan Leibovitch : is window dressing.
14:36:06 From Robert Guerra : the covid-19 economic downturn no doubt change a great deal of financial & engagement assumptions - which SO/AC’s should factor in and adjust their expectations of support accordingly
14:37:12 From Bill Jouris : @Evan, actually there is one other accountability. ICANN is, in practice, accountable to the needs and interests of the "contracted parties". But yes, other than that, the only firewall is what gets the attention of the California AG
14:37:42 From Robert Guerra : Equity & access, for instance - are quite affected during this period.
14:37:42 From David Mackey : @Evan, fair comment - what changes would improve accountability, if any?
14:38:09 From Evan Leibovitch : That's for another presentation
14:38:17 From David Mackey : lol ;-)
14:38:24 From Robert Guerra : yes, thanks for the presentation
14:39:03 From Maureen Hilyard : Awesome .. thanks Marita
14:39:21 From Evan Leibovitch : Fantastic! Thanks!
14:41:11 From AK Oloyede : Good presentation Thanks for the invite Marita.
14:41:41 From Judith Hellerstein : @robert COVID does not impact on auction proceeds
14:41:46 From Alan Greenberg : Sorry to miss the first part of the meeting.
14:42:53 From Maureen Hilyard : COVID has definitely added challenges to ICANN's multistakeholder model
14:42:53 From Robert Guerra : Auction proceeds CCWG is now at the board. The board has a fiduciary responsibility for the organization and may need to factor in impacts of COVID-19 on how to move forward
14:42:56 From leahsymekher : Thank you Morita.
14:43:22 From leahsymekher : Great summary
14:44:05 From León Felipe Sánchez Ambía : I apologize for not staying till the end but I need to leave for another call
14:44:07 From León Felipe Sánchez Ambía : Thanks everyone!
14:44:10 From Alan Greenberg : ORganizations have to exist under some jurisdiction. It is either an IGO under the auspices of the UN, or within some national jurisdiction.
14:44:17 From Robert Guerra : a potential impact - what will happen if registrars & registries go bankrupt, and how will that affect users.
14:44:17 From León Felipe Sánchez Ambía : Good ten see you all even if just virtually
14:44:25 From Judith Hellerstein : @robert. unlikely. i served on CCWG Auction proceeds for 3 years and there is no real issues the board has with COVID 19 and auction proceeds
14:45:26 From Bill Jouris : If we want to change from being a California non-profit, we need to identify somewhere which would be a better base. Does anyone see such a one?
14:46:18 From David Mackey : “reality” good word
14:46:26 From Jonathan Zuck : Not QUITE what happened...
14:46:46 From Robert Guerra : Where to legally locate ICANN ,and if it should be an IGO, etc - has long been discussed. There’s a lot of rich history and nuance
14:46:49 From Alan Greenberg : @Judith, it may end up that the Board decides that due to currently unforeseen circumstances, the money is best used for something else. That is currently allowed under the current plans. The other issue is that something causes us to want to use the funds WITHIN the program but for purposes other than the ones we decided on. That would be problematic.
14:47:10 From David Mackey : Thanks Marita, no, it was a good answer for a tough question.
14:47:31 From Judith Hellerstein : the UN has its own constitution that governs it.
14:48:16 From Robert Guerra : UN - only state actors can vote. THat’s a problem for the multi-stakeholder model, however imperfect it might be
14:48:19 From Judith Hellerstein : @alan. if the board does this, it would be disastrous for all. that is my belief
14:50:04 From Evan Leibovitch : The choice available to the world is state capture (ITU) or business capture (ICANN) with not a lot of room in between.
14:52:50 From Bill Jouris : Individuals *can* make a difference. But it's an uphill effort. For example, one policy effort I am involved in has 7 actuve members. A majority of whom are employees of one or another of the contracted parties. Many of them are making good-faith efforts to work for the benefit of the Internet overall. But it still colors their views of the issues.
14:53:15 From Alan Greenberg : @Judith, if that happens, it will not be done lightly. but drastic circumstances may end up calling for drastic circumstances. A pile of money in a fund with no one left to administrate it would not be a good end either.
14:53:21 From Bill Jouris : Well, that's depressing to hear. :-(
14:53:54 From Alan Greenberg : (last circumstances = actions)
15:01:37 From Maureen Hilyard : Agree with Evan.. there were so many interesting topics that Marita raised for future presentations. Looking forward to them - Evan's different multistakeholder models would be a good one.
15:04:29 From David Mackey : Thanks Marita, Thanks Eduardo, Bye All
15:04:40 From Silvia Vivanco : Thank you all!
15:04:43 From AK Oloyede : bye
15:04:44 From Heidi Ullrich : Thanks, Great discussion!
15:04:46 From Jonathan Zuck : Thanks
15:04:49 From Maureen Hilyard : Thank you all for a great session
15:04:50 From Silvia Vivanco : Stay safe