September 13 @23:00 UTC

September 13 @23:00 UTC

Members:  Stephen Deerhake, Danko Jevtovic, Sean Copeland, Brent Carey, Allan MacGillivray, Patricio Poblete


Observers and experts:  Naela Sarras, Vadim Mikhaylov

Staff:  Bart Boswinkel, Kim Carlson

Apologies: Nick Wenban-Smith, Peter Vergote, Barrack Otieno, Martin Boyle


  1. Roll Call and Welcome
  2. Administrative announcements, if any.
  3. Second reading overview of elements (Included as background material previous call)
    1. No comments received
  4. Continue discussion on what needs to be included
    1. Update Mind map and outline document
    2. Continue discussion on ultimate consequence of policy: the removal of a ccTLD from the root 

                      i.      Did Informal Notes capture discussion?

                     ii.      Inclusion of discussion to date in outline

                    iii.      Additional points?

    1. New item: Oversight of process, role of the ICANN Board etc.
  1. AOB
  2. Next meeting


Recordings:  AC

Transcript:  EN

Chat Transcript:

Kimberly Carlson:Welcome to today's ccPDP on Retirement Working Group call on 13 September @23:00 UTC
Vadim Mikhaylov:Hello
Allan MacGillivray:Good evening, morning to all.
Patricio Poblete:Hello everyone!
Brent Carey:hi all
Stephen Deerhake:Greetings all! Thank you for attending.
Brent Carey:like having the scenarios
Brent Carey:very practical
Stephen Deerhake:Thank you Brent.
Allan MacGillivray:Steve Earl and the Dukes
Allan MacGillivray:Please ignore my previous comment
Stephen Deerhake:Foreced Retirement?
Kimberly Carlson:Two more meetings, Sept 27th @05:00 UTC and Oct 10th @11:00 UTC
Brent Carey:have a question
Danko Jevtović:yes +1
Allan MacGillivray:I belive that we will have to be very clear on this point in the final policy - does it apply to .su - yes or no.
Danko Jevtović:yes, it seems to be grandfathered
Naela Sarras:Item #6 will be on the next call?
Kimberly Carlson:11th not the 10th of october, apologies
Bart Boswinkel:Time line
Bart Boswinkel:and planning how to remove
Danko Jevtović:good night ;)
Bart Boswinkel:as next topic before oversight
Kimberly Carlson:Thank you all, bye
Brent Carey:thanks all
Allan MacGillivray:Good night all.
Patricio Poblete:Good night everyone!
Bart Boswinkel:Bye all
Sean Copeland:good night all
Danko Jevtović:thank you all
Vadim Mikhaylov:Thanx bye