September 13 @23:00 UTC
Members: Stephen Deerhake, Danko Jevtovic, Sean Copeland, Brent Carey, Allan MacGillivray, Patricio Poblete
Observers and experts: Naela Sarras, Vadim Mikhaylov
Staff: Bart Boswinkel, Kim Carlson
Apologies: Nick Wenban-Smith, Peter Vergote, Barrack Otieno, Martin Boyle
- Roll Call and Welcome
- Administrative announcements, if any.
- Second reading overview of elements (Included as background material previous call)
- No comments received
- Continue discussion on what needs to be included
- Update Mind map and outline document
- Continue discussion on ultimate consequence of policy: the removal of a ccTLD from the root
i. Did Informal Notes capture discussion?
ii. Inclusion of discussion to date in outline
iii. Additional points?
- New item: Oversight of process, role of the ICANN Board etc.
- Next meeting
Recordings: AC
Transcript: EN
Chat Transcript:
Kimberly Carlson:Welcome to today's ccPDP on Retirement Working Group call on 13 September @23:00 UTC
Vadim Mikhaylov:Hello
Allan MacGillivray:Good evening, morning to all.
Patricio Poblete:Hello everyone!
Brent Carey:hi all
Stephen Deerhake:Greetings all! Thank you for attending.
Brent Carey:like having the scenarios
Brent Carey:very practical
Stephen Deerhake:Thank you Brent.
Allan MacGillivray:Steve Earl and the Dukes
Allan MacGillivray:Please ignore my previous comment
Stephen Deerhake:Foreced Retirement?
Kimberly Carlson:Two more meetings, Sept 27th @05:00 UTC and Oct 10th @11:00 UTC
Brent Carey:have a question
Danko Jevtović:yes +1
Allan MacGillivray:I belive that we will have to be very clear on this point in the final policy - does it apply to .su - yes or no.
Danko Jevtović:yes, it seems to be grandfathered
Naela Sarras:Item #6 will be on the next call?
Kimberly Carlson:11th not the 10th of october, apologies
Bart Boswinkel:Time line
Bart Boswinkel:and planning how to remove
Danko Jevtović:good night ;)
Bart Boswinkel:as next topic before oversight
Kimberly Carlson:Thank you all, bye
Brent Carey:thanks all
Allan MacGillivray:Good night all.
Patricio Poblete:Good night everyone!
Bart Boswinkel:Bye all
Sean Copeland:good night all
Danko Jevtović:thank you all
Vadim Mikhaylov:Thanx bye