EURALO Summary Minutes 21 February 2012
Update of the Action Items
AI: Update on Academy will be included in the February EURALO meeting.
AI: Will discuss the GA issue in the meeting in March. (to confirm)
3. Briefing on current ALAC Consultations and Initiatives
1.- Initial Report on Universal Acceptance of IDN TLDs - ALAC currently voting on draft statement.
2.- Recommendation on the Inter-Registar transfer agreement. Decision was made not to draft statement.
3. Framework for the FY 13 Budget - At-Large comment period open through 23 February 2012. OCL Urged everyone to take a look at it.
4. Whois Policy Review Team Draft Report - Deadline: 18 March 2012.
5. ALS applications - Update (Oksana and Wolf 5 min.)
New one: Draft Roadmap to implement O51 :
IDN Variant issues:
Christopher mentioned that there may be confusion, a point of concern outside of ICANN. One of the problem is the lack of being able to appeal in a straihght forward way and in Europe there is potential for confusion, ther appears to be a black box, where people where applying, and particularly when the words have some meaning for some countries. Steve Crocker would see if there can be any improvements to the process.
C. Wilkison mentioned that there needs to be more transparency.
4. b. Application from Wikimedia Austria, Wolf asked what kind of advice is still awaited? Wolf mentioned that we are fully in favor of this applicant. At-Large will lool into the issue, and see if something else is needed. The Regional liasions are the persons who handle the due diligence.
a. ALS application from Armenia (AMEC) and preference to join EURALO; and from Armenian Region Education Center. Narin was clearly on behalf of this organization but with a clear preference to join EURALO. According to ICANN model, Armenia is still part of the Asian Pacific region. The ICANN model does not coincide with the self assesment of Armenia. In exceptional cases, we from the EURALO point of view, ALAC could be recommendable that an applicant may express a preference or make a choice to which region they belong to.
Oksana had direct contact with the applicant: (did not get what she mentioned)
Previous case ISOC Chapter Armenia, there was no real challenge. Narin is actively participating in the Council of Europe, part of EURODIG, etc. She has close relations with the European region. This is a model case which need to be discussed. He refers to the existing rules.
Wolf requested that this point be added to the Secretariat Meeting in Costa Rica : There may be exceptional cases may come up in future circumstances and we should find a model at the Inter-Ralo level. If there are no objections they should be able to apply.
AI: Issue of exception for ALS applicant's membership within the RALO structure (ex. current application of Armenian organization ) to be added to the Secretariat agenda in CR.
Siranush: If you are consider a second applicant within EURALO,two applicants should be considered in one RALO, not one to one RALO and another one to Asia.
OCL: There will be a follow up to the Geographic Regions Working Group Report . The recommendations included that for specific cases in countries in borderline, country should be able to make a choice. Armenia is part of APRALO was based on UN practices (United Nations Geographic Regions) there is nothing in the ROP to allow an applicant to bring a country to another. They can bring their input to another RALO, the only case when there will be an issue is when there is a vote. If we allow an exception between EUROPE and AsiaPacific we could open a Pandora box.
We need to wait for the result of the Geographic Regions Working Group Report.
5. ICANN Academy:
The curriculum is now revised by the Programme Committee and will be reviewed tonight and then an invitation will be sent to the whole community.
Which date will be more suitable for a webminar, second part of next week.
Budget was too high initially, but it was reduced to half of the original budget. The first estimate was not that wrong (90K), but now it is a pilot project. The budget is apart from ICANN budget, it is a request from a different basket.
6. Summary from the EuroDIG prep. meetings in Stockholm and Geneva (Sandra and Wolf 5 min.)
In Geneva, it was a very active and lively discussion with about 30 partcipants, they categorized 71 proposals and a new format of sessions and interaction was discussed. All were invited to participate in the process. A short summary of the Geneva meeting will be posted on the website.
7. Summary from the Safer Internet Day, 7 Feb. in Leipzig / Germany and IGF Open Cons. Geneva (Sandra 3 min.)
It was a purely German event but the sequence was working with students from 20-21 to produce a short clip, some quite good clips came out of this. 50 movies were collected from Saxony and Turingia, it is the second year. We have a discussion platform for an area of Germany called middle Deutschland.
8. Planning for ICANN 43 meeting in Costa Rica (Staff and all 5 min.)
Hotels: At large should be able to stay at the venue hotel.
9. EURALO planning 2012 -- cont; there is still time to discuss this issue.
10. Any other Business (All) (5 mins):