2021-10-18 At-Large Policy Session 1: Closed Generics: What's Next?

2021-10-18 At-Large Policy Session 1: Closed Generics: What's Next?

Date: Monday 18 October 2021

Time: 19:00 - 20:30 UTC (For other times click here)

How can I participate in this meeting? 

Dial-in numbers: https://www.adigo.com/icann

If you require a dial-out, please contact staff - staff(at)atlarge.icann.org - with your preferred contact number and language channel 

EN Conference ID: 1638

ES Conference ID: 1738

FR Conference ID: 1838

Please register via Zoom to receive your individual access link

Zoom Registration:  https://icann.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJMlcOqopjsqHtMbSm1KbRR68oR5YkDenlAo

Audio Recording: EN, ES, FR

Zoom Recording: EN

Zoom Chat: EN

Transcript: EN, ES, FR


EN: Alan Greenberg, Akano Olusegun, Marc Trachtenberg,  Angelina Lopez, Ashirwad Tripathy, Avri Doria, Becky Burr, Bill Jouris, Brian King, Carolyn Mitchell, Cheryl Langdon-Orr, Chokri Ben Romdhane, Chris Bare, Dave Kissoondoyal, David McAuley, Dennis Prahl, Eduardo Diaz, Elaine Pruis, Frank Anati, Gordon Chillcott, Gregory Shatan, Hadia Elminiawi, Isaac Maposa, Jeff Neuman, Jim Prendergast, John Jeffrey, Jonathan Zuck, Judith Hellerstein, Karen Day, Kathy Kleiman, Komi Kekeli, Kurt Pritz, Lianna Galstyan, Matthew Crossman, Matthew Shears, Maureen Hilyard, Nanig Mehranian, Nelson Juarez, Philip Marano, Raymond Mamattah, Roberto Gaetano, Sarah Deutsch, Sarah Kiden, Shah Zahidur Rahman, Sivasubramanian Muthasamy, Tom Barrett, Sebastien Bachollet, Vanda Scartezini, Yrjo Lan sipuro, Yuko Yokoyama, Komi Kekeli, Marc Trachtenberg, Peter Mmbando, Michael Graham, JP Voilleque, Bendjedid Rachad Sanoussi, 

ES: Harold Arcos, Augusto Ho, Alfredo Lopez Hernandez, Carlos Dionisio Aguirre

FR: Latif, 


Staff: Heidi Ullrich, Silvia Vivanco, Evin Erdogdu, Gisella Gruber, Claudia Ruiz, Michelle DeSmyter, Devan Reed, Andrey Shcherbovich, Benedetta Rossi, Berry Cobb, Steve Chan, Mary Wong, David Olive, Susie Johnson, Theresa Swinehart, Kimberly Carlson, Lars Hoffmann, Mandy Carver, Melissa Allgood, Michael Karakash, Naela Sarras, Siranush Vardanyan, Wendy Profit, Yaovi Atohoun, Karen Lentz


ES: Paula & Veronica

FR: Claire & Jacques

Call Management: Claudia Ruiz & Devan Reed

Guest Speakers: 

  • Avri Doria, ICANN Board

  • Becky Burr, ICANN Board

  • TBC - GAC

  • Kathy Kleiman - NCSG

  • Paul McGrady - IPC


  1. Introduction for Beginners – Jonathan Zuck (15 mins)/19:00-19:15 UTC)
  2. Board Current Responsibility on this Issue – Becky Burr and Avri Doria
  3. Scenarios
    1. Contrasting Scenarios - All (15 mins/19:15-19:30 UTC)
      1. The case for allowing all closed generics  10min – Marc

      2. The case for prohibiting all closed generics – 10 min – Kathy

      3. Questions – 10min – Avri/Becky

    2. Public Interest Exception - All (15 mins/19:30-19:45 UTC)
      1. The Case – 10min – Jonathan and others

      2. Rebuttal/Discussion – 5 min - Kathy/Marc

      3. Questions – 5min – Avri/Becky
    3. “Punt” back to community (2012 resolution) - All (15 mins/19:45-20:00 UTC)
      1. The Case

      2. Discussion

      3. Questions

  4. Open Discussion - (30 mins/20:00-20:30 UTC)