January 25 @17:00 UTC

January 25 @17:00 UTC


Members:  Nigel Roberts, Stephen Deerhake, Svitlana Tkachenko, Eberhard Lisse, Barrack Otieno, Peter Koch, Mirjana Tasic, Patricio Poblete, Peter Van Roste, Danko Jevtovic, Nenad Orlić, Allan MacGillivray

Participants: Maureen Hilyard

Observers and experts: Jaap Akkerehuis, Naela Sarras

Staff:  Bart Boswinkel, Kim Carlson, 

Apologies: Martin Boyle, Abibu R. Ntahigiye, Peter Van Roste, Nick Wenban-Smith


1. Welcome and roll call

2. Action items

  • Resend the correct version of scenario 2 document. Completed
  • Illustrate use of terminology around ISO 3166 by WS 5. Completed

3. Update chair Appointment

4. Scenario 2: comments and discussion

5. Work plan

6. AOB

7. Next meetings

8. Closure



Transcript:  EN

Chat transcripts:

Kimberly Carlson:Welcome to today's ccPDP on Retirement Working Group call on 25 January at 17:00 UTC
Kimberly Carlson:thanks Nigel, the operator is having trouble connecting as well
nigel:I'll redial
Nenad Orlić:hi
el:Do we have a quorum?
Nenad Orlić:we can quickly move on
Nenad Orlić:few points
Stephen Deerhake (.as):Do we have a strict definition of quorum?
Nenad Orlić:and there will be recording and transcript
Bart Boswinkel:No defition quorum
Nenad Orlić:ok
el:Peter I replied to your comment on the list
Svitlana Tkachenko:Hello!
Allan MacGillivray (.ca):I hope I can represent a quorum.
el:this is item 4 we are not ther yet
Danko Jevtović:thanks el!
Allan MacGillivray (.ca):Congratulations Stephen.
el:[...]I think the CS means the short lived one one for Serbia and Montenegroand so should perhaps read: CS (Serbia and Montenegro) was never delegated as a ccTLD, hence the removal from the list of country names had no effect.[...]On 25/01/2018 18:17, Peter Koch wrote:[...]> Looking at lines 47 and 48 on page two, I wonder whether the claim> that CS was never delegated for Czechoslovakia is really correct,[...]
Nenad Orlić:Serbia and Montenegro
Maureen Hilyard:I am reconnecting my AC - the audio is very erratic.
Peter Koch (DE):ack, thanks
el:let me dial in
Kimberly Carlson:Anyone with bad AC audio, please let me know if you need a dial out
Kimberly Carlson:yes, noting all the participants
el:so am back in
Stephen Deerhake (.as):Thank you Naela for that clarification from the IANA archives...
el:please email langauge to the list, and I shall amend accordingly, as usual
el:Nenad, please email me some language
Nenad Orlić:i will
el:I'll work on this one as well
el:I cann ot scroll the document
nigel:i can
Naela Sarras:@kim for the sake fo the notes clarity. What i said is that I was looking at a document showing .CS was deleated as of 1993 but not in1993. thanks
Nenad Orlić:For notes, please chagne 'Traffic logs when website was launched'
Nenad Orlić:to 'domain was launched'
Nenad Orlić:or .rs cctld launched
Stephen Deerhake (.as):Thank you El.
el:Can do Sans easily
Kimberly Carlson:thanks all, making note of clarification
Barrack Otieno AFTLD:No AOB from me
Danko Jevtović:nop
Nenad Orlić:bye
Barrack Otieno AFTLD:Thank you bye
Stephen Deerhake (.as):Thank youo Nigel. Bye all!
Allan MacGillivray (.ca):Thnaks all.
Danko Jevtović:thanks
Svitlana Tkachenko:Bye
Mirjana Tasic .rs:Bye
jaap akkerhuis:bye
Maureen Hilyard:IBye
Naela Sarras:@kim and all, correction what I typed above " .CS was deleated as of 1993" should have been "CS was delegated as of 1993 per our records"
Naela Sarras:thanks