Zoom Chat: 2021-09-14 EURALO Board Teleconference

Zoom Chat: 2021-09-14 EURALO Board Teleconference

14:01:37 From Roberto to Everyone:
I had a few minutes of panic around 18:15 UTC when I checked my calendar and it said that the Board call had started 15’ earlier - although I had memorised 18:00 UTC
14:01:55 From Roberto to Everyone:
*19:00 UTC
14:02:36 From Natalia Filina to Everyone:
14:10:23 From Roberto to Everyone:
just wanted to say that I did not ask to move the AGM to den Haag to avoid further work, I was ready to do it
14:10:50 From Roberto to Everyone:
but if it is better to have den Haag, fine with me!
14:15:09 From Heidi Ullrich to Everyone:
This is the FY22 Regional Strategy Plan
14:16:06 From Adam Peake to Everyone:
I have asked CROP staff about using funds for the IGF. No answer as yet. The issue is with timing and the requirements of the CROP process.
14:18:35 From Natalia Filina to Everyone:
Yes, thanks Heidi!
14:22:37 From Natalia Filina to Everyone:
ok, next call
14:24:32 From Matthias Hudobnik to Everyone:
Seb i will contact him
14:31:57 From Joanna Kulesza to Everyone:
Yup, that might work well.
14:41:23 From Adam Peake to Everyone:
For the future, NomCom selected Tanya for a position on the ccNSO Council. However, NomCom also selected Desiree Miloshevic to join GNSO, perhaps consider including Desiree as GNSO rep in future meetings?
14:41:34 From Roberto to Everyone:
the 3’ each speaker has been a good idea and it worked, my opinion only though
14:41:50 From Adam Peake to Everyone:
AS Seb know well - thanks for your work on NomCom!
14:45:18 From Matthias Hudobnik to Everyone:
Thx SeB!
14:45:20 From Natalia Filina to Everyone:
14:45:26 From Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond to Everyone:
bravo to you all
14:45:51 From Roberto to Everyone:
congratulate SeB for EURALO Chair
14:45:53 From Yrjo Lansipuro to Everyone:
Thank you, Sébastien
14:47:42 From Lutz Donnerhacke to Everyone:
14:48:00 From Lutz Donnerhacke to Everyone:
It should be continued. But I do not see that we can conclude in time
14:48:10 From Ricardo Holmquist to Everyone:
Congratulations Sebastian, Natalia. Great Job, but sure it Will be even better next period
14:49:27 From Matthias Hudobnik to Everyone:
Congrats to all!
14:49:29 From Natalia Filina to Everyone:
thank you so much Ricardo and all! May force be with us!-)
14:51:43 From Lutz Donnerhacke to Everyone:
Yes, I will do.
14:52:54 From Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond to Everyone:
Thanks Sébastien it was all interesting update
14:53:08 From Natalia Filina to Everyone:
thank you very much, great meeting! thanks Sebastien and all!
14:53:09 From Joanna Kulesza to Everyone:
Thanks all!
14:53:11 From Heidi Ullrich to Everyone:
Thanks, All.
14:53:18 From Heidi Ullrich to Everyone:
A lot of great activities planned!
14:53:19 From Adam Peake to Everyone:
Thank you.
14:53:21 From Ricardo Holmquist to Everyone:
thanks all
14:53:23 From Máté Mester to Everyone:
Thank you Seb, Goodbye to All.
14:53:27 From Roberto to Everyone:
Bye all!
14:53:31 From Matthias Hudobnik to Everyone:
Thanks SeB and Natalia well done!
14:53:46 From Gisella Gruber - ICANN Org to Everyone:
It is always a pleasure!
14:53:49 From Natalia Filina to Everyone:
Matthias thank you!
14:54:05 From Gisella Gruber - ICANN Org to Everyone:
Thank you to EVERYONE for joining this Board call!
14:54:15 From Matthias Hudobnik to Everyone:
14:54:17 From Gisella Gruber - ICANN Org to Everyone:
Thank you Sébastien for Chairing
14:54:18 From Lutz Donnerhacke to Everyone:
bye bye
14:54:23 From pari esfandiari to Everyone:
Thank u you in Sébastien and everyone
Have a great evening.