Zoom chat: 2021-02-08 NARALO Teleconference
13:58:02 From Glenn McKnight to Everyone : the screen looks odd
13:58:31 From Glenn McKnight to Everyone : it has some large grey blocks
13:58:43 From Silvia Vivanco to Everyone : Hello all
13:58:51 From Jose R. Lebron to Everyone : Hello
13:59:33 From leahsymekher to Everyone : Hi All..Leah here :-)
13:59:46 From Glenn McKnight to Everyone : Hi Leah Glenn here :)
14:00:33 From leahsymekher to Everyone : I am looking forward to the seminar Jonathan :-)
14:00:57 From Silvia Vivanco to Everyone : CA can be very exotic!
14:01:10 From Glenn McKnight to Everyone : Folks do not forget that ICANN NOMCOM has announced the nine spots open for ICANN
14:01:42 From Alfredo Calderon to Everyone : Dune movie...
14:02:01 From David Mackey to Everyone : If we lose you during the call Jonathan, we’ll know what happened to you. *the earth starts to rumble and shake*
14:02:07 From Heidi Ullrich to Everyone : Warm? This is cold for LA! ;)
14:03:33 From Jonathan Zuck to Everyone : 63 degrees
14:03:58 From Glenn McKnight to Everyone : NOMCOM Link
14:04:00 From Glenn McKnight to Everyone : https://www.icann.org/news/announcement-2021-01-25-en
14:04:17 From Silvia Vivanco to Everyone : Welcome all
14:04:41 From Silvia Vivanco to Everyone : Welcome to our colleagues Naela and Joe
14:04:49 From Gregory Shatan to Everyone : 28 degrees Fahrenheit here in NYC....
14:04:53 From Glenn McKnight to Everyone : Weather check in 23 F in Oshawa
14:05:34 From Glenn McKnight to Everyone : or -5 C
14:05:59 From David Mackey to Everyone : Thanks for the weather check from my home town Glenn :-)
14:06:17 From Ron da Silva to Everyone : hello all..
14:07:05 From Glenn McKnight to Everyone : i posted the NOMCOM announcement
14:07:10 From Marita Moll to Everyone : OFB-WG -- budget, organization matters, multistakeholder evolution, etc
14:08:25 From Evin Erdogdu to Everyone : Draft FY22-26 Operating & Financial Plan and Draft FY22 Operating Plan & Budget: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1MiH9pPJZLjInVZvs2vFaTabmpr91aTwb-7C9e1Tvung/edit?usp=sharing
14:08:43 From Heidi Ullrich to Everyone : The OFB-WG will review the document this Wednesday.
14:09:38 From Marita Moll to Everyone : Link to budget google doc:
14:09:46 From Marita Moll to Everyone : https://docs.google.com/document/d/1MiH9pPJZLjInVZvs2vFaTabmpr91aTwb-7C9e1Tvung/edit#
14:11:09 From Marita Moll to Everyone : Oh sorry -- staff beat me to it!
14:11:20 From David Mackey to Everyone : It’s good to do a trial run with a friendly audience :-)
14:11:40 From Eduardo Diaz to Everyone : We do have people that are not ICANN aware.
14:12:40 From Silvia Vivanco to Everyone : The video is linked to today’s Agenda page
14:12:47 From Glenn McKnight to Everyone : We are still getting the black boxes
14:13:10 From Claudia Ruiz to Everyone : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R12_y2BhKbE&feature=youtu.be
14:13:22 From David Mackey to Everyone : Thx Claudia
14:13:26 From Bill Jouris to Everyone : But fewer and smaller black boxes
14:14:04 From Glenn McKnight to Everyone : Worth watching is Jim Brownings video on reverse scamming the scammers
14:14:05 From Glenn McKnight to Everyone : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBNG0osIBAprVcZZ3ic84vw
14:14:48 From David Mackey to Everyone : Thanks Glenn
14:15:17 From Evan Leibovitch to Everyone : +1 @Glenn Browning has a whole YouTube channel, both useful and entertaining
14:15:37 From Claudia Ruiz to Everyone : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R12_y2BhKbE&feature=youtu.be
14:16:39 From David Mackey to Everyone : I noticed that too Eduardo
14:19:36 From Evan Leibovitch to Everyone : Also the YouTube channel "scammer revolts"
14:19:37 From Marita Moll to Everyone : Scary story @ Leah
14:20:23 From David Mackey to Everyone : mallware - what you wear in a mall?
14:23:43 From Evan Leibovitch to Everyone : "the most insecure component of a computer is the part between the keyboard and brain"
14:24:01 From Marita Moll to Everyone : The question is: do the people who need to see this content relate to that term -- do they instantly know what that is. I suggest not
14:24:22 From David Mackey to Everyone : +1 Greg
14:24:43 From Judith Hellerstein to Everyone : +1 Marita and +1 Greg
14:25:31 From Glenn McKnight to Everyone : https://fliphtml5.com/bookcase/fjasd
14:25:38 From Marita Moll to Everyone : Social invasion?
14:25:40 From Karen Mulberry to Everyone : Agree with Greg as well need to look at the End User and what is the term that they would relate to or is there a way that the term social engineering could be qualified in some way so the end user could under stand what it is
14:25:42 From Glenn McKnight to Everyone : Collection of ICANN Security presentations
14:25:50 From Glenn McKnight to Everyone : https://fliphtml5.com/bookcase/fjasd
14:26:39 From Glenn McKnight to Everyone : Online Safety Papers
14:26:40 From Glenn McKnight to Everyone : https://fliphtml5.com/bookcase/mvljo
14:26:41 From David Mackey to Everyone : “Con game”, yes!
14:27:22 From David Mackey to Everyone : definition shamelessly pulled from the web … “Social engineering is the art of exploiting human psychology, rather than technical hacking techniques, to gain access to buildings, systems or data.”
14:28:29 From Jose R. Lebron to Everyone : I believe that the term Social Engineering is more ample than other suggestions.
14:29:39 From Judith Hellerstein to Everyone : you should never do that. always go to the website on the web
14:31:58 From Evan Leibovitch to Everyone : I personality think that... from the perspective of my non tech friends and family... "phishing scam" is less ambiguous and academic than "social engineering"
14:33:11 From Marita Moll to Everyone : +1 Evan. Most of my neighbours know the words scam and phishing
14:33:35 From Marita Moll to Everyone : No need to explain that
14:33:37 From David Mackey to Everyone : wow, very difficult
14:33:59 From Glenn McKnight to Everyone : @ed do have that Phishing test ?
14:34:04 From Judith Hellerstein to Everyone : that is why you should just type in the address yourself and never, never click on a link
14:35:39 From David Mackey to Everyone : There’s challenge to not scare non-tech users with tech jargon
14:35:40 From Eduardo Diaz to Everyone : @Glenn - looking for it…
14:36:24 From David Mackey to Everyone : +1 Evan
14:36:56 From Eduardo Diaz to Everyone : Can you spot when you’re being phished? Practice here - https://phishingquiz.withgoogle.com
14:37:22 From Gregory Shatan to Everyone : These are also call "homoglyphs"
14:37:28 From David Mackey to Everyone : out of scope for today Evan :-)
14:38:35 From David Mackey to Everyone : Trademarks are useful for different stakeholders in a public marketplace
14:38:57 From Glenn McKnight to Everyone : Brian Cimbolic of PIR has produced with VSIG a session on DNS Abuse
14:39:22 From Alan Greenberg to Everyone : The point is that it is not only us that has an interest in novice user education.
14:39:29 From Glenn McKnight to Everyone : We will also have Daemon Ashcraft of IPC speaking in a couple of weeks
14:39:32 From David Mackey to Everyone : +1 Alan
14:39:56 From Gregory Shatan to Everyone : Damon is not a Daemon....
14:40:23 From Glenn McKnight to Everyone : correct Greg
14:41:31 From Glenn McKnight to Everyone : very hard to see it properly
14:41:46 From Sivasubramanian M to Everyone : yes, it is difficult to see the details
14:42:03 From Evan Leibovitch to Everyone : To me, inconclusive just based on what's there
14:42:26 From Glenn McKnight to Everyone : yes
14:45:20 From Sivasubramanian M to Everyone : I voted twice
14:47:23 From David Mackey to Everyone : +1 Judith
14:48:13 From Judith Hellerstein to Everyone : but the email is wrong and there is nothing on the amazon site
14:48:59 From Judith Hellerstein to Everyone : also says hello user and not Jonathan
14:50:12 From Evan Leibovitch to Everyone : Well, a Chase email going to a Canadian would be pretty suspect
14:50:16 From Judith Hellerstein to Everyone : unclear
14:51:04 From David Mackey to Everyone : I used the domain “chase.com” in the from address as meaning it was legit
14:51:05 From Jose R. Lebron to Everyone : EVEN IF IT IS LEGIT y would call the bank first.
14:51:11 From Heidi Ullrich to Everyone : Don’t banks normally call you if there is a fraud alert?
14:51:48 From Marita Moll to Everyone : It indicates that you talked to them about this. So, did you? If so, you would know it is valid
14:51:52 From Judith Hellerstein to Everyone : but you could go to the bank website and log in and see if they do not have the correct info
14:52:21 From Evan Leibovitch to Everyone : In Gmail there is a "report as spam"
14:55:54 From Marita Moll to Everyone : Except it asks for your info to get in.
14:55:55 From Evan Leibovitch to Everyone : Firefox also does a very good job of giving a warning if you're going to a domain used for scamming.
14:57:54 From Evan Leibovitch to Everyone : Sorry. Job emergency. Gotta leave. Sorry.
15:02:00 From Marita Moll to Everyone : Oh boy, everyone could be caught in something like this -- very tricky @JZ.
15:02:38 From Michelle DeSmyter to Everyone : Please be so kind as to fill out the webinar survey after today’s meeting: https://forms.gle/grs8CsgsW2A9dMUAA
15:02:59 From Judith Hellerstein to Everyone : that is also why i never give on the phone or through email unless i know them well or they also send me a email mail
15:03:07 From Judith Hellerstein to Everyone : snail mail
15:03:36 From Eduardo Diaz to Everyone : I know something similar has happened to a couple of Board Directors in one of the big banks here.
15:04:12 From David Mackey to Everyone : Thanks Jonathan
15:04:35 From Glenn McKnight to Everyone : thanks
15:04:51 From Silvia Vivanco to Everyone : Please complete the WEBINAR EVALUATION SURVEY
15:04:57 From Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong to Everyone : thanks
15:05:00 From leahsymekher to Everyone : Thank you Jonathan very helpful information.
15:05:04 From David Mackey to Everyone : +1 Marita
15:05:12 From Michelle DeSmyter to Everyone : Please be so kind as to fill out the webinar survey after today’s meeting: https://forms.gle/grs8CsgsW2A9dMUAA
15:05:48 From David Mackey to Everyone : It’s a very very challenging problem
15:05:57 From Heidi Ullrich to Everyone : Very informative.
15:06:07 From Gregory Shatan to Everyone : Great Work, Jonathan!
15:06:17 From Marita Moll to Everyone : Extra good!! JZ
15:06:47 From Gregory Shatan to Everyone : Social Re-Engineering???
15:06:56 From Sivasubramanian M to Everyone : Thank you Jonathan
15:06:58 From David Mackey to Everyone : lol Greg, hopefully
15:07:38 From Michelle DeSmyter to Everyone : Please be so kind as to fill out the webinar survey after today’s meeting: https://forms.gle/grs8CsgsW2A9dMUAA
15:07:46 From Evin Erdogdu to Everyone : Thanks Jonathan and all!
15:07:51 From Marita Moll to Everyone : Bye all
15:07:57 From Heidi Ullrich to Everyone : Bye, all