AC Chat: 2016-08-26 NARALO Tribal Ambassadorship SC Call
Terri Agnew:Welcome to the NARALO Tribal Ambassadorship SC Call held on Friday, 26 August 2016 at 17:00 UTC
Glenn McKnight:Valerie Fast HorseDirector, ITCoeur d'Alene Tribe208-686-5059
Glenn McKnight:602.430.2282
Glenn McKnight:has anyone else joined adgo?
Glenn McKnight:@terri ayone else
judith hellerstein:i think we are waiting for loris taylor
Terri Agnew:April is on audio
judith hellerstein:Loris's number is 928-853-2430
Terri Agnew:Welcome Loris Taylor
judith hellerstein:Love the rooster calling
Maureen Hilyard:Yes I have our un-favourite rooster sitting in a tree just outside my office window. So annoying!
judith hellerstein:Funny thing is that the children animals sounds are different language wise. In the US rooster sounds are cock a doodle do but in Israel it is Cookoo rico
judith hellerstein:and in other languages it is different as well
Terri Agnew:@Loris, check your mute on your side
Terri Agnew:confirmed Loris is still connected on audio only
judith hellerstein:@glenn she would be good on outreach and engagement
judith hellerstein:@maureen great idea about a blog
Terri Agnew:Muareen is still connected
Maureen Hilyard:I can hear but y side seems to have dropped. But I just wanted to know what was the next steps from here? Admin with you guys? ICANN with me?
Terri Agnew:Welcome Valerie Fast Horse
Terri Agnew:ICANN57 Hyderabad Webinar/ Adobe Connect: • Dial in numbers:• Passcode: 2569#
Maureen Hilyard:I think she definitely needs to get a passport to do anything further
Maureen Hilyard:Thanks Judith.