Zoom chat: 2020-01-21 EURALO Monthly Teleconference
11:57:41 From gisella.gruber : Welcome to the EURALO call!
12:00:50 From gisella.gruber : Welcome to all!
12:01:07 From gisella.gruber : As the ALAC call is just wrapping up, a few people may be joining momentarily
12:01:29 From iPad Sana : hello everyone
12:04:17 From iPad Sana : congratulations to Cristopher! warm welcome!
12:04:22 From Filina Natalia : Hi all!
12:08:31 From Filina Natalia : Dear Chris, thank you join us today!
12:12:20 From Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond : I had a question
12:13:21 From Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond : The question was: with Alexandra Kulikova having left ICANN in December 2019, who is now in charge of the Russia & CIS Region?
12:14:00 From Filina Natalia : Natalia Mochu?
12:14:37 From Oksana Pryhodko : great question, Olivier!
12:15:14 From Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond : Natalia Mochu was Alexandra's 2nd in charge
12:23:24 From Adam Peake : Apologies, left my hand up
12:26:19 From Ricardo Holmquist : Jan 23, 2020 new meeting of FBSC
12:32:39 From Roberto Gaetano : @SeB: you are welcome
12:33:41 From gisella.gruber : Welcome to the new EURALO Board!
12:33:47 From gisella.gruber : The page will be updated momentarily
12:34:56 From Heidi Ullrich : Congratulations to all candidates! Welcome to the new Board members.
12:36:03 From Filina Natalia : few months, yes
12:36:07 From Filina Natalia : thank you
12:44:13 From Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond : Stakeholder Engagement Tool: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/atlarge/pages/99689583/ICANN+Stakeholder+Analysis+Tool
12:49:25 From Heidi Ullrich : Post-ATLAS III workspace: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/ATLAS3/pages/101814915/Post-ATLAS+III+Activities
12:50:27 From Lutz Donnerhacke : Sorry, I'm terribly late. I had to pick up my son int the city first.
12:50:59 From Filina Natalia : Welcome, Lutz!
12:52:06 From gisella.gruber : Welcome Lutz and congratulations for your election to the EURALO Board
12:53:01 From Oksana Pryhodko : @Heidi did you send confirmation that you received our (my) ATLAS III report?
12:53:28 From Lutz Donnerhacke : Thank you, Gisella. Just received the email
12:57:46 From Filina Natalia : Heidi is an author of the most great O&E ideas-)
13:03:13 From gisella.gruber : https://www.icann.org/news/announcement-2020-01-14-en
13:06:42 From Roberto Gaetano : Great job indeed with the newsletter, Natalia
13:07:12 From Yrjo Lansipuro : +1
13:09:26 From Roberto Gaetano : Maybe this is a discussion more relevant for the ALS Mobilization, but worth mentioning here: we could encourage ALSes to distribute it to their members
13:10:03 From Siranush Vardanyan : good to know in advance a bit more details and how I can be helpful :)
13:10:10 From Filina Natalia : -)
13:10:40 From Filina Natalia : Daniel and me will inform you dear Siranush-)
13:10:59 From Siranush Vardanyan : thanks, dear Natalia
13:11:32 From Filina Natalia : Roberto, Yrjo, thank you. +1 to Roberto too
13:12:03 From Heidi Ullrich : @Seb, please let Staff know re your decision
13:12:42 From Sebastien Bachollet : Yes Heidi
13:12:50 From Oksana Pryhodko : If I do insist to share my contact details?
13:13:07 From Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond : https://individualusers.org/become-a-member/
13:13:55 From Roberto Gaetano : I will
13:14:06 From Roberto Gaetano : We had already some discussions on this
13:14:21 From Filina Natalia : thank you Sebastien and all!
13:14:34 From Lutz Donnerhacke : Thank you
13:14:36 From Roberto Gaetano : Bye
13:14:36 From Filina Natalia : bye bye
13:14:40 From Lutz Donnerhacke : bye
13:14:41 From Siranush Vardanyan : bye all
13:14:53 From Anne-Marie Joly-Bachollet : bye
13:14:58 From gisella.gruber : Goodbye