Zoom chat: 2023-02-21 EURALO Round table 1 by EURALO
11:56:04 From Olévié A. A Kouami to Everyone:
Chaleureuses salutations du Sénégal. Warmest greetings from Sénégal. And thank you for the invitation.
11:58:06 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr to Everyone:
G'day from Australia...
11:59:25 From Glenn McKnight to Everyone:
Hi Lisa Javier is trying to arrange a meeting if you are going to be in Cancun on our Eco-advocates at ICANN
11:59:47 From Hadia El Miniawi to Everyone:
We can hear you well
12:00:02 From Glenn McKnight to Everyone:
@Pari working on a followup meeting with Becky Nash etc in Cancun
12:00:31 From denise hochbaum to Everyone:
Hello Pari and all participants!
12:01:35 From Lise Fuhr to Everyone:
Hi Glenn Yes I am in Cancun and can meet you and Javier.
12:02:35 From Gopal Tadepalli to Everyone:
Greetings. - Dr. T V Gopal, Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, College of Engineering, Guindy Campus, Anna University , Chennai, INDIA.
12:03:08 From Frank Anati to Everyone:
Hi everyone Frank Anati from Ghana
12:03:46 From Olévié A. A Kouami to Everyone:
Greetings from Senegal
12:07:59 From Mouloud Khelif to Everyone:
Greetings from Geneva
12:08:52 From HERVE HOUNZANDJI to Everyone:
Greetings from Nancy - France
12:09:09 From Hadia El Miniawi to Everyone:
Greetings from Egypt
12:11:27 From BETTY FAUSTA to Everyone:
Good news this consortium
12:13:26 From Maureen Hilyard to Everyone:
Sorry Im late - caught up in another meeting, busy morning.
12:17:16 From Hadia El Miniawi to Everyone:
@Glenn yeast was clear
12:30:09 From Nicolas Fiumarelli - ICANN76 Fellow to Everyone:
Nicolas Fiumarelli - ICANN 76 Fellow, I have 4 questions for the final part, just in case is there enough time, thanks for the opportunity: Q1. How will DNS4EU ensure that its policies for determining illegal content strike the right balance between security and maintaining access to legitimate content? And how will the consortium ensure transparency and accountability in its policies?
Q2. Given the enhanced security levels DNS4EU aims to provide, what are the potential risks and challenges for avoiding internet fragmentation? How will the consortium ensure that its services are compatible with other DNS providers?
Q3. Can you explain the consortium decision-making process and how concerns about premium services are being addressed in the context of security by design?
Q4. In terms of content blocking, will DNS4EU use hash-based blocking or another method?
12:31:43 From BETTY FAUSTA to Everyone:
Reacted to "Nicolas Fiumarelli -..." with
12:32:48 From BETTY FAUSTA to Everyone:
You are right Nicolas. I'm afraid that could be difficult for small economy
12:33:48 From Olévié A. A Kouami to Everyone:
Reacted to "Nicolas Fiumarelli -..." with
12:38:10 From HERVE HOUNZANDJI to Everyone:
It is DNS4EU. EU = resilient and big economy
12:43:47 From DTECH ECUADOR to Everyone:
Fraternals regards ,Question: What si the polític for Latín América un this project ? atte Diego Acosta Bastidas msc DTECH ECUADOR Attorneys at Law Legaltech Tecnologicals business and projects dtechecuador@gmail.com
12:44:25 From Nicolas Fiumarelli - ICANN76 Fellow to Everyone:
Reference to OONI (Open Observatory of Network Interference)
12:46:30 From Olévié A. A Kouami to Everyone:
Reacted to "Reference to OONI (O..." with
13:15:03 From Nicolas Fiumarelli - ICANN76 Fellow to Everyone:
Thank you.
13:15:19 From Olévié A. A Kouami to Everyone:
Reacted to "Thank you." with
13:17:22 From Olévié A. A Kouami to Everyone:
Such a regional project is very inspirational for us all. Thanks a lot.
13:27:39 From Olévié A. A Kouami to Everyone:
Net neutrality
13:27:49 From Heidi Ullrich - ICANN Org to Everyone:
Excellent session. Thanks, All!
13:28:18 From Olévié A. A Kouami to Everyone:
Very fruitfull session. Thank you so much.
13:28:46 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr to Everyone:
Yes thankyou all for an excellent discussion
13:28:54 From Robert Nkambwe (Bugema University) to Everyone:
Excellent presentation! thank you all
13:28:57 From HERVE HOUNZANDJI to Everyone:
Thank you all.
13:29:01 From Olévié A. A Kouami to Everyone:
Kudos to the DNS4EU
13:29:20 From Mouloud Khelif to Everyone:
Thank you for an insightful presentation and discussion
13:29:20 From Hadia El Miniawi to Everyone:
Thank you for this interesting discussion
13:29:37 From Cheryl Langdon-Orr to Everyone:
Well done Pari and the EURALO Team
13:30:00 From Maureen Hilyard to Everyone:
Great session
13:30:14 From BETTY FAUSTA to Everyone:
13:30:18 From Olévié A. A Kouami to Everyone:
Merci pour tout Sébastien.
13:30:29 From Olévié A. A Kouami to Everyone:
Warm regards
13:30:31 From denise hochbaum to Everyone:
Thank you! Excellent discussion!
13:30:35 From Adam Peake - ICANN Org to Everyone:
Thank you everyone
13:31:09 From Sébastien Bachollet to Everyone:
13:31:47 From Sébastien Bachollet to Everyone:
13:31:54 From Lise Fuhr to Everyone:
Thank you for very interesting discussions - looking forward to continue the debate.
13:31:58 From Hannah Frank to Everyone:
Thank you !
13:33:24 From Pari Esfandiari to Everyone:
Thank you very much everyone.
13:33:26 From Hadia El Miniawi to Everyone:
Bye all thank you EURALO
13:33:26 From Olévié A. A Kouami to Everyone: