AFRALO Showcase and Reception 2013-07-15 - Durban

AFRALO Showcase and Reception 2013-07-15 - Durban

AFRALO Showcase and Reception - Durban

Date: Monday, 15 July 2013

Time: 18:00 - 19:30 UTC (For the time in various timezones click here)      

Meeting Number: AL.AF/CC.12    0713/2

How can I participate in this meeting?

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Action Items:     AFRALO Durban Showcase Action Items EN 2013-07-15

Recording:       English      

AC Chat transcript:     AFRALO Durban Showcase AC Chat 2013-07-15 

Adobe Connect Meeting Room:   http://icann.adobeconnect.com/dur47-hall2ab/


Staff:  Silvia Vivanco, Heidi Ullrich, Gisella Gruber, Susie Johnson // Matt Ashtiani, Carlos Reyes*


Theme: AFRALO: Getting Closer to the Local African End-User Community

  1. Arrival of Delegates and Invited Guests with music, dance, refreshments and entertainment (5 minutes)
  2. Welcome by the Moderator, Tijani Ben Jemaa (3 minutes)
  3. Welcome Address by AFRALO Chair - Fatimata Seye Sylla (5 minutes)
  4. Opening Address by the Chair of ALAC and Intruduction of the CEO - Olivier Crépin-LeBlond (3 minutes)
  5. Address from ICANN President and Chief Executive Officer, Fadi Chehadé (7 minutes)
  6. Address from the ICANN Board Chair, Steve Crocker,(7 minutes)
  7. Introductory Speakers (5 minutes each)
    1. Sebastien Bachollet, Member of the ICANN Board selected by At-Large
    2. Pierre Dandjinou, VP, Stakeholder Engagement, Africa
  8. Presentation of the AFRALO ALSes - Aziz Hilali, AFRALO Secretariat (5 minutes)
  9. Selected African speakers (10 minutes each)
    1. Kudzani Tenga - Student - University of South Africa - Durban
    2. James Njenga - Senior Lecturer -University of Western Cape - Cape Town
    3. Mercy Moyo - Assistant Program Officer -  Information Training & Outreach (ITOCA) - Centurion
  10. Wrap-Up - Fatimata Seye Sylla,AFRALO Chair and Tijani Ben Jemaa, AFRALO ALAC representative and AFRALO Vice-Chair (5 minutes)
  11. Address by Titilayo Olujumoke, Google (3 minutes)

  12. Address by Adiel Akplogan, AFRINIC (3 minutes)

  13. Entertainment and Light Refreshments through 19:30