(pre)ICANN73 | ccNSO Members Meeting

(pre)ICANN73 | ccNSO Members Meeting

Table of Contents:


Learn more about the ccNSO Sessions at or around ICANN73 here or below. 


Register to Attend

Sign up today to join us for ICANN73

Virtual Community Forum from 7-10 March, in UTC -4
Information and schedule: https://73.schedule.icann.org
Prep Week (22-24 February): https://73.schedule.icann.org/prep-week

  • You must be registered and signed in to view the ICANN73 schedule and participation details. 
  • Access and ability to log into the schedule platform can take up to 30 minutes after completing the registration process. 
  • Zoom recordings are posted on the ICANN org schedule platform within the session description of each session as soon as they become available, which is generally the same day as the live session, by the end of the day or within 12 hours of the session conclusion.

  • Follow ICANN on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, or Instagram to get the latest #ICANN73 news.  Follow ccNSO on Twitter.

ccNSO Members Meeting


ccTLD News Sessions

Wednesday, 2 March 2022 (13 UTC)
Thursday, 3 March 2022 (9 UTC)

The conversation continues

After each session, there will be an opportunity to further explore the topic areas that each speaker will cover, or have an informal conversation with your peers in Zoom breakout rooms.  You are warmly invited to continue the conversation and meet the presenters.  We recommend using the Zoom desktop or mobile app (version 5.3.0. or higher) to be able to join or leave the breakout room of your preference.  Here are the instructions on how to join or leave the breakout room of your preference. 

About ccTLD News

ccTLD News Sessions have an excellent collection of case studies, statistics, new developments, trends and more. The ccTLD News Sessions have been a part of the ccNSO Members Meetings for several years and has provided a global platform for both experienced and new people to meet, share experiences and discuss ccTLD-related aspects. The sessions are organised by the ccNSO Meetings Programme Committee (MPC).  The ccTLD News Sessions are open to all.  

 Session Recordings 

ccNSO Newcomer Webinar

Wednesday, 23 February 2022 (13:30 UTC) 

 Session Recordings 

Are you new to the ccNSO, or would like to learn more? Join Biyi Oladipo (.ng), ccNSO Councillor election by the ccNSO members from the African region for a
 1-hour ccTLD Webinar for newcomers.  Biyi will help you to gain an understanding of the work of the ccNSO, what to expect from the ccNSO at the Virtual ICANN73 Virtual Annual General Meeting, as well as how ccTLD community representatives can participate in the important work that affects you and your region.